Tuesday, October 22, 2024

To Fellow Americans And Nations, The Government Will Not Be Warning The Nations And May Be A Strong Possibility They Are Working On A Huge Project, Here Right Now, Disrupting The Earth Magnetic Field To Plan An Huge Attack On The Nations, Creating Radiation From Solar Storms Produce By Energy To Destroy Half The World Population For Them To Have Full Power And Control As One World Government Was Written Based On The Book Of Revelation Prophecy.

If this energy be released, the energy can create solar storms producing radiation and can penetrate the earth killing off life and human population and one world government was written based on the book of Revelation prophecy and in order for them to have full control and power as one world government, they would have to destroy half the world population, which includes, other governments and world 

leaders and nations and they are setting up nations here right now in this time, to destroy themselves in war and they are not telling the others here and the public what they are planning here, is big and the government will not be warning the nations and public, because they do not want people to have the chance. The whole world should prepare here now what is coming and they think no one doesn't 

know are have a damn clue what they are doing here in this time and all around the world and how can people are supposed to know what obedience is and have the chance, if no one is supposed to know what they are doing here in this time and are supposed to be a secret and the bible were written based on laws and if people knew just how sick they were, they would want to have nothing to do with them here 

and government world leaders and there are many more of them here in this time involved in keeping this information from the public, like if it has nothing to do with what was written in the bible, and just want to destroy people because of their hate and insane evil.           

To Fellow Americans And Nations, The Government Will Not Be Warning The Nations And May Be A Strong Possibility They Are Working On A Huge Project, Here Right Now, Disrupting The Earth Magnetic Field To Plan An Huge Attack On The Nations, Creating Radiation From Solar Storms Produce By Energy To Destroy Half The World Population For Them To Have Full Power And Control As One World Government Was Written Based On The Book Of Revelation Prophecy, HD Video

To Fellow Americans And Nations, The Government Will Not Be Warning The Nations And May Be A Strong Possibility They Are Working On A Huge Project, Here Right Now, Disrupting The Earth Magnetic Field To Plan An Huge Attack On The Nations, Creating Radiation From Solar Storms Produce By Energy To Destroy Half The World Population For Them To Have Full Power And Control As One World Government Was Written Based On The Book Of Revelation Prophecy.

Host by the watchmen11 October 22-2024 at 9:30 pm


Host by the watchmen11 October 23-2024 at 8:30 pm at


Descendants Of Lucifer Are At War With Descendants Of God Chosen People Israel, The Battle Continues A Great Battle Will Be Taking Place Here In The Future Into A Place Called Armageddon!





In people mind they think they can trust this spirit, the devil not realizing this spirit (creature) is their enemy Lucifier, (Satan) and Baal, Beelzebub, Asmodeus, Belphegor, Persephone, Lilith, Azrael, Kali, Annabelle, and Damien are setting them up to get mankind destroy themselves were written in ancient biblical prophecies written about people in this time and the pass and future and God commandments.




Ancient Discovery Written In Biblical History Late Centuries Ago In Ancient Times And No One In This Time For Many Years Was Aware They Were Living Here With Demons In Celestial Bodies And How They Came Here Into Our Time Into Existence Here Centuries Ago In The Bible.




They Are Setting Up The Whole World Accusing And Blaming Them To Think This Is Their Fault And Mankind Is Just A Game Just To Compete” I Think The World Might Want To See This.




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