Monday, September 9, 2024

The Government Of The United Nations And World Leaders Are Guilty Under The Court Of Law And Have Sworn Under False Oath And Have Violated The Constitutional Laws And Have Committed Treason And Acts Of War Against These Whole Nations And Have Violated People Rights And Our Countries And United States Of American And Have Endanger Our Whole Nations!!

While they are out there playing world leaders and accusing the whole nations of crimes, Why don't they tell people and the whole nations the real truth, they are a bunch of lying scum bags and clowns and a donkey's a*s and have lied in the eyes before the whole nations and based on my experience and years of researching and studying ancient knowledge of the bible, I am a witness and have discovered an old

ancient secret has been uncovered and no one in this time for many years was aware of this secret and scandal they have hidden from the public and they do not want the public to discover this ancient secret written about mankind will trigger war and the apocalypse of book of Revelation and for many years they have kept the truth a secret from the public and no one here in this time was aware of this 

secret written about people in this time and the pass and future and were deceived with false doctrine and they come from a long bloodline and are descendants from hell, seed of the devil and for many years they kept the truth a secret from the public an old ancient secret written about mankind's future and the pass and present and God's law and government world leaders and church organizations and CIA 

and members of secret societies and illuminati and Ice's and Masdons and Joe Biden and Donald Trump and CDC and evangelism and deacons and T.D. Jakes and Pope Francis and George Bush and Obama and KKK are involved with this scandal and government cover up and do not want the public to discover this ancient secret written about mankind and think their lies can protect them from being 

discovered and because other people have not discovered and have witness what was written in the real law about mankind and the pass, present and future, they do not have to lie about it because they are speaking based on their opinion and would be making a false claim, saying the real gospel does not exist what God had written himself centuries ago and if the real gospel did not exist what was written 

about mankind centuries ago based on real prophecies written about people in this time and the pass and future, then they would come before the media and public and defend themselves, proving they are being accuse of lies here in this time and they know they would need to be really careful not to make the wrong move appearing before the nations is because they know they are lying and do not want to get 

caught in a lie and this not democracy and wealth and fame and their lying a*s having power and control, this is about the truth and think they can unestimated people thinking they will not discover the truth and have no business playing with people life and soul in the first place and think they can play with fire will get burn, and their action indicate and is accusing God he is not the truth, then how 

can the nations be judged and condemned and prosecuted and accused and punish for their crimes, would be saying the nations are being condemned and judged and accused and punish for nothing without the truth and the blind cannot lead the blind nor can a devil judge and accuse another devil and how can they falsely accuse the nations of their crimes, when they are double minded and is 

a lying two-face hypocrite themselves having a mote in their eyes and based on the book of Revelation chapter 13 verse 11-18; they are going to create an image here in the future, a stature and will come alive and speak and a person who do not worship this image will be killed and people will be beheaded for the word of God and based on the book of Revelation, a false prophet will be coming here 

in the future, and he is the second beast of book of Revelation and will have power to make fire come down from heaven and to give life unto an image, a global spiritual body a stature and what they are planning here is a kingdom of evil. An angel in the book of Revelation chapter 13 reveal to John in the spirit, the things to come in our time in the future and how can they think they can keep God's truth 

a secret and things to come based on the bible in Revelation 13 verse 7 And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations and Revelation 6 verse 1-17 And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, come and see and 7 Seals will 

be open, and trumpets will sound, and plagues and vials will be loose here on this earth and rivers will become blood and water will become wormwood and bitter and men will die from bitter water and the whole nations will come under serious attacks and blows and possible nuclear explosion and third of this earth will burn with fire and large hails will fall to the earth and earthquakes will hit in different 

parts of this earth and the whole world will be curse with more plagues based on ancient prophecies and 7 seals will open here in the future fill with Gods wrath.

Discover Ancient Knowledge Of The Bible And Secret Power And New World Order Secret Societies And Who Will It Be This Man Of Sin, The False Antichrist Of Book Of Revelation, HD Movie will broadcast live, Host by the watchmen11 at 9:30 pm September 8 thru 9 ,2024, please check for schedule for time and date.

