Wednesday, June 5, 2024

The President Of The United Nations And Worldwide Leaders Global And Secret Societies And Fake Church Pastors And Deacons And Evangelist Worldwide Global And Organizations Worldwide Global Are Fu*king Aliens And Demons And Their Secret Operation They Do Want The World To Know Were Written About Them In The Bible Based On Real Prophecies!!##

They think they can cover up their alien sh*t and their secret operation what was written about them are real ancient history and biblical prophecies, and neither one of them nor their damn kind do not belong here on this earth but in hell and what was written in the bible they do not want the public to know and think they can change time and history and what was written in the real gospel, and they have 
been covering up the truth for many years and what was written in the real gospel about our time and the pass and future and the commandments of God and what is coming to pass here. They think no one in this time doesn't know a thing about them here and their fu*king offsprings and they have been living and working here in our communities from nations to nations worldwide global and breeding with 
people for many years having cursed children and they come from a cursed bloodline, that was pass down from their ancestors in the bible here centuries ago and no one in this time were told the truth with the real gospel and how this all began here centuries ago in the bible and think they can change time and what happen here centuries ago in the bible and think they can change it, by covering 
up the truth with lies and no one doesn't know a thing and if they were not so stupid and had brains, would know, you cannot cover the truth up with lies, because things always have a way of catching up with a person are thing, and people have been living their life here for many years based on lies with sticky evil spirits in them, not realizing they are separated from God and were not the truth 
with the real gospel and through new age movement they taught millions to trust in another Jesus, other Christ, a false antichrist and they have been covering this up for many years, hiding it from the public and no church here in this time global worldwide were sent from God, they are all demons using human bodies pretending they are Christian men and women leading people to salvation and those 
mother fu*kers are not leading people to salvation, they are leading people and have led people to hell and they are not here to protect and serve our nations and country, but to destroy it and they have the whole nations corrupted and filthy and living here in sin like themselves and are transforming themselves into an angel of light, pretending whoever they may be, to fool people, to fit in, to make 
people think they are descent respected citizens and are a part of their community, and like it is said, keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer, and people have no idea they are in friendships with demons on social media and Facebook and YouTube and many more social platforms and their community and jobs and people are in relationships breeding children with a beast, and how 
can they lead a nation and is a damn lair and people need to realize and face reality, this life is not what a person think it is and this may not be easy for some people and will need to realize they were lied too here in this time and were never told the truth and without God's law the whole nations will be destroy and if people continue living here without God's law the whole nation will perish and they are a 
danger and threat to our nations and countries and state, and they think what they are doing here in this time is a secret and no one doesn't know what they are planning here in this time and is setting up the stage for one world government and new world order and the mark of the beast to attack the nations based on the book of Revelation and if they get complete control of these whole nations, they 
can destroy the whole world and through satanic occult people are being demonize and control and manipulated, using lust and money and drugs and alcohol and lottery and cigarettes and life simple pleasures and tv game shows and video games and music and free vacations and leisure and pagan holidays and free food and recipes and beauty commercials ads and animals and pets and social 
media to distract them to infiltrate their minds tempting them and people do not know they have been brainwashed and lied too and are being murdered here in cold, men and women and children and young boys and girls are being kidnapped and sold into sex trafficking from all around the world and are sacrificing babies and children and men and women to devils to gain wealth and power and the 
government is funding money paying private organization, to attack the nations with war, hungry and starvation and diseases and the government and world leaders are supporting guns, drugs and dangerous weapons, to invoke violence among the nations causing global social unrest. And they want to see the whole nations fighting each other and think they can justify their own sticky corruption and 
sin and they figure as long as people do not know what God is telling them, they do not know sh*t and the ball is in their court, and they can do this and get away with it, and what make those bit*hs so sure, people will never find out what God is telling them in the real gospel, if the bible is the truth and just like those rotten ugly dead creatures, hiding them sticky selves in people bodies, thinking they can 
use a person body, to be intimate with themselves or strangers and different people, like if it is themselves thinking they are in a sexual relationship and who ever seen anything this sick before, and how can something already be dead having no life and meaning and is a fagget dead a*s ghost with no meaning are purpose and is neither male are female, having no man hood, like a real man or dog and 
a damn dog has more manhood than what those bastards can bargain for and is a damn no body and have the damn nerve thinking they got what it takes and can compete to a real man and woman and give them what they need, and ain't got sh*t and is a damn nobody and fagget a*s ghost and need to get their fagget a*t out of people body and still think all their sh*t here is a secret. And the sick bastards are like 
wild untamed animals having no respect are morals and are raping children and men and women and animals in their body and have been abusing this nation for a very long time and they are using people and themselves on millions of social media platforms showing their bodies wearing hardly any clothes, to tempt people and children and think no one can recognize them here because they are hiding 
them ugly selves in a body, and they are some nasty mother f*kers having no respect and think everybody wants to look at their nasty sh*t, and needs to get the f*k out the media and neither one of them have no respect or morals and pretending in social media community platforms, they do not support violence behavior and hate and drugs and crimes and guns and they are the one's funding 
money and is supporting dangerous weapons and guns and drugs and selling this sh*t to our children and people with dangerous criminal backgrounds and they must be crazy thinking they can just abuse people in this way and who ever seen anything this sick and crazy before and think no one is supposed to talk about them, because they think they have temporary power over the nations and are too 
crazy and out of control to have power over these whole nations and will not survive this way dealing with corrupt double minded leaders and aliens and think of themselves as world leaders and have put these whole nations life in danger and global unrest and how can something unstable and corrupted lead a nation and have the nerve telling people here in this time, they are guilty and have sin and when 
at the same time, they are a lying two-faced double minded hypocrite with sin and a beam in their own eyes and a devil cannot tell another devil they have sin, having a beam in their own eyes and is a lying two-faced double minded hypocrite with sin, and how can they think they can keep the nations in control and when they are out of control corrupt double minded leaders.

They Have Power Over This Earth And Nations And The Power Is In Their Hands, And They Can Destroy This Whole Earth And Nations And Upset All Government Plans Are Based On Real Ancient History And Biblical Prophecies And The Book Of Revelation'' Discover Ancient Knowledge Of The Bible And Secret Power And Illuminated New World Order Secret Societies And Secretive Power Elite And Freemasonry Brotherhood!!

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