Sunday, September 29, 2024

In People Mind They Think They Can Trust Lucifier, (Satan) And Baal, Beelzebub, Asmodeus, Belphegor..

In people mind they think they can trust this spirit, the devil not realizing this spirit (creature) is their enemy Lucifier, (Satan) and Baal, Beelzebub, Asmodeus, Belphegor, Persephone, Lilith, Azrael, Kali, Annabelle, and Damien are setting them up to get mankind destroy themselves were written in ancient biblical prophecies written about people in this time and the pass and future and God commandments.

They manipulated the whole world and made people and the whole world believe and think in their mind everything they see here in this life is real and evil spirits have people believing a delusion in their mind and have people believing what they are thinking in their mind is the truth, is because people were not told the truth about the purpose of their existence and

people do not know the truth what purpose they are here for and in their mind, they think they can trust this spirit, the devil not realizing this spirit (creature) is their enemy, is because people were not told the truth what purpose they are here for and cannot see this spirit (creature) for what he is. And people do not know this creature, the devil is their enemy

and is setting them up here in this time were written in biblical history late centuries ago in ancient times based on ancient biblical prophecies written about people in this time and the pass and future and God commandments. People have no idea this beast is their enemy and is setting them up to get mankind destroy themselves were written in ancient biblical

prophecies. People think Lucifier, (Satan) and Baal, Beelzebub, Asmodeus, Belphegor, Persephone, Lilith, Azrael, Kali, Annabelle, and Damien, is their friend and have their trust and those punks are no real leaders and is a jackass, and is setting people up here in this time, were written in biblical history late centuries ago in ancient times based on ancient

biblical prophecies. The devil lied to people here in this time and took advantage of them is because he knows what people do not understand and were not told the truth what purpose they are here for and what is coming in the book of Revelation is to get mankind destroy and what this spirit didn’t tell them, people will no longer have what they see here and will lose everything

and Donald Trump and Joe Biden and government world leaders and church pastors and their organizations are relatives of demons in celestial bodies. Please visit the watchmen11 social pages for complete details and they are setting up the whole world accusing and blaming them to think this is their fault and mankind is just a game just to

compete and have endanger these whole nations with their deceit and manipulation and corruption and lust and whoredom and adulteress and fraud and scandal and fornication and practice of witchcraft and occult and exploitation and lasciviousness and uncleanness and the list just go on and false government documents and theft and identity theft and have cheated

people and have forged documents and held private meetings and with outside sources and secret allies and withheld governmental private information and have betrayed friends and coworkers and the nations behind their back tipping them off just to compete who has more power and control and money and wealth and they are working among themselves behind

each other’s back deceiving each other and you cannot trust and believe what they say and put no trust in man, because every man is for his own gain, and they have leak private information through secret services and CIA and FBI and have violated the constitutional laws and have violated people rights and privacy and have endanger these whole nations and

have allowed illegal immigrants to enter into these whole nations without proof of identification and name and country and date and place of birth, knowing they could be spies entering these nations illegally, to plan an attack on the nation, just like 9/11 and they are the ones who planned 9/11 and the government are paying money to private sources and secret

services leaking personal information to support anti-terrorism and ices and many other terrorist organizations worldwide and this is not held of it and there is more and democrats and congress and house republicans and CIA and SNA and Nasa and world science and law enforcements and government world leaders and CDC and many more names of people are

involve listed inside and outside of the United States, working as spies, working jobs using fake names to hide their identities here within the United States and outside of the United States nationwide, collecting private confidential information concerning nations and people and coworkers and friends, which includes the white house being spied on without their

awareness and they are funding money and are allowing dangerous drugs and weapons from outside sources to enter these nations illegally without passing inspection uncheck and within the United States as well and they work from, please visit my social pages for complete details.

Lucifier, (Satan) and Baal, Beelzebub, Asmodeus, Belphegor, Persephone, Lilith, Azrael, Kali, HD Video

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

They Are Setting Up The Whole World Accusing And Blaming Them To Think This Is Their Fault And Mankind Is Just A Game Just To Compete'' I Think The World Might Want To See This!

