Saturday, September 14, 2024

Government World Leaders And Church Pastors And Trump And Biden And Obama Are A Bitc*Alien Scum!

Aliens Scum of the universe the whole earth is being rape and molested by aliens, and murdered by dangerous insane creatures here in this time and they are screwing the whole earth breeding with humans and themselves and is covering up their alien scum and hiding themselves, and there are hundreds and thousands of them

here and have spreaded this whole earth, them and their kind and this whole earth is infested with alien scum sh*t and if what were supposed to be written about people according to the real gospel, why have this alien scum sh*t have been covered up and people are in a delusion in their mind and is not aware, is it perhaps

is because they are not supposed to know the real truth people are living here with dangerous aliens and demons raping and murdering men and women and children here in this time and accusing them of crimes and condemning them and what gives them the right to judge and condemn these whole nations and when they are the

scum of the universe and are dangerous and a threat to mankind and insane unstable creatures having no control and are responsible for leading these whole nations astray and people corrupting themselves and are being control by demons and what purpose have people and aliens have been living here together for

years and decades for in a delusional mind not aware of they are living here with dangerous aliens in celestial bodies and demons attacking them and it has been years and decades and people still have not learn the truth yet are supposed to be based on the real gospel written about mankind and what excuse for this kind of

behavior what they have done to people here in this time and have murdered hundreds and thousands of innocence men and women and children for decades and there is no excuse for this kind of behavior because of their insanity and madness and evil and hate and in secureness and how can an insane beast (devil)

judge another devil when they both are the same and are corrupted and what they have done to people and these whole nations are based on sanity and madness and evil and hate and would have nothing to do with judging this earth based on righteous laws and justice and respect and they what to make it look like people are

just living a normal life here in this time and they are covering up alien's scum and belongs in the underworld with the rest of their scum sh*t and a person do not respect scum like that and is a whore and every one of those monsters belong condemned.

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