Thursday, December 29, 2022

People Become Aware They Were Lying To Them And Have Put Their Life And Soul In Danger Lying To Them About The Truth, Will Not Look Good For Them!!!

People in this time were lied too but they are not aware they were lied too and do not know the difference and think they are just living their life here in freedom and in their mind, they believe what truth is to them and people is not aware they were not told the truth with the original gospel from God but with false doctrine and they want people here in this time to think they are serving God and 

people have no way of knowing their ancestors in the bible forsaken God's law and have not kept his commandments and more people were coming into generation and were not told the truth with the original gospel from God but with false doctrine and a person might be wondering, who would do something like that deceive people with false doctrine and would have to go back to the beginning 

where it started in the book of Genesis, for them to know who and what is misleading them here in this time with false doctrine and what is coming to pass here in the future in the book of Revelation. The original gospel was written about the pass/present and future and God commandments and people in this time have no salvation and were not save and when they leave the earth they will perish in hell and 

think they are just living their life here in freedom and is not aware what God is telling them. People have the original gospel to tell them what God is telling them here in this time, and they are not taking the time out to read the scriptures and are rejecting the gospel and are making the same mistake here in this time their ancestors made and think they can forsaken God laws and turn their back and people in 

this time will have no excuse when the time comes and is their own worst enemy because in their mind, they believe what truth is to them and have not receive instruction from God and people have not receive instruction from God here in this time and think they are just living their life here in freedom and is not aware they were not told the truth with the original gospel from God. And a person would have to 

go back to the beginning where it started in the book of Genesis and how their generation descendants of devils came here into existing, was pass down through generations from a corrupt bloodline because of curses. And Eve and Adam were commanded not to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil and Eve were tempted by the serpent and ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil and shared 

the fruit with her husband, Adam and Eve and Adam both disobeyed God and man was cursed and was separated from God. And God put enmity between the serpent seed and Eve seed in the book of Genesis chapter 3:1-24 and Genesis 4:1-26 and Genesis 1:1-30 and Genesis 4-1-26 And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, that the sons

of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and came down from heaven and they took them wives of all which they chose, and they bare children to them. In Genesis 6:1-22 and in 2 Peter 2:4 God Punished his angels and casted them down to hell abounded in chains. And a person might be wondering, how did their offspring come back here into existing if God destroyed the whole earth with 

a great flood here centuries ago in the bible, in Genesis 6:9-10 and Genesis 5:28-30 Noah was a righteous man and his father's name were Lamech and they were descendants of Seth, and Adam was the father of Seth Genesis 4:25-26 and Genesis 5:3-5 and Genesis 5:28-30 And Eve and Adam had three sons and Cain murdered Abel his brother and God cursed Cain and Adam and Eve had another son 

name Seth and Genesis 4:1-26 and Genesis 5:1-32 and Genesis 6:9-10 Noah was a righteous man and walked with God and the bible does not mention the name of Noah's wife and his three sons' wives name and what bloodline they come from and people already came into generation here centuries ago from Cain and Seth bloodline before the great flood took place and Noah's wife and his sons three wives 

could have come from Cain bloodline before the great flood took place here centuries ago and explains how the devil's offspring are living here in our time was because God put enmity between Eve seed and the devil seed in the book of Genesis here centuries ago, in Genesis 3:1-24 and Genesis 4:1-26 and Genesis 1:1-30 and Genesis 7:1-24 and 1 Corinthians 15:39-41 the bible talks about the flesh of 

man and the flesh of beasts and of fishes and birds and also celestial bodies and bodies terrestrial and demons in terrestrial ghost bodies can live in a human body and can use a person in their body to do unclean things and spirits in celestial bodies have their own body and can breed with a human being and people mix their DNA with their seed for years and bared children by them because of curses and 

they are living here in our time. And they are having people breaking God commandments and want people in this time to think they are serving God and know God commanded their ancestors in the bible not to break them and people in this time is not aware they are breaking God commandments and were not told the truth with the original gospel from God but with false doctrine and when there is only 

one gospel written for all mankind to obey God's law, the same gospel Jesus Christ teach to his followers here centuries ago, the King James Bible have other version and is not the same as the original King James Bible gospel and only the original King James Bible comes from the original gospel written about your ancestors' history and the present and God commandments and the future. And because what 

a person is thinking in their mind cannot change what was written in the scriptures and people in this time should know for themselves, they are not just living their life here in freedom and have laws here to obey too, just like their ancestors in the bible and if it was a person choice, they can live their life 

in freedom without God's laws, then why are they being punish here in this time the way same people in the bible were with plagues and curses and evil spirits. And this will be hard for some people and may find it difficult being told the truth and people are making things much difficult when they do not listen and paying attention, and it does not make a difference what people are talking about here in this 

