Thursday, October 24, 2024

Is A Strong Possibility The Government Is Working On This Huge Project Here Right Now, Disrupting The Earth Magnetic Field To Plan A Huge Attack On The Nations Destroying Half Of The World Population For Them To Have Full Power And Control As One World Government Were Written Based On The Book Of Revelation Prophecy.

Based on the book of Revelation prophecy the earth will experience catastrophes produce by these events, will trigger earthquakes in different parts of the earth and large hail and hurricanes and tornados and fires and tsunamis and sinkholes and the earth temperature will rise because of warmer temperatures and high heat,

melting icebergs and rising sea levels because of harmful solar energy from the sun and cosmic radiation. The earth ozone layer is protected by a magnetic field and the earth magnetic field protects the earth from harmful solar energy and cosmic radiation. The earth magnetic field is being stripped away, is not just coming from

because of solar winds it is coming from because sun flares are being released from the sun can stripped away the earth's magnetic field a thousand times worse, than solar winds. The government know sun flares can do twice the damage using dangerous machines they create. Most of the storms we have seen here are not from

natural causes and solar winds and sun flares can strip away the earth magnetic field, and these flares can affect weather patterns and release harmful radiation, and earthquakes can take place when energy pressure builds up, can trigger earthquakes and cause sinkholes and if more of the earth ozone layer be stripped

away, the earth can be exposed to high levels of radiation, can kill off life and human population and animals. And based on the book of Revelation prophecy more events will occur here when this prophecy comes to pass in the book of Revelation and a third of this earth will be dark here in the future because of these

events and a third of this earth will burn with fire here in the future and a third of human population will die because of smoke, fire and brimstone and third part of waters will become wormwood and many men will die of the waters, here in the future because they were made bitter. And men will be scorched with great heat

here in the future because of high temperatures and more events will occur here in the future when this prophecy comes to pass in the book of Revelation. Based on the book of Revelation prophecy, we will see more earthquakes here in different parts of the earth like never before, because of these events.

Revelation chapter 8 verse 7-12 and Revelation chapter 9 verse 15-21 and Revelation 16 verse 8-9 and Revelation 6 verse 12-17 and Revelation 16 verse 17-21 and Revelation chapter 8 verse 1-5

Something big will occur here before this prophecy comes to pass in the book of Revelation and is a strong possibility they are working on a huge project, here right now, disrupting the earth magnetic field to plan a huge attack on the nations, creating radiation from solar storms produce by energy to destroy half the world

population for them to have full power and control as one world government was written based on the book of Revelation prophecy. One world government was written based on the book of Revelation prophecy and this huge project they are

working on here now involves in destroying half of the world population for them to have full power and control as one world government.

Revelation 13 verse 1-18 power was given to him over all kindreds, and tongues, nations here in the future. Please visit my social pages for complete video and post details.

To Fellow Americans And Nations, The Government Will Not Be Warning The Nations And May Be A Strong Possibility They Are Working On A Huge Project, Here Right Now, Disrupting The Earth Magnetic Field To Plan An Huge Attack On The Nations, Creating Radiation From Solar Storms Produce By Energy To Destroy Half The World Population For Them To Have Full Power And Control As One World Government Was Written Based On The Book Of Revelation Prophecy.

Descendants Of Lucifer Are At War With Descendants Of God Chosen People Israel, The Battle Continues A Great Battle Will Be Taking Place Here In The Future Into A Place Called Armageddon

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