Monday, August 26, 2024

Joe Biden And Donald Trump And Government World Leaders And Church Leaders And Their Organization And Evangelism And Deacons And T.D. Jakes And Pope Francis And George Bush And Obama And CDC And Members Of Secret Societies And Illuminati Are A Part Of This Plot And Scandal And Crime And Government Cover Up They Are Hiding From The Public.

They Are Devils From Hell, Seed Of The Devil, Demons In Human Bodies, Live Podcast Host By Thewatchmen11!

They have destroyed millions and thousands of people and men and women and children and babies and have shed innocent blood and war on these whole nations and they are not done yet and based on the book of Revelation prophecy they are planning on killing and murdering more people and men and women and children and babies here in the future soon based on the book of Revelation, the Apocalypse.

Stay tuned for the next upcoming podcast host by the watchmen11, please see below for more details and live streaming.

Thewatchmen11 is based on years of researching and studying ancient knowledge of the bible and hidden secrets of bible character, leaders and civilization based on ancient prophecies and the book of Revelation and biblical historians that have remained virtually unchanged, throughout, history.

The bible contains real ancient history and biblical prophecies and God's law written based on ancient knowledge and the book of Revelation written about mankind's future and the pass and present.

Check me out on, server link and invite links https:

And they do not want people to know the real reason what this is about and secret societies and where this power comes from, they have over these nations, are based on bible prophecies.

They are members of secret societies are based on ancient history and biblical prophecies about our time and the book of Revelation.

The Government Will Not Be Warning The Public About This What Was Written In The Bible Is Coming Here To The Whole World And Already Knew Aliens (Demons) Been Here For A Long Time Living In Human Bodies Breeding With Humans And Raping And Killing Them Here And They Are Devils From Hell, Seed Of The Devil.

People Do Not Know The Truth About Donald Trump And Joe Biden And What Was Written In The Bible About Mankind's Future And The Sticky Bastards Are Their Enemies There To Destroy Them And They Will Become Afraid If People Finds Out The Truth About Them They Will Lose Power Over The Earth And People's Trust.

Donald Trump And Joe Biden And World Leaders And Church Organization World Leaders And The Rest Of Their Flock They Know This Is A Crime And Scandal They Are Covering Up What Was Written In The Bible About Mankind's Future And The Pass And Present And Is Hiding It From The Public.

They know people in this time were not told the truth with the real gospel written about people in this time and the pass and future and were deceived with false doctrine

They have been covering up the truth for years what was written in the real gospel about people in this time and their descendants and

people in this time are not aware of this scandal and crime the government and church pastors and leaders are doing here in this time and what was written in the real gospel and kept the real truth a secret from the public.

Joe Biden and Donald Trump and government world leaders and church pastors and their organization evangelism and deacons and T.D. Jakes and Pope Francis and George Bush and Obama and CDC and members of secret society are a part of this scandal they are hiding from the public

and there are more names and people who are involve and are a part of this scandal they are hiding from the public.

Discover Ancient Knowledge Of The Bible And Secret Power And New World Order Secret Societies And Who Will It Be This Man Of Sin, The False Antichrist Of Book Of Revelation, HD Movie Broadcasting Live

For more details and tonight's program, please visit my web page links listed in this channel for full post and video details, thank you.

For more info and tonight's live stream, please visit my post web links

next broadcasting Live August 28-2024 at 8:30 pm at Instagram host by the watchmen11

Please visit thewatchmen11 social pages for more details

They think people cannot recognize them here and private organization names they go by, like for example, KKK and Illuminati and Ice's and Masdons' and Secret Society and many other private organization names they are going by here in this time, are a part of this scandal and government cover up.

The public do not know about this plot and scandal and crime the government and church leaders covered up from the public is because no one in this time were aware what was written in the real gospel and

their hidden agenda is reuniting people under one religion organization so they can peacefully except Un goal, such as population control and abortion rights and one world government and

New age movement combines with the new world order, and Satanic agenda to control the world secret society.

And Satan know this and through the new age movement have taught millions to trust in another Jeusu and other Christ, antichrist, false doctrine

The fate of the nations is in great jeopardy and darkness is sweeping the face of the whole earth,

And they are using social media and drugs, lust and money and leisure and life simple pleasures to manipulate the whole world to create Kaos and confusing and violence and hate and crimes, to set the stage up for one world government.

They think they have a plan already in place and how they will destroy mankind and think if they get full control over the nations, they can control the whole earth and right now they are trying to get full control and power over people minds and they are using evil spirits to get full control over people minds.

They think what they are doing here in this time is a secret are based on real ancient bible prophecies written about people in this time and their ancestors pass and the future and God laws and think their plans is a secret, they are attacking the nations and is setting up the stage for one world government and new world order and the mark of the beast based on the book of Revelation.