time, because if they know what God is telling them, they are supposed to do it and people have been living on the earth for a long time and should have known about the gospel by now and people are having problems from all around the world here is because people is not obeying God and that should tell people why they are having problems here is because they are without God's law and the whole 

world should have already known by now it is coming from people and how they are living here is affecting everything in the earth because of evil and at lease the whole world will know why they are having problems here is because of themselves and wrong choices they are making, is bringing the evil here and the whole world should ask themselves this one question, why do they think this is 

happening in the first place, is because people want to make choices based on their perspective and not God and because in their mind, they believe what truth is to them, they think life will continue, because it is their choice and life will continue and how do people know if life will continue if they have not received instruction from God. And because people want to make choices based on their perspective 

and have not receive instruction from God, they are destroying the world because of their action and causing themselves to be without a home and this is what the whole world have in common, and the world is being destroy, is because of themselves and wrong choices they are making, is affecting everything here in the earth and because what a person has never experience sometimes, they 

do not take things seriously and because nothing bad happen to them, other people problems does not concern them, and is not their problem, and people are having the same problems here from all around the world with murdering entities destroying them here. And a person should know why this is happening, is because they are without God's law and a person should be tired of this mess and 

annoying entities and they want people to obey them here and not God, must be crazy, and what can they do to help the nations here and they are evil and cruel and merciless mean bastards and are unkind and selfish and rude and mean and have no damn respect are manners and conduct and are a bad influence and is out of control and corrupted and all they know is to make war with somebody, is 

because they have a damn issue with themselves and needs to be making war with themselves, along with a reality check, and is about what they want and they want to control what they want people to think, like people are some damn computer and want to program and want them to think they are serving God, must be crazy, and what is the point they have people minds program thinking they are 

serving God for and have no salvation and people were not told the truth with the original gospel from God but with false doctrine and is not aware this beast descendants are ruling over them here was because God turned them over to their enemies because of their forefather's disobedience and people in this time are breaking God commandments just like their ancestors and is not aware of it. And people 

will not be aware what they are doing here in this time, if they do not search the scriptures and is not aware they are attacking them here and those lairs just want people to think they are just living their life here in freedom and can come and go whenever they want and lying is a sin and they are pretending to be talking about God in the media and other stupid stuff and know people in this time have no 

salvation and those lairs know the great tribulation is coming here in the future when the prophecy comes to pass in the book of Revelation and people/nations and tongues will died here. The nations are just living here in sin and if people are just living here in sin, what are they here for then and a person can see the hate in them here and they do not give a damn about the nations are helping people, all they 

want is to see people hurting and tormented and everything they say out their mouths is nothing but hate and lies and they are all about hate and do not give a damn about people are the nations and if they have so much hate for the nations, then what are they in people face here for, perpetrating and are planning to take the nations down here in the future in the book of Revelation. And if people knew they 

were not told the truth with the original gospel from God and they are not serving him here, they would not be going to no church here in this time, because they have no salvation, because if a person know what God is telling them, they are supposed to do it, and if they don't do it, the person is disrespecting God and no person in their mind would disobey God and what person in their right mind are in 

the church and have no salvation, is just crazy, and people in this time are in the church and have no salvation, and a person cannot serve God without salvation. And people cannot know their wrong here in this time and they are breaking God commandments and is not aware of it, because the church is interfering misleading them with false doctrine and a person cannot be punish without first being told their wrong, 

because they will still not know their wrong and the damn church know better for interfering and making people here in this time think they have salvation, and they don't, is damn crazy and there is no excuse can justify their action. And parents who love their children will want their children to know their wrong and people in this time do not know their wrong and are being punish here in this time and 

do not know they are, is because the church interfered. People have no excuse, but if they knew they were breaking God commandments and are in danger of hell, they would not be breaking them, and you do not hear them warning people about this in the media and public, but rather they are lying to people about difference stuff, is because they are devils and are making people think the church will be rapture 

here first before the great tribulation here in the future and no one here in this time have salvation and were told the truth and for more details, please check out post links below.            

They Cannot Get Away With Murder And Are A Murderer And Have Destroyed People They Are Leading!!!

The Whole Nations Are About To Seek Too Exist And Go Down In History Based On The Book Of Revelation Because Of Human Erra's And Have Destroyed Themselves!!!

A Generation Of Cursed Vipers And Demons Descendants Of Cain Corrupt Bloodline Living Here In Our Time..

It Is Something Terribly Wrong With Every Single Church Here In Our Time And State And Is Not In Their Right Frame Of Mind And Is Damn Paranoid!!

