And they know how the real story goes and why are they setting behind closed doors fooling themselves here thinking of how they will plan to attack the nations next and think what they are doing here in this time will continue on thinking they can tempt God he takes pleasure in evil and is this what they are
thinking everyone have just been setting here all this time for nothing putting up with this bull crap, is because God takes pleasure in evil and rather than they wasting government money to have the nations spied on and raped and murdered and framed and accused of their crimes and condemned and judged, why don't they
pay funds and dirty money to criminal originations to have themselves be murdered and destroy off the face of this earth and should be afraid what will become of them next and their descendants here in this time, then just having people and their children murdered and raped and kidnapped here in this time and just like you are
watching a repeating soap opera, repeating the same sh*t every day and think they have this agreement between themselves and God and this is why they becomes intimidated and want people destroyed, is because they are above their place thinking the planet belongs to them and they are the ones who are in control and
get to call the shots here in this time and not God are no one but themselves, thinking they can tempt God, they can't forget their damn place and who made them and where they come from, rather than people and think what they are doing here in this time is just a secret between God and themselves here and no one else
and God uses punishments and evil for people to understand how serious this knowledge is mankind were cursed with because of Adam and Eve mistake they made centuries ago in the book of Genesis and God does not uses evil and punishments because he takes pleasure in evil and had laws written because he
knows people will not understand the knowledge of good and evil they were cursed with and will continue making wrong choices having this knowledge until they destroy themselves and God uses punishments and evil for people to understand how serious this is and the choices they are making and discerning the different
between good and evil having this knowledge and the laws were written for people not to make the same mistakes over again and again having this knowledge and understanding the difference and the choices they are making. And the whole world was cursed with knowledge to know both good and evil comes with great
responsibility and the evil you are seeing here coming from in your world, is because people are living here without God's law and are making wrong choices. And Donald Trump tries to pretend he can keep it together, is a loose cannon ball about to break in half.
The watchmen studio is based on 10 years of researching ancient civilizations and stories of the bible and their enduring legacies, and discover the ancient past, present and future uncovering the mysteries and truth and stories, artifacts, and cultures that have shaped our world and biblical histories and ancient prophecies.
The bible is an ancient historic book and real stories and prophecies written about people in this time and the pass and future and the commandments of God and for many years government world leaders and churches from across global here in our time kept this information a secret from the public, until a recent discovery was
discovered here in this time written about mankind and no one in this time for many years was aware of this ancient discovery and was kept secret from the public for generations by government world leaders and churches from across global and the stories written in the bible are based on real biblical prophecies and mankind
greatest history who are bringing the stories and prophecies to life written here centuries ago in ancient times by holy men of God and demons have been living here for many generations in celestial bodies and they want this information kept out the public and the media and government secret files, they do not want the
public to learn about the truth, contains personal information written about people and nations here in this time and the future, including their plans and attacks made on these nations and countries from across the globe and have set nations up from across the globe, people and spies are being use by demons are the devil's
messenger is working for them here in this time and from across the globe to gather information including China and Russia and many more nations containing in their government secret files and private documents and the public is not aware what is happening here in this time having no idea government world leaders and
churches from across the globe are deceiving them here in this time and people have been living here for generations based on a lie thinking what they were told here was the truth. Government world leaders are funding money to criminal organizations to attacked nations to nations across the globe and is supporting ices
and gang stalkers and drug dealers and secret services and secret societies and many more fraudulents and criminals from around the world, including sex trafficking, and this is why they want this information kept out the public and media and do not want the public to learn about the truth containing in their
government personal files and classified documents and agreements and secrets along with private meetings and paid receipts and agreements and trust between themselves and government classified includes people and nations from across the globe. The stories written in the bible are based on real biblical prophecies and
mankind greatest history who are bringing the stories and prophecies to life written here centuries ago in ancient times by holy men of God and the nations do not know what was written in this ancient book, was written about people and nations here in this time what will become of them here and these whole nations here in the future
and if people knew what was written, they would not be online playing damn video games and making videos and recipes and foods and talking about their damn pets and life simple pleasure and can't see the government is their fu*king enemy there to destroy them and these whole nations.
The Nations Must Be On An Alert Right Now, The Government Are Planning To Attack All Nations And Tongues Here At Any Time And Donald Trump That Criminal Bitch Is One Step Behind His Fucking Game!!