The same old game they have been playing for centuries and like it is said flattering can get you nowhere, lying because things always have a way of catching up with a person or someone and a kingdom cannot stand based on evil and hate and lies and deception and think no one can recognize their fake a*s and see them for what they are and the whole world should have recognized by all this 

time, is all fake and the whole world is living a fake life here based on lies and transvestite fagget extraterrestrials here in this time think no one can recognize and do not know the difference, is all fake and the whole world were manipulated with lies believing and thinking in their mind is real to them and they were living their life here with meaning and purpose and the first question a person should 

asked themselves, why would a person want to live their life based on a lie knowing is not real and fake having no meaning and purpose and they are telling a person in their action there is no real God not what a person thinks, it is only themselves and only time will tell, because a person cannot trust and believe nothing they say and are lying spirits and they are also trying to say everyone is just living a 

fake life here for nothing with no meaning and purpose and if the whole world has just been living a fake life based on lies, then what purpose is the whole world and people and damn aliens and evil spirits are here for, if they have no meaning and how can the whole world serve a purpose having no meaning and they know the whole world is living here without meaning, then why are they 

manipulating the whole world to believe and think in their mind is the truth and this is why the whole world is being destroyed is because the whole world is being judged by delusional paranoid spirits with no meaning and this is why the whole world is destroying itself, is because mankind cannot serve a purpose and survive with evil, and they know the purpose of mankind and their existence 

cannot survive with evil and hate and violence and lies and will have no choice but to be destroy and a nation cannot be governor with evil and how can a person serve a purpose having life if they are being manipulated and control by evil spirits and a person cannot serve a purpose having life being manipulated and control by evil spirits and if the whole world are being control and manipulated 

by gay spirits, then how can people supposed to know what purpose they are here for and what God is talking to a person about in the bible, if the whole world are control by spirits and if people do not know what purpose are they here for and what God is talking to a person about in the bible, then how can it be people fault and are being accused and judged and punish and condemned and if this be the 

case, then why do they have the whole world still thinking and believing this sh*t in their mind they are living their life here with meaning and if the world have no reason and purpose to be here, then what the hell is the world here for and if people has no reason are purpose to be on the earth, they are damn sure have no reason are purpose to be here as well, knowing they have no meaning to them and is

a fake gay creature's dress in a boy's shirt, and there is an old saying, never sent a boy out dress in a girl's shirt to do a man's job and there is only one way mankind can survive, they a*s will have to go. And what reason and purpose were mankind cursed with the knowledge of good and evil to keep for, if mankind did not have a reason are purpose to be here and being control by spirits and if the purpose 

of mankind were only created to be use and control by evil spirits, then what purpose and reason were mankind cursed with such great knowledge to keep for, if mankind had no reason serving a purpose with meaning being control by evil spirits and what sense a person having great knowledge if mankind was created not to serve a purpose having meaning being control by spirits and knowing mankind 

would not understand the choices they are making having the knowledge of good and evil, not unless if a person was taught what this knowledge is and can recognize and discern the difference between good and evil and the choices they are making and what reason and purpose would God tempted himself for, knowing mankind will not understand the choices they are making, not unless if a person was 

taught by God and recognize and discern the difference between good and evil and having great knowledge comes with great responsibility. And people are responsible for their action, but how can they be blame for something they didn't know and was misled, and a nation cannot be governor with evil and corruption and hate and violence and lies and they are trying to have the whole nations 

condemned and judged, without a fair trial, based on evil and hate and what reason and purpose they want to have these whole nations condemned for, knowing people did not know and were manipulated to believe and think in their mind was the truth, misleading them with false doctrine and manipulated them thinking and believing they were living their life here with meaning and purpose, 

knowing people were living here without God laws and took advantage of it thinking they can tempt God leading these whole nations astray, causing the nations to corrupt themselves tempting them with drugs and lust and money and wealth and life simple pleasures, knowing already people were living here without God laws and they need to do a reality check and see themselves for what they are, having 

a beam in their eyes and a double minded two-face lying hypocrite and there is no excuse what people have done here in this life, and a person cannot be blame and accused and condemned for their action without a fair trial, if they didn't know and it is them who deserve to be put on trial and convicted and condemned, for murder and man slaughter and shedding of innocence blood and have sworn under 

false oath and have endanger these whole nations with their deceit and manipulation and corruption and lust and whoredom and adulteress and fraud and scandal and fornication and practice of witchcraft and occult and exploitation and lasciviousness and uncleanness and the list just go on and false government documents and theft and identity theft and have cheated 

people and have forged documents and held private meetings and with outside sources and secret allies and withheld governmental private information and have betrayed friends and coworkers and the nations behind their back tipping them off just to compete who has more power and control and money and wealth and they are working among themselves behind each other's back deceiving each other and 