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

The Whole Nations Are About To Seek Too Exist And Go Down In History Based On The Book Of Revelation Because Of Human Erra's And Have Destroyed Themselves!!!

The whole nations are in for a joy ride when this destroyer comes here in the future known as the son of perdition beast of the antichrist'' the destroyer the antichrist, the whole world will have to prepare for that day when he comes and all hell will break loose, the son of perdition is

coming here in the future and is planning to take the nations down. The church lied to people, and they are not here to lead people to salvation and no church in this time were sent from God, they are descendants of devils' beast of the antichrist here to destroy the nations, a person can

forget their personal belongings and money/house and cars and their job and planning their future and clothes and jewelry and hair weaves and personal banking accounts, here in the future and is about to hit rock bottom, because of human erra's and disobedience. People are trying

to build a nation living here with aliens/creatures living here with them and their children and putting their trust and faith in false doctrine of man and not God, is damn stupid and crazy and not responsible and no one told people when they came here into this time it was their choice and can

make themselves at home and live here without God's law. How can people just make a mistake like that and still do not know what God is talking about to them in the bible and this mistake can cause the whole world is soul, and because a person makes themselves think what is not

real to them and are paranoid, cannot stop what is happening here and written in the scriptures and how can people be still sitting here and still do not know they are here to condemn the whole world and no one in this time were told the truth and have no salvation and no church in this time

were sent from God, they are descendants of devils' beast of the antichrist coming in Christ name here to condemn the nations and people are being control by evils spirits to prevent them from being aware the bastards are here to condemn them and the whole human race can be

destroyed and wipeout of existing because of human failure. And what would be the point because people are still here on the earth for now, is about what comes after, is what matters the most and where a person soul is going in the afterlife and if the churches in this time were sent from God,

they would not have lied to people like that and hurt them and how in the hell can people be sitting here with evil spirits in them, it is not natural and everyone here in this time can perish and how can a person not be concern, their pastors and church leaders are here to condemn them and

when they leave the earth, their souls will perish in hell. They lied to people and no one here in this time were told the truth are save, and the prophecies written in the bible are based on events happening in this time and the future and do people still want to celebrate and the nations are

about to go down in history when the prophecy in the book of Revelation comes to pass, and nations and people and tongues will perish here in the future based on prophecies of the bible and this is not just one person problem here alone, this problem concerns the whole nations here

and the whole nations are having problems here and whether a person wants to admit it are not, is because they are without the law and is not obeying God commandments. And how can a person be so foolish and think someone is just making this up and when it is written in the bible,

and it is God who is talking and not the person and how could people be sitting here all this time and still do not know, and this is not just some single mistake and because of people action and disobedience can cause the whole nations their soul, because they were too busy with other

important matters and thought they could annoy it thinking it was nothing important and people are using evil spirits here in this time to gain wealth and power and for protection because they think they are here to stay in this world and life will continue and they are not here to protect no

one and a person will have to realize they are there to deceive and will manipulate a person because what they do not understand and people are not here in this world to break God's law and the most important thing what a person can do now, is find out what God telling them and get his

understanding because people have rejected God's word and what he is telling them here in this time and because of it, and even if a person repents will not stop the prophecies from coming to pass. And how dare they come here into this time before the whole nations claiming to be our

important leaders of the nations and know they are all nothing but a great whore written in the book of Revelation and instead of people looking at fake trash in the media and movies and Tv, they can see the real action happening here in this time based on prophecies of the bible and the

book of Revelation and are the main characters, and a battle between good and evil, and good verses evil, and a fight for mankind soul. The prophecy in the book of Revelation have not come to pass here yet and the prophecies written in the bible are based on events happening in this time

and the future, a prophecy cannot come to pass unless it must happen first, and the world will get the chance to see their enemies here for what they are and hiding themselves wearing a fake mask to blend in and think the world cannot see a reflection of their ugly, and trying to make themselves

look pretty wearing a fake mask in public and the media, painting the perfect picture to hide their ugly reflection and trashy background and will be dammed and condemn and destroyed by their own evil and will hit rock bottom.

2 Peter 2:12-15 But these, as natural brute beasts made to be taken and destroyed, speak evil of the things that they understand not; and shall utterly perish in their own corruption. 2 Peter 2:16-22 and 1 John 4:2-3 and 1 John 2:18 and Philippians 3:2 and St. Mark 8:36-38

Revelation 18:1-24 Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen and is become the habitation of devils. For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication. And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, come out of her my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remember her iniquities. Reward her

even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled, fill to her double. How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow.

Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death and mourning and famine and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her. And the kings of the earth, who have committed fornication and lived deliciously with her, shall bewail her, and lament for her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning.

