Friday, April 26, 2024

They Are Attacking The Nations And Setting Up The Stage For One World Government And New World Order And The Mark Of The Beast Based On The Book Of Revelation

They think people cannot recognize them here and private organization names they go by, like for example, KKK and Illuminati and Ice's and Freemasons and Secret Society and secretive power elite and many other private organization names they are going by here in this time and if they get complete control of these whole

nations, they can destroy the whole world and their hidden agenda is reuniting people under one religion organization so they can peacefully except Un goal, such as population control and abortion rights and one world government and new age movement combines with the new world order. They are using social media and 

drugs, lust and money and leisure and life simple pleasures to manipulate the whole world to create kaos and confusing and violence and hate and crimes and is supporting and funding private organizations and terrorist to attack the nations with war, hunger, starvation and diseases and guns and drugs and violence and 

keeping it a secret from the public, to set the stage up for one world government and satanic agenda to control the world secret society and Satan know this and through the new age movement have taught millions to trust in another Jeusu and other Christ, antichrist and the fate of the nations is in great jeopardy and darkness 

is sweeping the face of the whole earth and they are there to threaten a person their life to cause the person their soul and they will be defeated here in the future in the book of Revelation and will be cast into the lake of fire and they want to drag the whole world to hell along with them and they can take their new world order and 

mark of the beast and shove it up their cracks, and it is God to have the glory, and not them. The bible was written based on ancient history and prophecies and mankind greatest history and the commandments of God, people are bringing to pass here in this time, and they are preparing for war to attack these whole nations 

here in the future based on the book of Revelation and one world government is coming here in the future and will be given power over the entire nations based on the book of Revelation and nations and people will perish here in the future and the 

government and world leaders and fake church pastors wants to keep this a secret and this whole earth will experience catastrophes what is coming here in the future, 7 Sears will be open, and trumpets will sound, and plagues and vials will be loose here on this earth and rivers will become blood and water will become wormwood 

and bitter and men will die from bitter water and the whole nations will come under serious attacks and blows and possible nuclear explosion and third of this earth will burn with fire and large hails will fall to the earth and earthquakes will hit in different parts of this earth and the whole world will be curse with more plagues

and how can they keep this a secret if it is the truth based on the bible and how stupid can they be, hiding this from the public, like if the whole world is supposed to just sit here and wait until they come under their attack and possessed by spirits and people are supposed to be their puppet and foot stool and people are living here 

with filthy slimey creatures living in their body using people for puppets to commit crimes and violence and unclean sexual acts and they can live and hid themselves in objects and animals and stuff animals and toys and they can manipulate machines and weather and can travel through walls and floors and computers and phones and 

many more things and can transferred themselves from one person to another and they are manipulating people here in this time believing they are investigating haunted houses and places are a person's home are business and have no life are meaning in them and have nothing in common with people and they will infiltrate 

a person mind and body and dreams manipulating the person until the person is destroyed. And why would someone keep secrets, if it is the truth based on the bible and how can it be the truth what God is talking about, if they are supposed to keep secrets and think they can hide their corrupt reputation and have abuse power and 

the nations, for more info check out the next schedule for time and date for live streaming, for more info, please visit my post web links 

They Are Attacking The Nations And Setting Up The Stage For One World Government And New World Order And The Mark Of The Beast Based On The Book Of Revelation, HD Video

They Are Attacking The Nations And Setting Up The Stage For One World Government And New World Order (

The Government Scandal Of Lies And Are Dangerous Agitators And Rivals With Mental And Psychological Issue And Have Endanger The Lives Of These Whole Nations Causing Social Unrest Encouraging The Nations Living Their Life In Sin Based On Lies And Violence And Hate.

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