Saturday, February 15, 2025

They Want This Information Kept Out The Public And Media And Do Not Want The Public To Learn About The Real Truth Written In The Gospel Here Centuries Ago About People And Nations Here In This Time Who Are Bringing The Stories And Prophecies To Life And Information Containing In Government Personal Files And Classified Documents Is Involving Nations And People Here In This Time What Will Become Of Them Here And These Whole Nations Here In The Future And Signed Documents With Signature Authorizing Their Attacks On The Nations And Private Meetings They Held Between Nations How They Plan To Attack The Nations And Forge Documents And This Was How I Found Out About The Bastards Here In This Time Is Through The Bible And The Real Story Is Unfolding Right Before Their Stupid Faces!

And they know how the real story goes and why are they setting behind closed doors fooling themselves here thinking of how they will plan to attack the nations next and think what they are doing here in this time will continue on thinking they can tempt God he takes pleasure in evil and is this what they are 

thinking everyone have just been setting here all this time for nothing putting up with this bull crap, is because God takes pleasure in evil and rather than they wasting government money to have the nations spied on and raped and murdered and framed and accused of their crimes and condemned and judged, why don't they 

pay funds and dirty money to criminal originations to have themselves be murdered and destroy off the face of this earth and should be afraid what will become of them next and their descendants here in this time, then just having people and their children murdered and raped and kidnapped here in this time and just like you are 

watching a repeating soap opera, repeating the same sh*t every day and think they have this agreement between themselves and God and this is why they becomes intimidated and want people destroyed, is because they are above their place thinking the planet belongs to them and they are the ones who are in control and 

get to call the shots here in this time and not God are no one but themselves, thinking they can tempt God, they can't forget their damn place and who made them and where they come from, rather than people and think what they are doing here in this time is just a secret between God and themselves here and no one else 

and God uses punishments and evil for people to understand how serious this knowledge is mankind were cursed with because of Adam and Eve mistake they made centuries ago in the book of Genesis and God does not uses evil and punishments because he takes pleasure in evil and had laws written because he 

knows people will not understand the knowledge of good and evil they were cursed with and will continue making wrong choices having this knowledge until they destroy themselves and God uses punishments and evil for people to understand how serious this is and the choices they are making and discerning the different 

between good and evil having this knowledge and the laws were written for people not to make the same mistakes over again and again having this knowledge and understanding the difference and the choices they are making. And the whole world was cursed with knowledge to know both good and evil comes with great 

responsibility and the evil you are seeing here coming from in your world, is because people are living here without God's law and are making wrong choices. And Donald Trump tries to pretend he can keep it together, is a loose cannon ball about to break in half.      

The watchmen studio is based on 10 years of researching ancient civilizations and stories of the bible and their enduring legacies, and discover the ancient past, present and future uncovering the mysteries and truth and stories, artifacts, and cultures that have shaped our world and biblical histories and ancient prophecies.

The bible is an ancient historic book and real stories and prophecies written about people in this time and the pass and future and the commandments of God and for many years government world leaders and churches from across global here in our time kept this information a secret from the public, until a recent discovery was 

discovered here in this time written about mankind and no one in this time for many years was aware of this ancient discovery and was kept secret from the public for generations by government world leaders and churches from across global and the stories written in the bible are based on real biblical prophecies and mankind 

greatest history who are bringing the stories and prophecies to life written here centuries ago in ancient times by holy men of God and demons have been living here for many generations in celestial bodies and they want this information kept out the public and the media and government secret files, they do not want the 

public to learn about the truth, contains personal information written about people and nations here in this time and the future, including their plans and attacks made on these nations and countries from across the globe and have set nations up from across the globe, people and spies are being use by demons are the devil's 

messenger is working for them here in this time and from across the globe to gather information including China and Russia and many more nations containing in their government secret files and private documents and the public is not aware what is happening here in this time having no idea government world leaders and 

churches from across the globe are deceiving them here in this time and people have been living here for generations based on a lie thinking what they were told here was the truth. Government world leaders are funding money to criminal organizations to attacked nations to nations across the globe and is supporting ices 

and gang stalkers and drug dealers and secret services and secret societies and many more fraudulents and criminals from around the world, including sex trafficking, and this is why they want this information kept out the public and media and do not want the public to learn about the truth containing in their 

government personal files and classified documents and agreements and secrets along with private meetings and paid receipts and agreements and trust between themselves and government classified includes people and nations from across the globe. The stories written in the bible are based on real biblical prophecies and 

mankind greatest history who are bringing the stories and prophecies to life written here centuries ago in ancient times by holy men of God and the nations do not know what was written in this ancient book, was written about people and nations here in this time what will become of them here and these whole nations here in the future 

and if people knew what was written, they would not be online playing damn video games and making videos and recipes and foods and talking about their damn pets and life simple pleasure and can't see the government is their fu*king enemy there to destroy them and these whole nations.