Descendants Of Devils Beast Of The Antichrist Coming In Christ Name Here To Destroy The Nations, I Charge You Before The Whole Nations To Come Forward And Show Yourselves..

Descendants Of Devils Beast Of The Antichrist Coming In Christ Name Here To Destroy The Nations, : biblepsalms23 — LiveJournal

Descendants Of Devils Beast Of The Antichrist Coming In Christ Name Here To Destroy The Nations, I Charge You Before The Whole Nations To Come Forward And Show Yourselves.. : TrueGospelOfChrist (

Greatest Discoveries Of The Bible And Ancient Biblical Prophecies : Descendants Of Devils Beast Of The Antichrist Coming In Christ Name Here To Destroy The Nations, I Charge You Before The Whole Nations To Come Forward And Show Yourselves.. (

I Challenge Every Church Here Worldwide Before The Whole Nations To Defend Your Damn Selves Proving You Were Telling The Truth With False Doctrine And Not The Truth From God And Descendant Of Devils The Anti-Christ Coming In Christ Name And Is The Servant Of Sin Seed Of Corrupt Bloodline..

I Challenge Every Church Here Worldwide Before The Whole Nations To Defend Your Damn Selves Proving : biblepsalms23 — LiveJournal

I Challenge Every Church Here Worldwide Before The Whole Nations To Defend Your Damn Selves Proving You Were Telling The Truth With False Doctrine And Not The Truth From God And Descendant Of Devils The Anti-Christ Coming In Christ Name And Is The Servant Of Sin Seed Of Corrupt Bloodline.. : TrueGospelOfChrist (

PeopleNationsAndTongues: I Challenge Every Church Here Worldwide Before The Whole Nations To Defend Your Damn Selves Proving You Were Telling The Truth With False Doctrine And Not The Truth From God And Descendant Of Devils The Anti-Christ Coming In Christ Name And Is The Servant Of Sin Seed Of Corrupt Bloodline..

Descendant Of Devils' Seed Of Corrupt Bloodline.

Descendant Of Devils' Seed Of Corrupt Bloodline.: biblepsalms23 — LiveJournal

Descendant Of Devils' Seed Of Corrupt Bloodline : TrueGospelOfChrist (

PeopleNationsAndTongues: Seed Of Corrupt Bloodline Descendants Of Devils

They Think The Public Cannot Recognize Them And Doesn't Know They Are Demons Hiding Their Identity Living Here In Our Time And Dr. Pat Holliday/ Dr. Sabrina/ Marshal And Brother Carlos And Donald Trump And Obama And Brother Mark From Keller Virginia And Ernest Angley And Billy Graham And Wayne Levi Price And T.D. Jakes..

They Think The Public Cannot Recognize Them And Doesn't Know They Are Demons Hiding Their Identity Living Here In Our Time And Dr. Pat Holliday/ Dr. Sabrina/ Marshal And Brother Carlos And Donald Trump And Obama And Brother Mark From Keller Virginia And E | The Black Plague And Covid-19 And Ancient Biblical Discoveries | Flickr

A Generation Of Cursed Vipers And Demons Descendants Of Cain Corrupt Bloodline Living Here In Our : biblepsalms23 — LiveJournal

PeopleNationsAndTongues: They Have The Whole Nations Whoring And Is A Generation Of Vipers And Whores Just Thinking About Themselves Fighting To Have Territory And Power And Control Over People And The Nations And Just Want To Live On The Earth Having Pleasure But Do Not Give A Damn About God Laws Will Burn Here In The Future: For Strong Is The Lord God Who Judgeth Her. And The Kings Of The Earth, Who Have Committed Fornication And Lived Deliciously With Her, Shall Bewail Her, And Lament For Her, When They Shall See The Smoke Of Her Burning!!

A Prophecy In The Book Of Revelation Is Coming To Pass Here In The Future A Great Battle Will Be Taking Place Here In The Future Into A Place Called Armageddon!“ The Son Of Perdition And His Armies And This Man Child Who Was To Rule All Nations And His Armies Will Go At Battle Here In The Future And The Son Of Perdition And His Armies Will Be Defeated

Thursday, December 1, 2022

I Challenge Every Church Here Worldwide Before The Whole Nations To Defend Your Damn Selves Proving You Were Telling The Truth With False Doctrine And Not The Truth From God And Descendant Of Devils The Anti-Christ Coming In Christ Name And Is The Servant Of Sin Seed Of Corrupt Bloodline..