you cannot trust and believe what they say and put no trust in man, because every man is for his own gain, and they have leak private information through secret services and CIA and FBI and have violated the constitutional laws and have violated people rights and privacy and have endanger these whole nations and have allowed illegal immigrants to enter into these whole nations without proof of 

identification and name and country and date and place of birth, knowing they could be spies entering these nations illegally, to plan an attack on the nation, just like 9/11 and they are the ones who planned 9/11 and the government are paying money to private sources and secret services leaking personal information to support anti-terrorism and ices and many other terrorist organizations 

worldwide and this is not held of it and there is more and democrats and congress and house republicans and CIA and SNA and Nasa and world science and law enforcements and government world leaders and CDC and many more names of people are involve listed inside and outside of the United States, working as spies, working jobs using fake names to hide their identities here within the United 

States and outside of the United States nationwide, collecting private confidential information concerning nations and people and coworkers and friends, which includes the white house being spied on without their awareness and they are funding money and are allowing dangerous drugs and weapons from outside sources to enter these nations illegally without passing inspection uncheck and 

within the United States as well and they work from within and outside of the United States and in underground government bunkers and private islands and caves hidden in mountains nationwide, creating dangerous bioweapons and chemicals and drugs and deadly bacteria collected from animals and species and dangerous magnetic energies creating radiation and the government is funding 

money to private sources and their organizations to support dangerous drug lords and drug dealers selling dangerous drugs on the streets to people and children and young boys and girls and money is being funded to support gang stalkers and kidnappers and sex trafficking nationwide and the government have misled the public with false information regarding dangerous extraterrestrials entering 

our world formally known as aliens, known as demons and different names they are going by here in this time to hide their identity to keep themselves from being discovered and they are dumping toxic waste into our oceans and rivers and lakes containing dangerous bacteria's' and chemicals and this not half of the list and the list just goes on.                                                        

Ancient Discovery Written In Biblical History Late Centuries Ago In Ancient Times And No One In This Time For Many Years Was Aware They Were Living Here With Demons In Celestial Bodies And How They Came Here Into Our Time Into Existence Here Centuries Ago In The Bible!

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Government World Leaders And Church Pastors And Trump And Biden And Obama Are A Bitc*Alien Scum!

Aliens Scum of the universe the whole earth is being rape and molested by aliens, and murdered by dangerous insane creatures here in this time and they are screwing the whole earth breeding with humans and themselves and is covering up their alien scum and hiding themselves, and there are hundreds and thousands of them

here and have spreaded this whole earth, them and their kind and this whole earth is infested with alien scum sh*t and if what were supposed to be written about people according to the real gospel, why have this alien scum sh*t have been covered up and people are in a delusion in their mind and is not aware, is it perhaps

is because they are not supposed to know the real truth people are living here with dangerous aliens and demons raping and murdering men and women and children here in this time and accusing them of crimes and condemning them and what gives them the right to judge and condemn these whole nations and when they are the

scum of the universe and are dangerous and a threat to mankind and insane unstable creatures having no control and are responsible for leading these whole nations astray and people corrupting themselves and are being control by demons and what purpose have people and aliens have been living here together for

years and decades for in a delusional mind not aware of they are living here with dangerous aliens in celestial bodies and demons attacking them and it has been years and decades and people still have not learn the truth yet are supposed to be based on the real gospel written about mankind and what excuse for this kind of

behavior what they have done to people here in this time and have murdered hundreds and thousands of innocence men and women and children for decades and there is no excuse for this kind of behavior because of their insanity and madness and evil and hate and in secureness and how can an insane beast (devil)

judge another devil when they both are the same and are corrupted and what they have done to people and these whole nations are based on sanity and madness and evil and hate and would have nothing to do with judging this earth based on righteous laws and justice and respect and they what to make it look like people are

just living a normal life here in this time and they are covering up alien's scum and belongs in the underworld with the rest of their scum sh*t and a person do not respect scum like that and is a whore and every one of those monsters belong condemned.

Monday, September 9, 2024

The Government Of The United Nations And World Leaders Are Guilty Under The Court Of Law And Have Sworn Under False Oath And Have Violated The Constitutional Laws And Have Committed Treason And Acts Of War Against These Whole Nations And Have Violated People Rights And Our Countries And United States Of American And Have Endanger Our Whole Nations!!