Monday, February 10, 2025

Nations Must Be On An ALert They Will Come Under A Huge Attack At Any Time By The Government*#!

The Nations Must Be On An Alert Right Now, The Government Are Planning To Attack All Nations And Tongues Here At Any Time!! And Donald Trump That Criminal Bitch Is One Step Behind His Fucking Game!!

They Think They Can Remove This Information Offline And Keep It From The Public And Do Not Want Them Warn About This And Time Is Up For Those Mother Fuckers And Might As Well Stop Perpetrating Playing Fucking World Leaders And Bring Their Ass Out Their Hiding And Their Government Secret Files, They Do Not Want The Public To Know About Contains Personal 

Information Written About People And Nations Here In This Time And The Future, Including Their Plans And Attacks Made On These Nations And Countries From Across The Globe And Have Set Nations Up From Across The Globe, People Who Are Being Use By Demons Are Working For Them Here To Gather Information Including China And Russia And Many More Nations Containing In 

Their Government Secret Files And Documents And The Public Do Not Know The Fuck What Is Going On Here Having No Idea They Are Fucked By Government World Leaders Misleading Them Thinking What They Were Told Here Was The Truth, And Their Descendants Are Living Here In This Time Is Aware Of This Plot And Scandal By Government World Leaders And Churches From Across 

The Globe And Have Kept This Information A Secret From The Public And Think What Those Dogs Are Doing In The White House Is A Secret And They Have Been Working With Demons Aliens Living Here In This Time In Celestial Bodies For Centuries And Have Misled The Public Thinking They Were Told The Truth About UFO's And Demons Are Living Here In This Time In Celestial Bodies 

From Across The Globe, Including China And Russia And Germany And Many More Nations From Across The Globe, Hiding Themselves Here, Thinking No One Doesn't Know About Them Here And Where They Came From Here Long Time Ago And They Have Been Living And Working Here For Many Generation And Years Attacking The Nations Sent From The Devil To Destroy The Nations        

And This Is Why They Do Not Want The Public To Know What Is Written And Think No One Here In This Time Have Witness What Their Plans Are Here In This Time And What They Have Plan Here In The Future Has Been Written And They Have Misled These Whole Nations Thinking What They Were Told Here Was The Truth, Was A Lie They Covered Up And Have Hidden The Truth From The 

Public For Many Generations And Years, Until Now Someone In This Time Have Witness The Truth And Is One Step Ahead Of Those Mother Fuckers Game And They Know The Nations Do Not Know What Was Written In This Ancient Book, Was Written About People And Nations Here In This Time What Will Become Of Them Here And These Whole Nations In The Future And If People Knew 

What Was Written, They Would Not Be Online Playing Damn Video Games And Making Videos And Recipes And Foods And Talking About Their Damn Pets And Life Simple Pleasure And Can't See The Government Is Their Fucking Enemy There To Destroy Them And These Whole Nations. Donald Trump Might As Well Bring His Alien Ass Out His Hiding And What They Are Planning Here In This 

Time And The Future, I Am A Witness What Their Plans Are Here In This Time And The Future And What Are They Waiting For, Their Fucking Game Is No Secret Here, Playing Government World Leaders And Church Pastors, I Know About Them And Their Fucking Attacks And Plans Here On These Nations, And Government World Leaders And That Bitch Trump Are Paying Money To Criminal 

Organizations To Attacked These Nations And Is Supporting Ices And Gang Stalkers And Drug Dealers And Many More Crooks And Fraudulents From Around The World, Including Sex Trafficking, This Is Why They Have Kept This Information A Secret From The Public, Secret Files They Do Not Want The Public And Others Here In This Time Know Were Written In Their Private Personal 

Files And Agreements And Secrets Along With Private Meetings And Paid Receipts And Agreements And Trust Between Themselves And Government Classified Includes People And Nations From Across The Globe. Donald Trump And Government World Leaders And Churches Global Are Descendants Of Satan Seed Demons In Celestial Bodies Here To Destroy The Nations, Are Planning A 