They are being challenge and will not tell the truth themselves someone will have to do it for them, and every church here worldwide is not sent from God, they are descendants of devils', the anti-christ coming in Christ name here to deceive the nations and think they can play with the whole nations for toys and how can someone be that foolish and think they have salvation with false doctrine and think 

they can oppose God blaspheming against him, thinking they can tempt God and thought they knew for certain no one here in this time would have found out the truth and why did they have people believing lies for, if what God is telling a person in the bible is true, would be saying the truth do not exist and if there is no truth, what the hell is people here on the earth for living with devils and what 

person in their right mind would believe those lies if what God is telling a person in the bible is true, because if it were not true what God is telling a person in the bible, then the damn bastards will defend themselves before the whole world and news and think they can bring their hell with them here into this time with that trash and think people will fall for it, can take their lies and their whole entire 

stinky race back to hell, and how can people think they will stay here in this world having pleasure of sin, if this earth be destroyed here in the future in the book of Revelation and were written in the prophecies, people and nations and tongues will die here in the future and just because a person thinks what they are going to do, how do a person know what God is thinking and people are out of 

control and are being manipulate and control by devils. This earth will be destroyed here in the future and how will people have their pleasure then, without a world to party in and are doing the same damn thing here in this time their ancestors did in the bible, reject God's words and people are not here for God laws, they are here for pleasure and people will have no damn world to live in here in the 

future, but hell will be their home because of corruption and sin and there is no pleasure in hell and because of other people action and the way they are living can infect others because of evil and a person will perish in their own corruption and the world have nothing to smile about here, and no person will carry their possessions and materials to hell with them and a person should know hell will be their home 

because the world will not be here in the future for people to party in and people have no salvation because of their ignorance and corruption and sin and disobedience and have destroyed themselves. And people in the bible and from generation-to-generation broke God's covenant and did not keep his laws and no church here worldwide were sent from God, they are descendants of devils the 

anti-christ coming in Christ name here to deceive people, transforming themselves into an angel of light and have the damn nerve talking to people about their sins and their wrong and when at the same time the bastards have a mote in their own damn eyes and is the servant of sin seed of corrupt bloodline and what kind of church would lie to people about the truth, to cause people to sin and putting people 

lives in harm's way and people are living here with spirits in them and are separated from God. And they have gone into the whole world teaching false doctrine, like if they are actually doing God's will and people are still without salvation here and how can they be doing God's will, lying about the truth and have turned this whole world upside down, causing the world to sin even worse and are responsible 

for people families were murdered here was because they were separated from God and made people think they were told the truth with false doctrine and people left this world with no salvation and are being control and possessed by spirits here in this time, people and their children and have the damn nerve condemning people and when they are the ones should be condemned and is damn guilty 

and have cause the whole world an outrage. And are they insane or what putting people lives in harm's way, will not stop the prophecies from coming to pass here and there is nothing they can do to hinder are stop the will of God and his words and there is nothing a person can do to avoid this problem and what was written in the scriptures whether a person disagrees are not and it was written in the 

prophecies people and nations and tongues will perish here in the future and people are having a hard time and cannot take the time out to read what God is telling them in the original gospel and only God himself can clean this mess up here and is out of a person hand and it is too late because they are already here living here in this time with humans here to destroy mankind and people could be living in 

their homes with aliens (demons) in human bodies, will freak people out because of curses. God will use hard punishments when his commandments are broken, and people have the original gospel to tell them what was written and coming to pass in this time and the future based on prophecies of the bible and people do not understand and are not taking the time out to search the scriptures how this all happen 

here in the beginning, was because man was separated from God because of their disobedience and were cursed and their descendants came into generation because of a corrupt bloodline and curse and there are different kinds of curses a person can come under. People minds are being bound and control by entities here preventing them being consciously aware and what God is telling them and are making 

people here in this time think they are just living here on the earth without consequences, are lies, people have laws to obey here in this time just like people in the bible did and if a person breaks them will face the consequences and people think they are living here without consequences, just like this enemy in the book of Genesis 3:1-24 made Eve think she could eat from the tree of knowledge of good 

and evil without consequences and they are manipulating and controlling the whole nations here lying to them and having people break God commandments and celebrating traditions of man and God forbid people in the bible from doing them and it is not common are natural a person not aware of their surrounding and their nations are in trouble and people future are at risk and people are living here 

with dangerous entities in them controlling them and mankind became cursed with the knowledge of good and evil was because of this beast in the book of Genesis and mankind disobedience, and they do not want people here in this time to see are know what God is telling them and just want them to keep breaking God commandments and they are using vaccinations and pill tablets along with the virus 

here and people are exposing themselves to Covid-19 and are just repeatedly keeping the virus here and have done damage to themselves and their future and the vaccine does not have anything to do with protecting a person from getting the virus and the person may not show signs they are infected and the chemicals in the vaccine can cause a person to have heart failures and develop blood clots and other 