Broadcast live September 9,2024 at 6:00 pm at

The scenes you are about to watch in this video was created to demonstrate what is happening here in the real world are based on real bible prophecies and the book of Revelation and the government of the United Nations have sworn under false oath and have abused power and the nations, and they are not there to protect and serve the nations, but to destroy it and have put these whole nations in danger 

causing social global unrest, to invoke violence, crimes and hate among the nations to fight and destroy each other and the whole world is being misled and people are living their life here based on lies and false hood and deception and hate and violence and they are attacking the nations and setting up the stage for one world government and new world order and the mark of the beast based on the book of 

Revelation and think people cannot recognize them here and private organization names they go by, like for example, KKK and Illuminati and Ice's and Freemasons and Secret Society and secretive power elite and many other private organization names they are going by here in this time and if they get complete control of these whole nations, they can destroy the whole world, and their hidden agenda is 

reuniting people under one religion organization so they can peacefully except Un goal, such as population control and abortion rights and one world government and new age movement combines with the new world order and the devil know this and through the new age movement have taught millions to trust in another Jesus and other Christ antichrist and satanic agenda to control the world 

secret society and there are more names and people who are involve are being discovered here in this time and they have been covering up the truth for years what was written in the real gospel about mankind's future and the pass and present and the commandments of God and how can they think they can fool people with this sh*t, and manipulate the public to keep themselves from being discovered 

pretending they are church leaders and government world leaders and law enforcements and business companies and doctors and lawyers and husbands and wives and relatives and son and daughter and care providers and thousands of more names and people they are using here in this time, and they lied to the whole public and covered up the truth about UFOs and demons to keep themselves from 

being discovered here in this time and they are going to be mad when people discover this secret learning about them and think their lies will protect them from being discovered and will do anything to protect themselves from being discovered and people learning about them and how can the whole nations be so ignorant and church leaders and their organizations and government world leaders 

and law enforcements and CDC and thousands of more people and names they are using here in this time, create secret societies to protect their identity from being discovered and they are controlling society and mankind with drugs and lust and money and wealth and life simple pleasures and occult and music and witchcraft and they have created thousands of programs and anti-terrorism 

organizations to control and manipulate the whole world attacking the nations, manipulating the mask and there are thousands and thousands more of them here in this time are involved with this scandal and government cover up and have manipulated this whole world with their filthy lies and lust and they will do just about anything to keep people from learning the real truth about them and what 

was written in the real gospel, even kill if they have too, to stop people from discovering the truth and they are the ones attacked and rape and have murdered children and men and women. And no one should never tell a lie in the first place and people have been living here all this time believing and thinking they are Christians just living here and church leaders and their organizations have 

committed fraud and scandal and have manipulated the whole public teaching false doctrine to keep people from discovering the truth, pretending to be church leaders and know people did not come here into this world to live here without God laws and they already know there are no Christians here in this time is because no one here in this time were told the truth with the real gospel, not unless a person 

has read and study the real gospel. The video will tell you a little bit more about them and where this secret power comes from, they have over these whole nations. The bible contains real ancient history and biblical prophecies and God's law written about mankind, the code names they give themselves and 

secret society is to protect their identity from being discovered here in this time are based on real ancient history and biblical prophecies.

Please visit my social pages for complete post and video details, thank you.

And Old Ancient Secret And UFOs And Ancient Aliens And Demons And Fallen Angels Have Been Discovered Here In This Time And No One Here In This Time For Many Years Was Aware Of This Secret And Scandal And Government Cover Up They Have Hidden From The Public And They Do Not Want The Public To Discover This Ancient Secret Written About Mankind And Think Their Lies Can Protect Them And Keep Them From Being Discovered And People Learning About Them And Know If People Discover This Ancient Secret And Scandal And Government Cover Up, Will Trigger War And The Apocalypse Of Book Of Revelation.

Discover Ancient Knowledge Of The Bible And Secret Power And New World Order Secret Societies And Who Will It Be This Man Of Sin, The False Antichrist Of Book Of Revelation, HD Movie

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