Monday, October 30, 2023

The Government Have Gone Out Of Control And Are Abusing Power And War On The Nations, Classified Info And Government Secrets And Private Organizations Do Not Want People To Learn About This Hidden Knowlege And Their Big Black Secrets And Government Terrorist Attacks And UFOs Cover Ups And People Are In A Delusion In Their Mind Being Manipulated And Control By Entities Keeping Them From Seeing The Truth And Using People Manipulating Their Bodies Being Intimate And Committing Crimes And Violence'' Then How Can The Gospel Be The Truth If People Are Not Supposed To Learn About This And Supposed To Be A Secret!!

And the nations do not know they are under government terrorist attack, because they are in a delusion in their mind being manipulated and control by spirits keeping them from seeing the truth, is one of their biggest secrets with many more they do not want people to know and have been lying to people for years and covering up the truth about UFOs and creatures are sexual attacking people here in the earth 

are supposed to be a secret and think people cannot see it, except for people who are in a delusional mind, and doesn't know what they are doing here to them and is hiding it from people using people bodies being sexual with them here and they do not want people to know entities are manipulation their body to make the person think they are feeling sexual, using people to be intimate with other 

people not married, is this what people are supposed to be here on the earth for, to make out with insane filthy spirits in celestial bodies being intimate with people and what kind of fu*k up spirits are they and if it is supposed to be a secret, spirits are being intimate with people, then how can people are supposed to know what purposed they are 

here for and they are living here in sin without righteous leaders and laws and rules, and how are people are supposed to know this, if it is supposed to be a secret what they are doing here, they do not want people to know and there are so many of them here on the earth and what do spirits have in common with people and why are they so anxious they want to use people to sleep around with each 

other and themselves in celestial bodies here and no one here in this time were legally married and no church here in this time are real Christians and righteous leaders, they are all demons in celestial bodies pretending they are Christians and priests and other important public figures and why do they want people to think that bull sh*t they are serving God here and were told the truth and when they are 

not, and people are living here in sin and this madness have gone on long enough and it is something they are not telling people here and do not want them to know and the question is what are people dealing with here and how can this have to do with God's law, if people are not supposed to know the truth and what they are really here for and the whole world is just living here in sin and is fill with 

corruption and violence and hate, without righteous leaders and laws and rules and people are not concern about it and is supposed to be concern about something this important having to do with all life and their existence, it is not normal are natural and why does no one seem to be talking about this sh*t and dangerous spirits living here in celestial bodies, is because they don't know, spirits are 

manipulated people minds with delusions, to cover their lies up. And people are being sexual attack by demons living here in celestial bodies and extraterrestrials and people do not seem to know this same sh*t happen here before long time ago in the book of Genesis, angels came down from heaven and married women and children were born unto them and people in this time are having children by demons 

living here in celestial bodies and producing offsprings. A beast has nothing in common in with people and spirits making out with people using their body, is just sick, like if they can have a life with people having no meaning and cannot relate to people in the same way and they are violent unstable stinky spirits having no love are meaning in them and cannot care for people and want to hurt people 

when the cannot have their filthy way, like a pissy child, and a person should be sick to their stomach and anybody know this is not about having life living like that and survive living here with evil spirits, attacking people and destroying them and how can they think they can have life here with people doing filthy sh*t, if people are not here to sin and no person in their right mind will want nothing to do with 

evil sh*t like that, people pretending they are in a fantasy world living here with spirits. And how can people supposed to know they are living here in sin, if they are not supposed to know the truth about them and why are people being punish, if they do not know they are living here in sin and those lying bastards are the ones responsible people are living here in sin and the whole world is corrupt and 

out of control and fill with violence and wickedness and it is kind of funny why they are hiding them ugly selves and do not want people to know and about their big secret and hidden agenda and it doesn't matter how pretty they make themselves look, to fool people and not to be recognize for their real identity, and to make people think they are nice and they are dangerous and violent creatures and if they know 

they are wicket and corrupt spirits themselves having a mote in their own eyes, and ain't sh*t, then how can they judge and condemn people and people did not create themselves and they need to look at themselves and how can they judge people and are full of sh*t themselves and evil, and how can people are supposed to know their wrong and they are living here in sin and if people is full of sh*t, it is 

because it is a reflection of themselves and their evil manipulating people, like father, like son and are a sloth and whore and belongs in the underworld and how can people be judge if they do not know their wrong, but yet they can get away with their evil and crimes and people are supposed to put up with their sh*t and spirits using people doing filthy sh*t. And the governments have gone out of control, 

attacking people and abusing power and war on the nations and the nations do not know they are under government terrorist attack, because they are in a delusion in their mind being manipulated and control by spirits keeping people from seeing the truth and the government and world leaders and church organizations will lose people respect being dishonest with people and are lying about who they really are.

Government And World Leaders And Church Leaders And CIA'S And NSA'S And CDC Are A Gragg Queen With A Hidden Agenda And Bad Reputation And Dirty Secrets They Do Not Want People To Know About And Have Portrayed The Whole World, Just Like Judas Iscariot!!

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