serious life-threatening diseases and the chemicals in the vaccine can cause a person body to create free radicals, toxin in the body and toxins can bind to liver cells and creating pain and inflammation in the body destroying D.N.A cells and nerve tissues and a person could be still infected with the virus bacterial two are three months later after when they were vaccinated not showing signs and the vaccine 

can contain the virus bacterial in the person body and virus bacterial could be still in the person body two are three are four are six months later and when the vaccine is no longer effective people can get sick and die and why do they want people to expose themselves to a deadly virus and keeping it here knowing the vaccine does not protect a person from getting the virus and the vaccine and pill tablets 

are doing nothing to help people fight this virus, they are just repeatedly keeping the virus here and have done damage to themselves and their future and if the vaccine and pill tablets were made to fight virus bacterial, people would be virus free and millions of people were vaccinated still had the virus are had been exposed to it. A person will have to be realistic with themselves and should know they are not 

living here alone, and in their mind, people have a hard time excepting things is because what they do not understand and because what a person do not understand sometime and because what a person think truth is to them and what they know cannot change God's truth and there are things happening in this world people do not understand and because what a person is making themselves think in their 

mind and what they know are they believe in cannot change the scriptures because what they do not believe and mind over matter and people are living in a world they share together and the nations are so divided among themselves here is because no one here is communicating what God is talking to people about in the bible about their nations and the pass, present and future, and people are only 

talking about themselves and this world based on their opinion and not what God is telling them and this is why the nations are having confusing and are divided among themselves here and are at war fighting with each other, is because the nations are separated from God and are not communicating with him and what he is telling them in the bible to live here as a nation. People are living here on the earth 

and have not receive instruction from God and think they can solve their own problems and live here on their own without God and people think they can live here on their own and do not need God and a person materials and money cannot help this nation and the problems they are having here and do need God to survive as a nation. And the problems people are having here is because they do not know 

what God is telling them and think they do not need God and the only time when people need God is when they are in trouble and think God is letting them live here on their own and a person cannot call on God just when they need him when they are in trouble and people think what God is talking to them about their nations and the future is not important and how can people live here on their own with 

entities destroying them here and a person cannot protect themselves and using protecting spells cannot protect a person from them, only God can do that, and if people continue living with them here, they will never leave people alone here until they have left the earth and when the great tribulation comes here in the future, and they are not here to be friends with no one are to lead people to salvation, 

they are here to condemn the whole world. And this is no way for people to live and what purpose is there people living on the earth for if they are already condemned, and people still have the chance here to redeem themselves. All mankind were cursed with the knowledge of good and evil for life, even when a person becomes a born-again Christian and if Eve and Adam have never eaten from the tree of 

knowledge of good and evil, their thoughts would have remained pure, and they would have never had bad thoughts to know evil or feel sad are being upset or having hate or saying bad things out of their mouth or crying or worrying or doubting are feeling angry or afraid or scare or being violent. The tree Eve and Adam have eaten from contain knowledge of good and evil and a person worrying or being 

upset and angry or mad or doubting or feeling sad or having suicide thoughts or afraid or having hate or having bad thoughts or feeling ashamed and being jealous or rage or bitter and emotional pain and sorrow or an alcoholic and using drugs and watching porn and lying and stealing and cheating and killing comes from the knowledge of evil. A person thoughts in their mind comes from between good 

and evil and Adam and Eve were not ashamed they were naked not until after when they ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil their eyes were open, and they became ashamed because they were naked and tried to hide from God, Genesis 2:16-17 and Genesis 2:25 and Genesis 3:1-24  and how it all happen from the beginning was because of Adam and Eve mistake, mankind was cursed with the 

knowledge of good and evil and what a person is thinking in their mind comes from between good are evil and a person will not know the difference they are choosing evil in their mind not until they be taught to know the difference between good and evil and people have not received instruction from God here in this time and are choosing evil in their mind and are being manipulated by entities and they 

know the person will not know the difference they are choosing evil in their mind because the person cannot discern the difference between good and evil not until the person be taught to know the difference and this is why God had laws written for a person not to break them and can discern between good and evil and people are opening doors to evil spirits because of sin and the evil they are choosing 

in their mind and are being manipulated by entities to hate are be attracted to the same sex and telling lies or stealing and sin is a curse Galatians 3:13 and they are using and manipulating and controlling people here in this time to corrupt themselves and they are using it to work against the person to destroy them. 

2 Corinthians 11:3 But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.     

The laws were written for people not to break them and to protect the nations from destroying themselves and anyone who defiled it and continued in sin were condemned are put to death in the bible and Jesus rebuke his disciples in the bible was because they were choosing evil in their minds and what a person is thinking in their mind comes from between good and evil. 