While they are out there playing world leaders and accusing the whole nations of crimes, Why don't they tell people and the whole nations the real truth, they are a bunch of lying scum bags and clowns and a donkey's a*s and have lied in the eyes before the whole nations and based on my experience and years of researching and studying ancient knowledge of the bible, I am a witness and have discovered an old

ancient secret has been uncovered and no one in this time for many years was aware of this secret and scandal they have hidden from the public and they do not want the public to discover this ancient secret written about mankind will trigger war and the apocalypse of book of Revelation and for many years they have kept the truth a secret from the public and no one here in this time was aware of this 

secret written about people in this time and the pass and future and were deceived with false doctrine and they come from a long bloodline and are descendants from hell, seed of the devil and for many years they kept the truth a secret from the public an old ancient secret written about mankind's future and the pass and present and God's law and government world leaders and church organizations and CIA 

and members of secret societies and illuminati and Ice's and Masdons and Joe Biden and Donald Trump and CDC and evangelism and deacons and T.D. Jakes and Pope Francis and George Bush and Obama and KKK are involved with this scandal and government cover up and do not want the public to discover this ancient secret written about mankind and think their lies can protect them from being 

discovered and because other people have not discovered and have witness what was written in the real law about mankind and the pass, present and future, they do not have to lie about it because they are speaking based on their opinion and would be making a false claim, saying the real gospel does not exist what God had written himself centuries ago and if the real gospel did not exist what was written 

about mankind centuries ago based on real prophecies written about people in this time and the pass and future, then they would come before the media and public and defend themselves, proving they are being accuse of lies here in this time and they know they would need to be really careful not to make the wrong move appearing before the nations is because they know they are lying and do not want to get 

caught in a lie and this not democracy and wealth and fame and their lying a*s having power and control, this is about the truth and think they can unestimated people thinking they will not discover the truth and have no business playing with people life and soul in the first place and think they can play with fire will get burn, and their action indicate and is accusing God he is not the truth, then how 

can the nations be judged and condemned and prosecuted and accused and punish for their crimes, would be saying the nations are being condemned and judged and accused and punish for nothing without the truth and the blind cannot lead the blind nor can a devil judge and accuse another devil and how can they falsely accuse the nations of their crimes, when they are double minded and is 

a lying two-face hypocrite themselves having a mote in their eyes and based on the book of Revelation chapter 13 verse 11-18; they are going to create an image here in the future, a stature and will come alive and speak and a person who do not worship this image will be killed and people will be beheaded for the word of God and based on the book of Revelation, a false prophet will be coming here 

in the future, and he is the second beast of book of Revelation and will have power to make fire come down from heaven and to give life unto an image, a global spiritual body a stature and what they are planning here is a kingdom of evil. An angel in the book of Revelation chapter 13 reveal to John in the spirit, the things to come in our time in the future and how can they think they can keep God's truth 

a secret and things to come based on the bible in Revelation 13 verse 7 And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations and Revelation 6 verse 1-17 And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, come and see and 7 Seals will 

be open, and trumpets will sound, and plagues and vials will be loose here on this earth and rivers will become blood and water will become wormwood and bitter and men will die from bitter water and the whole nations will come under serious attacks and blows and possible nuclear explosion and third of this earth will burn with fire and large hails will fall to the earth and earthquakes will hit in different 

parts of this earth and the whole world will be curse with more plagues based on ancient prophecies and 7 seals will open here in the future fill with Gods wrath.

Discover Ancient Knowledge Of The Bible And Secret Power And New World Order Secret Societies And Who Will It Be This Man Of Sin, The False Antichrist Of Book Of Revelation, HD Movie will broadcast live, Host by the watchmen11 at 9:30 pm September 8 thru 9 ,2024, please check for schedule for time and date.

Broadcast live September 9,2024 at 6:00 pm at

The scenes you are about to watch in this video was created to demonstrate what is happening here in the real world are based on real bible prophecies and the book of Revelation and the government of the United Nations have sworn under false oath and have abused power and the nations, and they are not there to protect and serve the nations, but to destroy it and have put these whole nations in danger 

causing social global unrest, to invoke violence, crimes and hate among the nations to fight and destroy each other and the whole world is being misled and people are living their life here based on lies and false hood and deception and hate and violence and they are attacking the nations and setting up the stage for one world government and new world order and the mark of the beast based on the book of 

