Extended Chapter 1 to 2
Dear Nations and Country,
I am writing this letter to you because it is not my desire are to defend you in any way are to change what you believe in and think is the truth, but the truth based on the bible, and I understand people may feel offensive at times because they think a person is trying to change what they believe in, and think is the truth
about the gospel, and this is not the reason I am writing to you, and people are wrong and quick to judge thinking this way in their minds, but was to point out to you the truth and it is the person choice what they choose, whether if they think it is the truth are not, and not mines, so please do not take this the
wrong way, but how do a person know if something is not the truth, if they have not searched the scriptures, is a person being their own judge and what they think truth is and this is why people are having so many problems in their life, is because people take things in the wrong way when they think
someone is trying to tell them the truth. And this is how people screw themselves up in the first place, because people take to many things in the wrong way and do not understand and do not know where their thoughts come from in their mind, and the whole world was cursed with the
knowledge of good and evil because of Eve and Adam mistake in the book of Genesis chapter 2:16-25 and chapter 3:1-24 and a person thought in their mind comes from the knowledge of good and evil and a person have the choice to choose between good and evil and people do not know what
they are choosing, and they are being manipulated by entities in their mind is because people do not know what God is telling them and people in this time were not told the truth and have been manipulated in their minds believing they were told the truth.
They do not want the nations to know about their background and reputation and they are descendants of devil's cursed with the devil's seed and were send from the devil to destroy the nations, pretending to be the government of our nations and country and Christian leaders leading our nations to salvation. People are not the only crooks and murderers living here on this earth the government of our
nations and country and fake Christian leaders pretending to be priests leading our nations to salvation, do not want the public to know about their dirty sh#t and they are full of sh#t and is a piece of sh#t and they are murderers themselves and have committed crimes just like the nations, but they want people and the nations to think they are just the guilty ones and have a mote in their own damn
eyes and do not practice what they preach. Their evil ancestors in the bible rape and beaten and murdered, men, women and children and sold them into slavery and use them for slaves and sacrifice them to devils to gain wealth and power. Fake Christian men and women are pretending to be priests leading people to salvation and the government of our nations and country are a two-faced lying
dishonest scumbags and have misled our nations to believe people were told the truth and they are descendants of devil's cursed with the devil's seed and were send from the devil to destroy the nations, pretending to be Christian leaders leading our nations to salvation, and the government of our nations and people is not aware this was a lie told here long time ago and not the truth what happen here
centuries ago, in the bible and the real gospel were written based on prophecies people are bringing to pass and the prophecies in the bible is based on ancient histories written about people in this time and their ancestors and God commandments and the future. And people are not aware this was a lie covered up here long time ago, by the government of our nations and phony Christian men and women pretending to be
priests leading people to salvation, and this lie still exist today and the real gospel was written based on prophecies people are bringing to pass and people in this time was not aware this was a lie, they covered up a long time ago was because many people in that time in the bible forsaken God's law and did not keep his commandments and God turned them over to their enemies as of this day and when more people
came into generation, they were not aware they were told lies here in this time by phony Christian men and women pretending to be priests leading people to salvation and people were deceived by demons teaching false doctrine and they are people cursed with the devil's seed because of the enmity God put between the devil seed and Eve seed here centuries ago in the book of Genesis because of Eve
disobedience and what happen in that time in the bible doesn't ends there and still continues as of today in our time and people in this time are facing the same problems, people in the bible did and still do not know as of this day they are turned over to their enemies because of lying spirits of error leading our nations to violence and corruption. The stories in the bible are real ancient history written about people in this
time and their ancestors and God commandments and we are tribes of their bloodline and people is still believing their lies as of this day. What happen in that time in the bible doesn't ends there and the same problems still continues as of today in our time and the stories in the bible are real and we are at war fighting against principalities and power of darkness. This whole generation can be destroyed because of
evil and if people continue living here in sin will not survive this way and will perish. I hope people in this time do not make the same mistake people in the bible made and think this is not for real because God is not with this whole nation because of our forefather's mistake forsaken God commandments, and we are tribes and descendants of people in the bible and God's chosen people here in this time because of the
covenant he made with our forefathers here centuries ago in the bible and this whole generation can die and be destroy because of our ancestor's mistake and the stories in the bible are real and we are at war and what a person think in their mind is not real to them cannot change what was written in the bible from happening here. And they already have control over just about the entire population and more people are
being possessed and control here in this time by evil spirits, and they know he is coming here to make war with the entire nations, the son of perdition and what people do not understand about this prophecy coming to pass in the book of Revelation, this beast will be given power over these entire nations for forty and two months and will be making war with the nations here in the future and nations will die. The
