Sunday, January 26, 2025

I'm Sure Donald Trump Knows How Serious This Is And People Want Him Destroyed And The Government Knows The Whole World Is Setting On A Ticking Time Bomb Waiting To Go Off And Is Setting On Thin Ice About To Perish!

This Post And Video Was Created To Witness Before The Public And The Government Of The United Nations'' Please Do Not Reject This Important Message It May Save Your Life!

Trump cannot bind an oath to God because the truth is not in him, and he is a demon anti-Christ, because if he bonded an oath to God, would be saying God is not a spirit of truth, because Donald Trump is a demon, and a demon will not deny himself and divide against his own kingdom and this is why he could not put his dirty hands on the bible and bind an oath to God when he took office, is because God is a spirit of truth.



The bible is an ancient book written about people in this time and the pass and future and prophecies they are bringing to pass and the commandments of God. The prophecies written in the bible are written about people in this time and the pass and future and the commandments of God. 

The watchmen11 were recorded and written to witness before the government of the United States and the public are based on years of research and studying ancient knowledge of the bible written about people in this time and the pass and future and the 

commandments of God and for many years the government and churches global nationwide kept this information a secret from the public, until a recent discovery was 

discovered here in this time written about mankind and no one in this time for many years was aware of this ancient discovery and was kept secret from the public for generation

by the government and churches here in this time global nationwide and the stories written in the bible are based on real biblical prophecies written about people in this time and the pass and future and the commandments of God. The government know the real gospel were discovered here in this time written about mankind and they know

the public is not aware the bible was written based on real prophecies written about people in this time have already come to pass here and is coming to pass here in the future

and the public has no idea what was written is coming to pass here and the whole world is about to be destroyed, and people and nations will die. The government is aware of this and fail to warn the public.   

And the government know all half the nations and people and tongues, and the population will perish here in this time were written based on prophecies.

Government world leaders and churches global are descendants of Lucifer here to destroy the nations and what people and the government did here in this time is not a secret, were written.

And The World Have No Idea Donald Trump Is Their Enemy There To Destroy Them And He Is Not There To Serve And Protect The Nations, And Lied Under False Oath And Is A Chosen Demon In A Celestial Body Being Used By God To Destroy The Nations. 

Trump cannot bind an oath to God because the truth is not in him, and he is a demon anti-Christ, because if he bonded an oath to God, would be saying God is not a spirit of truth, because Donald Trump  is a demon, and a demon will not deny himself and divide against his own kingdom and this is why he could not put his 

dirty hands on the bible and bind an oath to God when he took office, is because God is a spirit of truth and Donald Trump may be fronting in media putting on a fake act, I'm sure he knows how serious this is and people want him destroyed, is because he knows he were chosen and was given power to this dirty job destroying the nations and his body language and character describe this in his actions how he thinks.

The government knows the whole world is setting on a ticking time bomb waiting to go off. Please check out my social pages for complete details and the whole world is setting on thin ice, about to perish and why did God allowed people to come back here in this time 

for, if they think they can cover this sh*t up from the public, knowing this is a life and death situation what was written and people are too busy being distracted, playing and making videos of themselves and their families and friends, not knowing what is about to 

happen here and the government will not be warning the public about this, and this video and post was created to witness before the public and the government of the United Nations and Donald Trump is a demon, not a real president and he knows what is about to happen here involves people and nations here in this time.

Please Do Not Reject This Very Important Message It May Save Your Life, And The Existing Of Mankind Is In Great Danger, And This Is Not A Phreak Are Public Broadcast, I Am Risking Everything Just To Warn The Nations And They Are Here Now Watching, And They Will Make Sure This Message Be Deleted First To Prevent Anyone From Hearing This And Written And Recorded In My Social Pages!!

What is about to happen here, involves families and friends and people from different nations, will perish and Donald Trump know he is a demon and if they can call this a threat what was written about the truth, then why did they lied about the truth and is framing God for a lair all this time, just like themselves and they are the

ones who lied to people and these whole nations and have not one damn thing to say and are dishonest lairs who needs executed and condemned and people have the fucking right to protect the life of their children and themselves from those dangerous impostors claiming to be world leaders and church pastors, protecting

and serving these nations and because of their lies and paranoid acts, they have put the life of these whole nations in great danger.

The World Have No Idea Donald Trump Is Their Enemy There To Destroy Them And He Is Not There To Serve And Protect The Nations, And Lied Under False Oath And Is A Chosen Demon In A Celestial Body Being Used By God To Destroy The Nations!

Check the watchmen11 social page and this video will be available on my Instagram, social page

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