Sunday, September 24, 2023

God Did Not Written Laws And Make A Covenant With Devils And They Are Making Out With The Whole Nations Like Wild Mad Out Of Control Animals In Heat''

I do not know what those nasty spirits are thinking, and people are supposed to recognize the whole world is having a problem here concerning the whole nations and is affecting the way other people are living and the choices they are making, causing confusing and anger and frustration and it would have to be something terribly wrong are either a person is just plain stupid, are is possessed by devils, 

are not human one of the other, because no normal person would just sit there and not say nothing and just let the problem get out of hand and evil spirits are taking over and have taken over people bodies here and are living here in them, like if they have meaning and purpose to them and are using people bodies being sexual with them, manipulating the person's body thinking they are feeling sexual, 

and are using people to commit crimes causing the person to sin and corrupt themselves, and what is an evil spirit doing thinking sexual for, knowing they are just a damn stupid ghost with no meaning are life in them and what the hell are spirits doing thinking they are being sexual with people here for, like if a person are supposed to enjoy stupid creatures giving them pleasure and are just a damn stupid paranoid 

delusional ghost with no meaning are purpose to them and think they are supposed to use people for their personal pleasure here in the earth doing the fu#k what they want and are taking over people bodies, like if this is about them having pleasure screwing on everything, and think they are the ones who makes up the law and keep things in order and are out of order themselves with no damn control and is 

corrupted and what do a damn evil spirit know about governor a nation and people and are out control themselves and this is not the way how things are supposed to be and will question a person faith and their belief in God, because of these devils here in the earth is causing confusing and are affecting the way other people are living and the choices they are making and this is not who God is and what 

reason and purpose are people here for, if they have no meaning to them and are being control by spirits and do not make sense and this is not the way how things are supposed to be here and has nothing to do with glorifying God and having life are serving a purpose, a person being the tail and not the head, and what do an evil spirit know about governor a nation and people are not supposed to make stupid evil 

spirits think they can rule and have power over them here, using them to destroy mankind and themselves, and this whole nation is out of order with no control and how can people just stand by and let this bull sh#t happen and how can a person serve a purpose living here with no meaning to them, if they are allowing devils with no meaning to them, rule over them here and God did not written laws 

and make a covenant with devils, and a nation cannot governor themselves and God is the one who makes up the law and keep things in order and not stupid devils and a person can see where those evil spirits are coming from, and how they thinks and do not make any sense and this mess they are doing here and this is supposed to be about truth and the way how a person is supposed to live and not 

about, no damn materials are a person's personal opinion and a person wanting to have the world and life simple pleasure and what the person think is important to them and what they want, and this is not the way how life is supposed to be just about having the world and life simple pleasure and a person cannot just go by and depend on that alone thinking having the world and life simple pleasure is the only 

important thing in life, it is a part of survival but it has nothing to do with how a person lives and choices they make and what is life without meaning are purpose and how can a person supposed to know how to survive any way if they do not know how to live having no meaning and understanding, and a nation cannot governor themselves and would have to be led by righteous leaders, not living in sin and a 

person can see why these whole nations are corrupt here, is because the nations are being rule and control by corrupt fu#k up leaders and wolves dress in sheep's clothing living here in sin, pretending they are church organization and government and other stupid things. And are they just stupid are what, and my question is? Why are they interfering with the gospel and causing people conflict knowing 

people are living here without the law, is tempting God, and have not one damn thing to say, but shut the fu#k up, every one of them here, with their mote in their eye and people should be tired and had enough of them here perpetrating in front the nations being fake and using the media and commercials and television and the public, pretending like they care about the nations, talking to people about 

retirement plans and having a future and vacations and sports and politics and news and pagan holidays and recipes and food and other stupid sh#t and doesn't make sense and how can people have a future, if the whole human race are being wipe out and destroyed by evil spirits and are living here with no meaning and purpose and is without the law. And how can a person are supposed to know what 

having meaning is, if a person does not understand themselves and how they are supposed to live, and a person having meaning and a purpose, starts with the person first, because the choices a person makes and how they live, affects others and how can a person are supposed to know how to care and how they are living and are concern about what is happening in their world if they do not understand 

themselves and are possessed with devils interfering with the gospel, tempting God and are standing in the way interfering how people are supposed to live and think because of their corruption and this nasty sh#t they are doing here with and to people are supposed to be a secret, and if they are looking for something to screw on, they can screw them damn selves in hell.     

People Cannot Recognize Them Here Because They Look Human And They Want People To Think They Have So Much Gone On, And Ain't Got Sh#t Gone On, But Is Just A Punk And Stupid Devils And A No Body With No Meaning, Living Here Like They Have Meaning To Them''

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