son of perdition will not be the only one here in the future making war with the nations, there will be two more beasts coming here, the false prophet and the dragon. And if a person takes a look around them, what do they see, the whole world is having problems here and is fill with violence and corruption, is because people are making wrong choices and do not understand their thoughts in their mind comes from
good and evil, the whole world was cursed with the knowledge of good and evil and have the choice to choose between good and evil and people do not know what they are choosing and are being manipulated by entities. The whole world is fill with violence and corruption here is because people are living here without God laws and is separated from God and were not told the truth. People know something is
happening here, but they are just not talking about it and think they can run away from their problems, a person cannot run away from their problems and the whole world would not be having problems here if people were obeying God and were told the truth and if they were real Christian leaders leading our nations to salvation here, this whole world would not be fill with violence and corruption, if people were told
the truth. God is going to put an end to this foolishness here real soon when this prophecy comes to pass in the book of Revelation, and it is not a person choice and think they can live here without God laws and people have the bible here to tell them, what God is telling them and what is wrong with people minds and why would someone think God is joking and people is not living here in this world because it is their
choice and problems the whole world is having here now, will get much worse here and no one will have any peace here because of the evil here in our world and a person has nowhere to run, and it is a person's choice if they choose to be foolish about this. And it is a strong possibility they may be using nuclear weapons here in the future on our nations and country and this next person who may be president, may be
the one who is going into perdition and will be making war with the entire nations here in the future in the book of Revelation, this will be the first beast in the book of Revelation, the son of perdition. And how can they be Christian leaders leading our nations to salvation, if people in this time were not told the truth and how can they be Christian leaders and preach the gospel, if they didn't tell people what God is telling
them in the bible and a person can discern and will know the kind of spirit in them, because the spirit itself bare witness of the truth, and if God spirit was in them, they would have told people the truth. And Covid-19 still remains a threat and has not left here yet and the government is using people and the vaccine to keep the virus here and the purpose they are using the vaccine for, was not to protect people from
becoming infected, but to be infected and keep the virus here, and people are walking into an ambush and is setting on thin ice and people will just take themselves right back to beginning again, when the virus first came here and the vaccine was for nothing, and what was the point people getting vaccinated and the virus is still here and what good is the vaccine and does not protect people from becoming infected and
people still can become infected by the virus not showing signs. The government want people to think the vaccine is protecting them from getting sick and people do not realize they are keeping the virus here and the government is setting them up and how can this vaccine be protecting people and they still can become infected, and millions of people are risking their life, walking around wearing no mask and could
be infected with virus bacterial not showing signs and how can the government care about people as a nation, if they are the enemy and when someone is your enemy, they do not care are is concern about the person and their life. People should know by now the government is corrupt and think they are supposed to have God and our nations respect and have no respect themselves and is no different from people and their crimes and how can a person have respect for something corrupt.
The King James Bible has another version and is not the same as the original King James Bible and only the original King James Bible comes from the real gospel based on ancient historians and prophecies people are bringing to pass, and God commandments. Click on links below for more details. In the book of Revelation chapter 12:9, the devil deceived the whole world, and it is people in this time
who is deceived and are making the same mistake here in this time their ancestors made in the bible and are rejecting God's law because they believe what they were thinking in their mind was the truth and this was the same mistake people made in the bible, they believe what they were thinking in their mind was the truth and rejected God's law and because of their mistake people in this time were not told the
truth. And I do not understand why people are having a hard time understanding what God is telling them in the bible, when they can see the whole world is having problems here and who do people think God is talking too in the bible, he is talking to people here in this time, the same way he talked to our forefathers in the bible in that time when they were here and where do people think this mess here
in our world is coming from, it is coming from the wrong choices people are making and they are living here without God laws and people in the bible had the same problems and people can see themselves here in this time having the same problems and God punished people in the bible the same way he is punishing people here in this time, using evil spirits and fires and storms and wild beasts and
plagues and curses and a person cannot deny it, because they are seeing the same thing here in this time, people was cursed with plagues and had evil spirits in them and was possessed by devils, and the same problems are happening to people here in this time and no one wants to talk about it, and people are being use by nasty unclean spirits and they want to control a person mind and body what they want
the person to feel and think and people and children are being sexual attack and raped and molested by unclean spirits and they will manipulate a person in their body thinking they are feeling sexual, like if they are having a sexual relationship with people in this time, and I have never seen anything like this before, creatures thinking they are being intimate with people in their body, is just sick and they are
doing this sh#t here with the whole nation, and they are using people bodies to be intimate with them, like if it is a sexual thing going on, spirits making out with people, is just sick and how can a thing, not human think itself can be intimate with people and they are having people doing nasty sh#t here and people should know something bound is going to happen here, because of all this nasty sh#t and
