Friday, December 6, 2024

Donald Trump And Joe Biden, Their Stinky Ass Are Fake Ignorant World Leaders And Impostor's!

If they don't know the reason for this message and where it is coming from, this message is to bring before their attention and the world, they are fake impostors playing world leaders and demons in celestial bodies and they are here to destroy these whole nations, and it is a reason I am a witness and know the truth about

them and their pass and what their plans are here in this time and the future, and I will fulfill that purpose and mission, what they did not want the world to see, and I will show the whole world what they did not want the world to see and play time is over, Donald Trump and every government world leaders and every church pastors

and their organization are demons in celestial bodies, here to destroy these nations, and I do not give a damn what they are stupid demons, I challenge those mother fuckers, to show yourself and stop pretending this is a game and what the fuck are they here for, they know they are not here to serve and protect these nations, I know

all about them and their descendants here in this time and what they did here in the pass and the coming future, it is all been documented and written in posts and audios, what their plans are here, they just think the rest of the world is stupid and do not know shit and they know this is not a game, they are dangerous demons

pretending they are world leaders and the reason for this message is to bring before their ugly faces, this is for real and I know who they are and what was written, stupid demons in celestial bodies playing world leaders, there is no need they pretending this is not for real, and this message is to witness before their ugly faces,

stop playing fucking world leaders and they act like this shit is a game and I am tired of this shit and their games here and they know the nations are not living here as a nation and there are dangerous spirits living here in people and the whole world, attacking these whole nations and government world are being used by

demons, protecting their descendants here in this time, known as aliens in celestial bodies and people have already seen many of those ugly mother fuckers here playing the dead and ghosts from the other side and I am here to warn the nation, and the whole nations are in great danger and will be destroyed by these dogs and

their evil alien descendants here in this time playing world leaders and law enforcements and militaries and Nasa and house republican and democracies and husbands and wives and neighbors and friends and nurses and doctors and care takers and public figures and many more and the world can trust no one here in

this time, because demons are using them here to destroy the world, and this fight is not about just power and control, it is about destroying the whole world and human mankind existence, and they already know what this is about and think they

can play games with the world, and no one can be trusted, and this shit here and their kind is coming to an end.

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