Please visit thewatchmen11 social pages for more details.

Please be advised, due to main network system failure at this time there may be a slight interruption in program, thank you.

Thewatchmen11 channel are based on years of research and studying ancient knowledge of the bible written about mankind's future and the pass and present and God commandments.

The Government Will Not Be Warning The Public About This What Was Written In The Bible Is Coming Here To The Whole World And Already Knew Aliens (Demons) Been Here For A Long Time Living In Human Bodies Breeding With Humans And Raping And Killing Them Here And They Are Devils From Hell, Seed Of The Devil/ Post Reading

A Public Notice REPORT DETAILS MINISTRY Brother Carlos A. Oliveira/Voddie Baucham 2023/ Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts/ Pastor Carolyn Traylor/BISHOP AMARDEEP MINISTRIES** CHAMATKAR CHURCH TV/ The Youth Pastor's Group/Pastor Mark Baker/Bishop S.Y. Younger/Pastor Michelle C. Thomas/

Pastor Wayne Levi Price- Web Site:

Pastors Stan and Elizabeth Madrak- Web Site: Tom L. Glenn/Ipc Pastors Prayer fellowship/Pastor L. D. Lee (Pastor Lee Sr.) Angelic Simmons-Pastor/Pastor Tanda Joy Canion/Pastor Michael Praylor/Luis Alvarez Pastor/Pastor-Kevyn Bryant/Pastor TB Joshua/Pastor Benny Hinn

List of Pastors Name

Fred Price TD Jakes

Kenneth Copeland

Jesse Duplantis

Joel Osteen

Peter Popoff

John Hagee

Steven Furtick

Brian Houston

TB Joshua

Benny Hinn

Sarah Young

Bill Johnson

Todd Bentley

Patricia King

Todd White

Charles Russel Taz

Heidi Baker

Mike Bickle

John Crowder

Andrew Wommack

Andy Stanley

Rick Joiner

Paula White

Perry Stone

Rod Parsley

Creflo Dollar

Sid Roth

Pope Francis

Christine Caine

Jim Bakker

Joseph Prince

Beth Moore

John Gray

Carl Lentz

Joyce Meyer

Pat Robertson

Jentezen Franklin

C. Peter Wagner

Kenneth Hagin

Paul Crouch

Rodney Howard Browne

Imposter-Impersonator bishops and pastors and deacons and priests and fake prophets and evangelists and reverends are being report for fraud and murder and scandal and committing criminal malicious acts and fraudulent against the whole nations and falsely misleading the whole nations with false information based on

prophecies of the bible. People is not aware of this scandal the government of the United Nations and these ministries and deacons and priests and pastor's and fake prophets and bishops and evangelist and reverends have committed against the whole nations are based on prophecies of the bible people are bringing to pass.

Crimes and violence and murder are being committed nations wide because people have no idea the bible is based on prophecies they are bringing to pass here, and they think they can cover up a scandal and are being reported in the open because this is a crime and scandal, cannot be cover up and people will know the truth about

the government and these ministries and deacons and priests and pastor's and fake prophets and bishops and evangelist and reverends. The entire nations are under attack and can be wipe out of existing and are based on prophecies people are bringing to pass here and they have power over the entire nations and can destroy

and blow up the entire nations out of existing because they have the weapons. The gospel is based on prophecies people are bringing to pass here, and people have been misled with false doctrine and do not know what happen here in that time in the bible and have not receive instruction from God from the original gospel and

have been deceive by demons and do not know this was the same mistake their ancestors made in the bible and because of people disobedience people came under terrible curses and people in that time in the bible disobeyed God and forsaken his commandments and God turned them over to their enemies and more people was

coming into generation and married and had children and pass generation curses on to others and no church here in this time were send from God, people were deceived by demons impersonating priests, misleading the whole nations with false doctrine and this is a war going on and the whole nations is at war and is under

attack and people are the targets because they were not told the truth and people need to understand, no church in this time were send from God, they are all descendants of an evil creature seed, and his offspring send from the devil to deceive people here in this time and they are not leading people to salvation, they

mean people harm and have put people life and soul in danger. They are all descendants of an evil creature, and his offspring send from the devil to mislead the nations with false doctrine, and made themselves look stupid, and putting themselves in danger thinking they can take a chance and can cover up a scandal

and fraud and have put people life and soul in danger and no one in this time would find out the truth the original gospel is based on ancient history and prophecies people are bringing to pass and this is a war going on and the whole nations is at

war and is under attack and people are the targets because they were not told the truth, and they mean people harm. For more details, please visit complaint links below...

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