corruption here and the whole world is corrupted, and I am surprise the whole world is still standing here for right now and how can people just sit here in a world full of garbage and corruption and not say anything. And people do not even know what God is talking about in the bible and what those nasty fu#kers are doing here in this time and what they did in that time in the bible, they stolen, people's
lands and took property didn't belong to them, they raped and murdered people and children in the bible and use them for slaves and sacrificed, women and men and children in the bible to devils and people in the bible fought in wars and battles here for centuries against the enemy, the stories in the bible are real and we are at war with the enemy here in this time. Sometimes the worse would have to happen
before people can see the truth and this same sh#t will keep happening here, because people are living here without God laws and are making wrong choices and if people want to live here this way, they are being destroy and will not survive this way and people have either one are two options, repent are perish, and they are doing the same thing here in this time, they did in the bible, they took lands and
property didn't belong to them, and God gave his people land and property in the bible, and it still belongs to his people here in this time as of this day, and people in this time have land and property belongs to them, given to their ancestors in the bible in that time. And people in that time in the bible left from the commandments of God and serve other gods, false gods and God turned them over to their
enemies as of this day, and this is how they stolen land from people here in this time, and they have stolen properties and lands and islands and the oceans and trees here in this time and claim it theirs and putted a price tag on it and it doesn't belongs to them and God didn't give to them the trees and the oceans and properties and islands and lands here in this time for them to own and they are not the
original owners, God is and belongs to him, they stolen lands and properties and islands here in this time for themselves and people in this time think is theirs, and nothing is theirs and doesn't belong to them, it belongs to God who made it for all mankind and not just for those dirty rats here in this time, who is pretending to be the government of our nations and country and Christian leaders and people's
husbands and wives and children and no one here in this time was legally married, because no church here in this time was send from God to lead the nations, they are descendants of devils, cursed with the devil's seed, sent from the devil to destroy the nations. They are a bunch of wild dumb dogs with big mouths and wolves dress in sheep's clothing and sh#t ruling these nations and who in the hell do they
think they have fool and are a bunch of wild dumb dogs with a one-track delusional mind, perpetrating pretending to be descent and respectful leaders with class and are intelligent and smart, and if they were so smart and intelligent and had respect and control of themselves, then why are they, rapping, men and women and animals and selling people's children into sex trafficking and using them for pleasure here in this time and have
murdered people and children and babies in cold blood here in this time and have sacrificed them to devils and is leading this whole nation to stray, nothing descent and had respect and have control of themselves will do things like that, murder people and children and cause people to corrupt themselves and expect people and the nations to listen too sh#t like that and take advice from murderers
and child molesters and devil worshipers and whoredoms and harlots and adulteress, having a bad reputation and background and are not fit nor qualified to lead a nation and how can something that low and filthy, exist and they have not earned this nations and country respect and they want people to think they have respect, and wild dumb dogs do not know the meaning of having respect and principles.
And it is about to go down here in the future real soon and the whole nations will see those wild dogs in full action here in the future in the book of Revelation. The details in their movies are like clues related to the real world and a person cannot go by a movie, a person will have to go by the bible and what God is telling them. And those wild dumb dogs, evil dark days are number and are coming to an end in
the book of Revelation and they will not be carrying, no land and properties and islands in hell with them in there and can make out with themselves and their own kind in there and the world is no longer a safe place to live in anymore, because of violence and corruption and people in this time are possessed with devils, using them to attack and destroy people and their families and if a person made
friends with the crazy bastards through, occult and have contacted them from the spiritual rim, thinking they were communicating with their love one's and have practice witchcraft, have open more doors to them and have invited more of them to come in and an evil spirit causes sickness and deaths and misfortunes and disasters to happen and a person having bad luck and a person burning sage and
candles and using spell protection and energy stones and rings and medallions, does not protect a person from them, the only way a person can be protected from them, is when the person becomes save and is born again in Christ and is no longer in sin and God gives power to the church, and to a man who is anointed and ordained by God to cast them out. And an evil spirit is not meant to stay in a person
body and a person's body will be destroyed, if an evil spirit remains in the body and brings death and is a curse and was not create having a purpose to know good. They manipulated people believing in their mind, it is their thoughts what they are thinking, and the person doesn't realize their thoughts in their mind comes from the knowledge of good and evil, the whole world was cursed with this knowledge
here centuries ago, because of Eve and Adam mistake in the book of Genesis and people are going by what they are believing in their minds is the truth, not realizing they are being manipulated by entities and if our minds were without the knowledge of good and evil a person mind would be without thoughts and dreams. And when a person is asleep, their mind is in like an unconscious state dreaming
and the person's brain is still functioning, but the person is not exactly unconscious, the person is just unaware of their surroundings and this dream world a person is seeing in their mind when they are asleep, is coming from the knowledge of good and evil, and this dream world a person is seeing in their mind some are delusions and is not real, and some can be real message send from the spirit rim and