Huge Attack On All Nations And Tongues Include China And Russia And Germany And Nations From Across The Globe Worldwide Are Coming Under An Attack Here By Government World Leaders And Their Descendants Living Here In This Time At Any Time And This Beast Is An Enemy And Are Not Real-World Leaders And Churches Here In This Time And They Have Other Allies From Around 

The World Working For Them Here In This Time And From Across The Globe Planning An Attack On The Nations Including Allies In China And Russia And India And Many Other Nations From Across The Globe. Is Time For Action Be Done On Those Mother Fuckers And Those Bitch Aliens Be Dealt With And They Already Have A Plan Intacted To Attack These Whole Nations Here At Any Time And 

Nations Must Be On Alert, They Will Be Coming Under A Huge Attack By Government World Leaders And Donald Trump Are Demons Living Here In Celestian Bodies And Nations Are Under Attacked And Must Be On Alert, They Are Planning To Destroy All Half The Nations Here At Any Time And They Think No One Does Not Know About This Plot And Scandal And They Are Also Using 

Covid-19 and Poison Vaccines To Slowly Destroy The Nations Causing Deaths, And They Already Know Billions And Thousands Of People Are Still Infected Worldwide With Covid-19 And Will Get Sick And Die Here Very Soon And Have Been Poisoned With Contaminated Vaccine, Containing Bacterial And Viruses And Everyone Of Them Are Lying Mother Fuckers And You Cannot 

Believe And Trust What They Tell You And They Have Not A Damn Thing To Tell The Nations And This Is Fucking War.

Donald Trump A*s Needs To Be Correct And Told His Wrong And Put In His Da*m Place, A Fraudulent Pretending To Be A Leader Fighting For Rights Of People And There To Protect And Serve The Nations With Justice And Wants Respect And Honor And Are Responsible For Causing This Whole World To Become A Slut And Great Whore Just Like Himself And This Thing Is No Leader But A Dame Slut Trying To Make Himself Look Important Before The Public Because He Is a Ugly Old Demon Wearing A Mask!

Monday, February 3, 2025

They Just Keep Lying Until They Go To Hell'' I'm Sure They Know How Serious This Is Thinking They Can Un Estimate People They Will Never Know The Truth They Are The Ones Who Are Bringing The Stories And Prophecies To Life Written Here Centuries Ago In Ancient Times By Holy Men Of God And If People Find Out The Truth About Them Here And They Are Responsible For Billions And Thousands Of Innocence People And Children's Deaths Here In This Time, People Will Come For Their Heads And War Will Break Out And What Is Done, Is Done, Cannot Be Unwritten.

Government world leaders are the ones who Initiate these attacks on the nations and are funding money to support criminal organizations from around the world and are having people being arrested and are framing people for murder here in this time, setting them up, accusing them of crimes and false accusations to set the 

stage up for one world order. And how can they go to bed at night, and this does not come as a surprise and has it occurred to them, they are the ones who are bringing the stories and prophecies to life written here centuries ago in ancient times by holy men of God and descendants of this evil creature living here in this time, are no 

secret here and they act like if the bible were written just to tell stories, are based on real prophecies. Government world leaders are funding money to support criminal organizations and churches from around the world teaching false doctrine and they think the world does not know the truth written about them here in this time and 

every one of them are a murderer and are responsible for billions and thousands of innocence people and children's deaths here in this time and they are responsible for shedding tons of innocence blood on these nations and crimes they have committed are no secret and they know the prophecies written in the bible are 

based on real prophecies people in this time and the future are bringing to pass and if people find out the truth about them here and they are responsible for billions and thousands of innocence people and children's deaths here in this time, people will come for their heads and war will break out and they cannot change the future 

and what was written, because what is done, is done, cannot be unwritten, enough blood has been spilled on these nations and according to the book of Revelation more blood, sweat and tears will be spilled on these nations. I'm sure they know how serious this is thinking they can Un estimate people they will never know the 

truth they are the ones who are bringing the stories and prophecies to life written here centuries ago in ancient times by holy men of God and if people find out the truth about them here and they are responsible for billions and thousands of 

innocence people and children's deaths here in this time, people will come for their heads and war will break out and what is done, is done, cannot be unwritten.

I'm Sure Donald Trump Knows How Serious This Is And People Want Him Destroyed And The Government Knows The Whole World Is Setting On A Ticking Time Bomb Waiting To Go Off And Is Setting On Thin Ice About To Perish!