Revelation and think people cannot recognize them here and private organization names they go by, like for example, KKK and Illuminati and Ice's and Freemasons and Secret Society and secretive power elite and many other private organization names they are going by here in this time and if they get complete control of these whole nations, they can destroy the whole world, and their hidden agenda is 

reuniting people under one religion organization so they can peacefully except Un goal, such as population control and abortion rights and one world government and new age movement combines with the new world order and the devil know this and through the new age movement have taught millions to trust in another Jesus and other Christ antichrist and satanic agenda to control the world 

secret society and there are more names and people who are involve are being discovered here in this time and they have been covering up the truth for years what was written in the real gospel about mankind's future and the pass and present and the commandments of God and how can they think they can fool people with this sh*t, and manipulate the public to keep themselves from being discovered 

pretending they are church leaders and government world leaders and law enforcements and business companies and doctors and lawyers and husbands and wives and relatives and son and daughter and care providers and thousands of more names and people they are using here in this time, and they lied to the whole public and covered up the truth about UFOs and demons to keep themselves from 

being discovered here in this time and they are going to be mad when people discover this secret learning about them and think their lies will protect them from being discovered and will do anything to protect themselves from being discovered and people learning about them and how can the whole nations be so ignorant and church leaders and their organizations and government world leaders 

and law enforcements and CDC and thousands of more people and names they are using here in this time, create secret societies to protect their identity from being discovered and they are controlling society and mankind with drugs and lust and money and wealth and life simple pleasures and occult and music and witchcraft and they have created thousands of programs and anti-terrorism 

organizations to control and manipulate the whole world attacking the nations, manipulating the mask and there are thousands and thousands more of them here in this time are involved with this scandal and government cover up and have manipulated this whole world with their filthy lies and lust and they will do just about anything to keep people from learning the real truth about them and what 

was written in the real gospel, even kill if they have too, to stop people from discovering the truth and they are the ones attacked and rape and have murdered children and men and women. And no one should never tell a lie in the first place and people have been living here all this time believing and thinking they are Christians just living here and church leaders and their organizations have 

committed fraud and scandal and have manipulated the whole public teaching false doctrine to keep people from discovering the truth, pretending to be church leaders and know people did not come here into this world to live here without God laws and they already know there are no Christians here in this time is because no one here in this time were told the truth with the real gospel, not unless a person 

has read and study the real gospel. The video will tell you a little bit more about them and where this secret power comes from, they have over these whole nations. The bible contains real ancient history and biblical prophecies and God's law written about mankind, the code names they give themselves and 

secret society is to protect their identity from being discovered here in this time are based on real ancient history and biblical prophecies.

Please visit my social pages for complete post and video details, thank you.

And Old Ancient Secret And UFOs And Ancient Aliens And Demons And Fallen Angels Have Been Discovered Here In This Time And No One Here In This Time For Many Years Was Aware Of This Secret And Scandal And Government Cover Up They Have Hidden From The Public And They Do Not Want The Public To Discover This Ancient Secret Written About Mankind And Think Their Lies Can Protect Them And Keep Them From Being Discovered And People Learning About Them And Know If People Discover This Ancient Secret And Scandal And Government Cover Up, Will Trigger War And The Apocalypse Of Book Of Revelation.

Discover Ancient Knowledge Of The Bible And Secret Power And New World Order Secret Societies And Who Will It Be This Man Of Sin, The False Antichrist Of Book Of Revelation, HD Movie

Friday, September 6, 2024

And Old Ancient Secret And UFOs And Ancient Aliens And Demons And Fallen Angels Have Been Discovered Here In This Time And No One Here In This Time For Many Years Was Aware Of This Secret And Scandal And Government Cover Up They Have Hidden From The Public And They Do Not Want The Public To Discover This Ancient Secret Written About Mankind And Think Their Lies Can Protect Them And Keep Them From Being Discovered And People Learning About Them And Know If People Discover This Ancient Secret And Scandal And Government Cover Up, Will Trigger War And The Apocalypse Of Book Of Revelation

