dishonest lairs protect and serve a nation with a bad reputation and are a murderer and a whore and do the government really think they can cover up the sticky Basterds and what was written about our time and the pass, and the future based on biblical prophecies, and think they came here into this existing for them to have life and it has nothing to do with people and what was written and how can a
thing, not human have life with no meaning and they need too asked themselves this one question, what the hell and what purpose they are here for, if the gospel were not the truth what was written about man kind and how can the truth exist if they are supposed to be a secret and how can people supposed to know what purpose they are here for, and their life is in danger and people and all life will be
destroyed and seek to exist and will die, if those Basterds are supposed to be a secret, and this is taking place here right now, people are being destroyed because of them and the longer they are living here breeding with people, this whole human race will seek to exist and what purpose did people come into this life for, if they all are supposed to die because of those lying scum bags, pretending they are
world leaders and church pastors global and Joe Biden and Donald Trump and worldwide leaders and church pastors global are being used and are possessed with devils and people have no idea they are their enemies here to destroy them and their world and no one in this time and for generation has made no discovery about them here and have been living here for generation breeding with humans and it has
been a long time, and they think no one in this time and for generation has made no discovery about them and their colonial and the truth about Joe Biden and Donald Trump and their scum life and secrets are based on bible prophecies and if people knew the truth about Joe Biden and Donald Trump and their scum life, they would not vote for them, and they do not qualify nor is fit running for office
and they do not want the world to know the truth written about them and their past, present and future and their whole entire filthy life will flash before their very eyes and how many more people have to die because of their scum and bad reputation and people have no idea they are their enemies here to destroy them and their world and their hidden agenda is reuniting people under one religion
organization so they can peacefully except UN goal, such as population control and abortion rights and one world government and the mark of the beast and new age movement combines with the new world order and the devil know this and through the new age movement have taught millions to trust in another Jesus and other Christ antichrist and satanic agenda to control the world secret society and
people have already heard about new age movement revolutions and new world order secret societies, is all true and based on the book of Revelation chapter 13 verse 11-18, they are going to create an image here in the future, a global spiritual body, a stature will come alive and speak and one world religion and if no one who does not worship this image will be killed and based on the book of
Revelation, a false prophet will be coming here in the future, and he is the second beast of book of Revelation and will have power to make fire come down from heaven and to give life unto an image, a global spiritual body a stature and what they are planning here is a kingdom of evil. They want to put on a show for the whole world and think the whole world will put up with their bull sh*t attacking
people on this earth and they think no one in this time has made no discovery about them and doesn't know about their stupid secrets and based on what was written and how their paranoia mind thinks, and this is why the whole world is cursed with plagues and sickness and madness and diseases and curses and is filled with evil and violence and hate, is because of them and evil spirits are using
people bodies here in this time to produce more offsprings and think this life will continue on and how can a beast with no meaning are purpose have life and is out of control and what do a creature and a monster want with people and has no meaning are purpose and belongs with the dead, everyone of their kind and people should be tired of them and their darkness on this earth causing sickness and death
and the whole earth to be cursed with plagues and misfortunes and disasters and how can the truth exist if people and aliens came here into this life to screw each other and what exactly are they planning here and their plots and schemes, it has been written and what exactly are they trying to accomplish
here and doesn't seem to get it, they have no life are meaning and purpose and belongs with the dead, everyone of their kind.
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