St. Matthew 16:21-23  From that time forth, began Jesus to show unto his disciples, how that he must go unto Jerusalem, and suffer many things of the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised again the third day. Then Peter took, him and began to rebuke him, saying, Be it far from thee, Lord: this shall not be unto thee. But he turned, and said unto Peter, Get thee behind me satan: thou art an offense unto me, for thou savorest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men.

St. Luke 9:51-56  And when his disciples James and John saw this, they said, Lord, wilt thou that we command fire to come down from heaven, and consume them, even as Elias did? But he turned, and rebuked them, and said, Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of. For the Son of man is not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them.  St. Luke 9:49-50     

They know people have not receive instruction from God here in this time and is not aware they are manipulating and controlling the whole nations here lying to them and have power over the nations here, was because of their ancestors' mistake and disobedience and they are using the media and porn and sexual context in commercials and drugs and alcohol and dangerous weapons and poison vaccine's 

and medications and toxic foods and water supplies and radiation from cell phones and 5G phones and microwaves and advance technology, cameras and computers and televisions can expose a person to radiation and radiation creates free radicals in the body and can destroy D.N.A cells and they are using virus bacterial to get people destroy themselves here and they are manipulating and controlling the 

whole nations using the media and satanic cult and music and wealth, and money and vacations and video and televisions games shows and lottery games and fashion and design jewelry and clothes and sports and nudity and movies and the filth people see in the media, they are using it to manipulate the whole nations to distract people and destroy their minds and D.N.A body and to make people think 

they are just living here in freedom as a nation and the whole nations are being manipulate and control by witches and satanic cult members and warlocks ruling these nations and is sitting on a tinkling time bomb waiting to go off. And you do not hear them talking about this to people in the media and the public, nations and people and tongues are about to die here in the future and those devils know what 

is written in the prophecies and what will happen here, and because of the covenant God made with their forefathers here centuries ago in the bible they are after destroying God's chosen people here in this time and they are sacrificing people and their children and babies to devils here in this time

and the hundred and forty and four thousand tribes of the children of Israel will be coming out of the great tribulation here in the future in the book of Revelation 7:4-17.  And if people just think for a minute and think because they are still here on the earth for now having pleasure, what will they do here later when it is all destroyed and anything a person should be hating is the enemy within them 

manipulating them to hate and to feel the way they do, and a person should not be hating themselves are others, it is the enemy inside of them, and as long as mankind can never learn to forgive and is choosing evil in their mind, they will never find peace in their soul and love and forgiveness and live together as a nation and a person will have to know and learn what love is and recognize it because it is the hate and 

angry and rage and bitter emotional pain and sorrow that destroys a person and they are in the media and public and radio talking to people about stupid stuff, their jobs and homes and cars and stock market and booking vacations and parents planning their children for college here in the future and recipes and gardening and medicines and CDC and traditions of man and holidays and they know God forbid 

people in the bible from doing them and people think they will have a future and people and nations are about to die here and they know this, so do I, and might as well shut the hell up and no one wants to hear those lairs in the news and media and radio and television.     

1 John 2:18  Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrist; whereby we know that it is the last time.

2 Peter 2:12-15  But these, as natural brute beasts made to be taken and destroyed, speak evil of the things that they understand not; and shall utterly perish in their own corruption. 2 Peter 2:16-22 and 1 John 4:2-3 and 1 John 2:18 and Philippians 3:2 and St. Mark 8:36-38 

Descendant Of Devils' Seed Of Corrupt Bloodline.

Descendant Of Devils' Seed Of Corrupt Bloodline.: biblepsalms23 — LiveJournal

Descendant Of Devils' Seed Of Corrupt Bloodline : TrueGospelOfChrist (

PeopleNationsAndTongues: Seed Of Corrupt Bloodline Descendants Of Devils

They Think The Public Cannot Recognize Them And Doesn't Know They Are Demons Hiding Their Identity Living Here In Our Time And Dr. Pat Holliday/ Dr. Sabrina/ Marshal And Brother Carlos And Donald Trump And Obama And Brother Mark From Keller Virginia And Ernest Angley And Billy Graham And Wayne Levi Price And T.D. Jakes..