Government world leaders and church organizations and CIA and members of secret societies and illuminati and law enforcements and Ice's and Masdons and Joe Biden and Donald Trump and CDC and evangelism and deacons and T.D. Jakes and Pope Francis and George Bush and Obama and KKK are involved with this scandal and government cover up and do not want the public to discover this 

ancient secret written about mankind and think their lies can protect them from being discovered and people learning about them are based on ancient prophecies and there are more names and people who are involve are being discovered here in this time and they have been covering up the truth for years what was written in the real gospel about mankind's future and the pass and present and the 

commandments of God and no one here in this time for many years was aware of this scandal and government cover up they have hidden from the public and how can they think they can fool people with this sh*t, and manipulate the public to keep themselves from being discovered pretending they are church leaders and government world leaders and law enforcements and business companies and 

doctors and lawyers and husbands and wives and relatives and son and daughter and care providers and thousands of more names and people they are using here in this time and they lied to the whole public and covered up the truth about UFOs and demons to keep themselves from being discovered here in this time and have kept the real truth a secret from the public for many years and they are going to be 

mad when people discover this secret learning about them and think their lies will protect them from being discovered and will do anything to protect themselves from being discovered and people learning about them and how can the whole nations be so ignorant and church leaders and their organizations and government world leaders and law enforcements and CDC and thousands of more 

people and names they are using here in this time, created secret societies to protect their identity from being discovered and they are controlling society and mankind with drugs and lust and money and wealth and life simple pleasures and occult and music and witchcraft and they have created thousands of programs and anti-terrorism organizations to control and manipulate the whole world attacking the 

nations, manipulating the mask and there are thousands and thousands more of them here in this time are involved with this scandal and government cover up and have manipulated this whole world with their filthy lies and lust and they will do just about anything to keep people from learning the real truth about them and what was written in the real gospel, even kill if they have too, to stop people from 

discovering the truth and they are the ones attacked and rape and have murdered children and men and women. And no one should never tell a lie in the first place and government world leaders and church leaders and their organizations think they can unestimated people thinking they will not discover the truth and have no business playing with people life in the first place and think they can play with 

fire will get burn and people have been living here all this time believing and thinking they were Christians, and they were just living here, and church leaders and their organizations have committed fraud and scandal and have manipulated the whole public teaching false doctrine to keep people from discovering the truth, pretending to be church leaders and know people did not come here 

into this world to live here without God laws and they already know there are no Christians here in this time is because no one here in this time were told the truth with the real gospel, not unless a person has read and study the real gospel and church leaders and their organizations are responsible and have cause people their life and soul, playing with people life and soul and people are not damn toys and 

government world leaders and church leaders have no business playing with people life and soul and because church leaders and their organizations have committed fraud and scandal, no one here in this time have salvation and they already know mankind and the purpose of their existence is being destroyed and will seek to exist without God's law and they are the ones have created hundreds and 

thousands of different government programs along with the rest of their sh*t here, to control and manipulate and attack the whole society and mankind and are funding money to support dangerous weapons and drugs and the government are funding money to business companies who created poison toxic foods and drugs and drinking supplies, to harm the human body DNA to create 

toxins in the body, lowering a person's resistance, making it hard for the human body to fight off diseases and harmful deadly bacterial and dangerous bacteria's causing viruses to destroy the human body DNA and they have threatened and have accused people of crimes here in this time for speaking the truth and had people arrested.

And Old Ancient Secret And UFOs And Ancient Aliens And Demons And Fallen Angels Have Been Discovered Here In This Time And No One Here In This Time For Many Years Was Aware Of This Secret And Scandal And Government Cover Up They Have Hidden From The Public And They Do Not Want The Public To Discover This Ancient Secret Written About Mankind And Think Their Lies Can Protect Them And Keep Them From Being Discovered And People Learning About Them And Know If People Discover This Ancient Secret And Scandal And Government Cover Up, Will Trigger War And The Apocalypse Of Book Of Revelation! Host By The Watchmen11 HD Video

Stay tuned for the next upcoming podcast host by the watchmen11, please see below for more details and live streaming. September 5-2024 at 8:30 pm at

Host by the watchmen11 September 7-2024 at 8:30 pm at

For more details and tonight's program, please visit my web page links listed in this channel for full post and video details, thank you.

An Old Ancient Secret Have Been Uncovered And No One In This Time For Many Years Was Aware Of This Secret And Scandal They Have Hidden From The Public And They Do Not Want The Public To Discover This Ancient Secret Written About Mankind And Know If People Discover This Ancient Secret Will Trigger War And The Apocalypse Of Book Of Revelation And They Will Lose Power And Control Over This Earth And People's Trust.

A Corrupted Nation, The Great Whore Will Burn Here In The Future With Fire, Strong Is The Lord Who

Descendants Of Lucifer Are At War With Descendants Of God Chosen People Israel, The Battle Continues A Great Battle Will Be Taking Place Here In The Future Into A Place Called Armageddon!

The battle still continues as of this day in this time when Christians, God's chosen people, Israel fought in battles against their enem...