a person will know whether if it was a real massage are not sent from the spiritual rim, if it comes to pass. Without the knowledge of good and evil a person would not have a purpose to exist, because their mind would be without thoughts. And the nasty ugly looking things are hiding themselves in people, manipulating the person body thinking they are having a sexual relationship with people, just
like when two people are together in a relationship and how can a thing, not human and is just like an artificial corrupt program machine having no life are meaning to it, nor can relate to people and their needs and have nothing in common with people, is just sick and needs to take their sorry one-track delusional mind back to the spiritual rim, if they are looking to mate and they have led the whole
nations to stray, will backfire on them and they will feed off a person's emotions and pain and think if they can intimidate people manipulating the person, until they break the person down, if they can and will feed off a person's fear and when they are angry. The purpose of mankind existing is supposed to glorify God and obey his laws and not those clowns and impostors here in this time, claiming to be our
government and Christian leaders and brothers and sisters in Christ and they are nothing but descendants of punks and wild dumb dogs with a one-track delusional mind, cursed with the devil's seed, send from this beast to destroy our nations and how can people in this time glorify God and serve him if they are living here in sin and are to foolish thinking, they are having life simple pleasure and are too
lazy reading the bible and the whole world might as well get ready and prepare for war and what is coming here, because all hell is about to break loose here real soon and they told people lies here in this time, people will be rapture here before the great tribulation takes place and there are no Christians here in this time were told the truth or save. And they are the real criminals here in this time thinking
they can hide their criminal acts from people and get away with it and leading the nations to stray and how can people learn the way of righteous and survive as a nation if people are living here in sin. How can the government of our nations and country protect and serve the nations lying to people about the truth and they know God is using them here to punish the nations and think they can take
advantage of it and manipulate and get away with lying about the truth, because they think they are protected and are cursed with the devil's seed and were send from the devil to murder people and have murdered people and their children here and destroy the nations, pretending to be Christian men and women leading people to salvation, and the government of our nations and country and have robbed these
whole nations and have led them to stray and how can they protect and serve the nations, if they cannot be honest with themselves and lying to the whole nations about the truth and who they are and what they are here for and they are sent from this beast written in the bible here to destroy them and this whole nations and their plans for our nations and country here in the future in the book of Revelation, is war!!
People will know what their crime is for misleading people and the whole nation and have put these whole nations in great danger and their plans for the whole nations here in the future in the book of Revelation, is war and they have broken the law and have put this whole nation in danger, encouraging people not to wear face masks and the vaccine does not protect a person from becoming
infected and the person can be infected with virus bacterial not showing signs and can transmit the virus to others repeatedly, no government will do sick sh#t like that, risking people lives' putting their life and health in danger and no real government will do sh#t like that put the whole nation in danger and demons are living here in people in this time because they are separated from God and were not told the
truth and the government are protecting them lying to people pretending they are aliens and UFOs and ghosts they have seen here. And people don't know about them and their reputation here in this time and what happen in that time in the bible, and they have a bad name and reputation and are cursed with the devil's seed, here to condemn the whole nations and are just fronting in front the nations to make
people think they care about their country and nation and is there to protect and serve, pretending to be public figures and the government of our nations and country and Christian men and women leading our nations to salvation. They know how important having a good image and name being public figures and leaders and what is the difference if those murderers having a criminal background can qualify
being the government of our nations and country and church leaders in our communities, then why can't other people having a criminal background can qualify like them too. And when the public finds out the truth about them, they are finish, and people do not have much time left here to wait and the longer people wait here, more will die and be murdered and possessed by devils. God put enmity
between the devil seed and Eve seed here centuries ago in the book of Genesis because of Eve disobedience and people are in relationships with people cursed with the devil's seed here in this time and have born children unto them, and this can be very dangerous, and a person would have to proceed with caution, because the demon pretending to be their son are daughter are wife are husband
are aunt are uncle are father are mother are grandparents are friend are anyone, because if the evil spirit learns, the person found out the truth, it can use the person cursed with the devil's seed, to destroy the person because of the truth. And the government know the bible is the only proof can bring them and their reputation down.
Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Joel 2:12-13 Therefore also now, saith the Lord, turn ye even to me with all your heart, and with fasting, and with weeping, and with mourning: And rend your heart, and not your garments, and turn unto the Lord your God: for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness, and repenteth him of the evil.
Leviticus 26:40-42 and Leviticus 26:1-46 If they shall confess their iniquity, and the iniquity of their fathers, with their trespass which they trespassed against me, and that also they have walked contrary unto me; And that I also have walked contrary unto them, and have brought them into the land of their enemies; if then their uncircumcised hearts be humbled, and they then accept of the punishment of their
iniquity: Then will I remember my covenant with Jacob, and also my covenant with Isaac, and also my covenant with Abraham will I remember; and I will remember the land.
Matrix Mind Resurrected, Entering The Matrix Mind Of A Delusional World