This Post And Video Was Created To Witness Before The Public And The Government Of The United Nations'' Please Do Not Reject This Important Message It May Save Your Life!

Trump cannot bind an oath to God because the truth is not in him, and he is a demon anti-Christ, because if he bonded an oath to God, would be saying God is not a spirit of truth, because Donald Trump is a demon, and a demon will not deny himself and divide against his own kingdom and this is why he could not put his 

dirty hands on the bible and bind an oath to God when he took office, is because God is a spirit of truth. The bible is an ancient book written about people in this time and the pass and future and prophecies they are bringing to pass and the commandments of God. The prophecies written in the bible are written about 

people in this time and the pass and future and the commandments of God. The watchmen11 were recorded and written to witness before the government of the United States and the public are based on years of research and studying ancient knowledge of the bible written about people in this time and the pass and future 

and the commandments of God and for many years the government and churches global nationwide kept this information a secret from the public, until a recent discovery was discovered here in this time written about mankind and no one in this time for many years was aware of this ancient discovery and was kept secret 

from the public for generation by the government and churches here in this time global nationwide and the stories written in the bible are based on real biblical prophecies written about people in this time and the pass and future and the commandments of God. The government know the real gospel were discovered here 

in this time written about mankind and they know the public is not aware the bible was written based on real prophecies written about people in this time have already come to pass here and is coming to pass here in the future and the public has no idea what was written is coming to pass here and the whole world is about to be 

destroyed, and people and nations will die. The government is aware of this and fail to warn the public. And the government know all half the nations and people and tongues, and the population will perish here in this time were written based on prophecies. Government world leaders and churches global are descendants of 

Lucifer here to destroy the nations and what people and the government did here in this time is not a secret, were written.

And The World Have No Idea Donald Trump Is Their Enemy There To Destroy Them And He Is Not There To Serve And Protect The Nations, And Lied Under False Oath And Is A Chosen Demon In A Celestial Body Being Used By God To Destroy The Nations. 

Trump cannot bind an oath to God because the truth is not in him, and he is a demon anti-Christ, because if he bonded an oath to God, would be saying God is not a spirit of truth, because Donald Trump  is a demon, and a demon will not deny himself and divide against his own kingdom and this is why he could not put his 

dirty hands on the bible and bind an oath to God when he took office, is because God is a spirit of truth and Donald Trump may be fronting in media putting on a fake act, I'm sure he knows how serious this is and people want him destroyed, is because he knows he were chosen and was given power to this dirty job destroying 

the nations and his body language and character describe this in his actions how he thinks. The government knows the whole world is setting on a ticking time bomb waiting to go off. Please check out my social pages for complete details and the whole world is setting on thin ice, about to perish and why did God allow people 

to come back here in this time for, if they think they can cover this sh*t up from the public, knowing this is a life and death situation what was written and people are too busy being distracted, playing and making videos of themselves and their families and friends, not knowing what is about to happen here and the government 

will not be warning the public about this, and this video and post was created to witness before the public and the government of the United Nations and Donald Trump is a demon, not a real president and he knows what is about to happen here involves people and nations here in this time.

Please Do Not Reject This Very Important Message It May Save Your Life, And The Existing Of Mankind Is In Great Danger, And This Is Not A Phreak Are Public Broadcast, I Am Risking Everything Just To Warn The Nations And They Are Here Now Watching, And They Will Make Sure This Message Be Deleted First To Prevent Anyone From Hearing This And Written And Recorded In My Social Pages!!

What is about to happen here, involves families and friends and people from different nations, will perish and Donald Trump know he is a demon and if they can call this a threat what was written about the truth, then why did they lied about the truth and is framing God for a lair all this time, just like themselves and they are the

ones who lied to people and these whole nations and have not one damn thing to say and are dishonest lairs who needs executed and condemned and people have the fucking right to protect the life of their children and themselves from those dangerous impostors claiming to be world leaders and church pastors, protecting

and serving these nations and because of their lies and paranoid acts, they have put the life of these whole nations in great danger.

The World Have No Idea Donald Trump Is Their Enemy There To Destroy Them And He Is Not There To Serve And Protect The Nations, And Lied Under False Oath And Is A Chosen Demon In A Celestial Body Being Used By God To Destroy The Nations!

Check the watchmen11 social page and this video will be available on my Instagram, social page

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