They Think The Public Cannot Recognize Them And Doesn't Know They Are Demons Hiding Their Identity Living Here In Our Time And Dr. Pat Holliday/ Dr. Sabrina/ Marshal And Brother Carlos And Donald Trump And Obama And Brother Mark From Keller Virginia And E | The Black Plague And Covid-19 And Ancient Biblical Discoveries | Flickr

A Generation Of Cursed Vipers And Demons Descendants Of Cain Corrupt Bloodline Living Here In Our : biblepsalms23 — LiveJournal

PeopleNationsAndTongues: They Have The Whole Nations Whoring And Is A Generation Of Vipers And Whores Just Thinking About Themselves Fighting To Have Territory And Power And Control Over People And The Nations And Just Want To Live On The Earth Having Pleasure But Do Not Give A Damn About God Laws Will Burn Here In The Future: For Strong Is The Lord God Who Judgeth Her. And The Kings Of The Earth, Who Have Committed Fornication And Lived Deliciously With Her, Shall Bewail Her, And Lament For Her, When They Shall See The Smoke Of Her Burning!!

It Is Something Terribly Wrong With Every Single Church Here In Our Time And State And Is Not In Their Right Frame Of Mind And Is Damn Paranoid!!

It Is Something Terribly Wrong With Every Single Church Here In Our Time And State And Is Not In The: biblepsalms23 — LiveJournal

Part 1: It Is Something Terribly Wrong With Every Single Church Here In Our Time And State And Is Not In Their Right Frame Of Mind And Is Damn Paranoid!! : TrueGospelOfChrist (

It Is Something Terribly Wrong With Every Single Church Here In Our Time And State And Is Not In Their Right Frame Of Mind And Is Damn Paranoid!! | The Black Plague And Covid-19 And Ancient Biblical Discoveries | Flickr

A Generation Of Cursed Vipers Descendants Of Cain Corrupt Bloodline Cursed With Serpent DNA Will Burn Here In The Future With Fire!!

A Generation Of Cursed Vipers Descendants Of Cain Corrupt Bloodline Cursed With Serpent DNA Will Bur: biblepsalms23 — LiveJournal

A Generation Of Cursed Vipers Descendants Of Cain Corrupt Bloodline Cursed With Serpent DNA Will Burn Here In The Future With Fire!! : TrueGospelOfChrist (

PeopleNationsAndTongues: A Generation Of Cursed Vipers Descendants Of Cain Corrupt Bloodline Cursed With Serpent DNA Will Burn With Fire Here In The Future!!

They Are Threating To Take The Whole Nations Down Here In The Future In The Book Of Revelation And Nations Are At War Because Of Their Rebellion Against God!!

They Are Threating To Take The Whole Nations Down Here In The Future In The Book Of Revelation And : biblepsalms23 — LiveJournal

They Are Threating To Take The Whole Nations Down Here In The Future In The Book Of Revelation And Nations Are At War Because Of Their Rebellion Against God!! : TrueGospelOfChrist (

A Corrupted Nation, The Great Whore Will Burn Here In The Future With Fire, Strong Is The Lord Who Judge Her!! Babylon, the great whore is going down and will burn here in the future with fire, strong is the Lord who judge her!! A whore among the nations, the whole nations has corrupted themselves, Babylon the great whore a corrupted nation corrupting themselves having life simple pleasure in the world, Babylon the great whore a corrupted nation''

A Corrupted Nation, The Great Whore Will Burn Here In The Future With Fire, Strong Is The Lord Who : biblepsalms23 — LiveJournal

A Corrupted Nation, The Great Whore Will Burn Here In The Future With Fire, Strong Is The Lord Who Judge Her!! : TrueGospelOfChrist (

A Corrupted Nation, The Great Whore Will Burn Here by LBWW on DeviantArt

A Prophecy In The Book Of Revelation Is Coming To Pass Here In The Future A Great Battle Will Be Taking Place Here In The Future Into A Place Called Armageddon!“ The Son Of Perdition And His Armies And This Man Child Who Was To Rule All Nations And His Armies Will Go At Battle Here In The Future And The Son Of Perdition And His Armies Will Be Defeated

For more details and when God made a covenant with our forefathers here centuries ago and when our ancestors was in slavery check out the post links below with bible scriptures.

Descendants Of The Devil Off Springs And The Remnant Who Made A Covenant With Him Is At War With The Descendants Of Israel God's Chosen People And The Remnant Which Keep The Commandments Of God And The Testimony Of Jesus Christ'' And They Use The Name Israel For Them Selves To Make People Think They Was God's Chosen Nation. The Name Israel Was Given To God's Chosen People When God Made A Covenant With Jacob And Many Nations And Kings And Tongues Was Born After Their Seed.

A Curse Is Upon Them Because Of The Sins Of Their Forefathers And Because Of Their Sins And Trespass Against God And Have Broken His Covenant He Gave Them Into The Hand Of The Heathen; And They That Hated Them Ruled Over Them And Sold Their Ancestors Into Slavery And Ripped Up Their Women With Child.