Saturday, February 15, 2025

They Want This Information Kept Out The Public And Media And Do Not Want The Public To Learn About The Real Truth Written In The Gospel Here Centuries Ago About People And Nations Here In This Time Who Are Bringing The Stories And Prophecies To Life And Information Containing In Government Personal Files And Classified Documents Is Involving Nations And People Here In This Time What Will Become Of Them Here And These Whole Nations Here In The Future And Signed Documents With Signature Authorizing Their Attacks On The Nations And Private Meetings They Held Between Nations How They Plan To Attack The Nations And Forge Documents And This Was How I Found Out About The Bastards Here In This Time Is Through The Bible And The Real Story Is Unfolding Right Before Their Stupid Faces!

And they know how the real story goes and why are they setting behind closed doors fooling themselves here thinking of how they will plan to attack the nations next and think what they are doing here in this time will continue on thinking they can tempt God he takes pleasure in evil and is this what they are 

thinking everyone have just been setting here all this time for nothing putting up with this bull crap, is because God takes pleasure in evil and rather than they wasting government money to have the nations spied on and raped and murdered and framed and accused of their crimes and condemned and judged, why don't they 

pay funds and dirty money to criminal originations to have themselves be murdered and destroy off the face of this earth and should be afraid what will become of them next and their descendants here in this time, then just having people and their children murdered and raped and kidnapped here in this time and just like you are 

watching a repeating soap opera, repeating the same sh*t every day and think they have this agreement between themselves and God and this is why they becomes intimidated and want people destroyed, is because they are above their place thinking the planet belongs to them and they are the ones who are in control and 

get to call the shots here in this time and not God are no one but themselves, thinking they can tempt God, they can't forget their damn place and who made them and where they come from, rather than people and think what they are doing here in this time is just a secret between God and themselves here and no one else 

and God uses punishments and evil for people to understand how serious this knowledge is mankind were cursed with because of Adam and Eve mistake they made centuries ago in the book of Genesis and God does not uses evil and punishments because he takes pleasure in evil and had laws written because he 

knows people will not understand the knowledge of good and evil they were cursed with and will continue making wrong choices having this knowledge until they destroy themselves and God uses punishments and evil for people to understand how serious this is and the choices they are making and discerning the different 

between good and evil having this knowledge and the laws were written for people not to make the same mistakes over again and again having this knowledge and understanding the difference and the choices they are making. And the whole world was cursed with knowledge to know both good and evil comes with great 

responsibility and the evil you are seeing here coming from in your world, is because people are living here without God's law and are making wrong choices. And Donald Trump tries to pretend he can keep it together, is a loose cannon ball about to break in half.      

The watchmen studio is based on 10 years of researching ancient civilizations and stories of the bible and their enduring legacies, and discover the ancient past, present and future uncovering the mysteries and truth and stories, artifacts, and cultures that have shaped our world and biblical histories and ancient prophecies.

The bible is an ancient historic book and real stories and prophecies written about people in this time and the pass and future and the commandments of God and for many years government world leaders and churches from across global here in our time kept this information a secret from the public, until a recent discovery was 

discovered here in this time written about mankind and no one in this time for many years was aware of this ancient discovery and was kept secret from the public for generations by government world leaders and churches from across global and the stories written in the bible are based on real biblical prophecies and mankind 

greatest history who are bringing the stories and prophecies to life written here centuries ago in ancient times by holy men of God and demons have been living here for many generations in celestial bodies and they want this information kept out the public and the media and government secret files, they do not want the 

public to learn about the truth, contains personal information written about people and nations here in this time and the future, including their plans and attacks made on these nations and countries from across the globe and have set nations up from across the globe, people and spies are being use by demons are the devil's 

messenger is working for them here in this time and from across the globe to gather information including China and Russia and many more nations containing in their government secret files and private documents and the public is not aware what is happening here in this time having no idea government world leaders and 

churches from across the globe are deceiving them here in this time and people have been living here for generations based on a lie thinking what they were told here was the truth. Government world leaders are funding money to criminal organizations to attacked nations to nations across the globe and is supporting ices 

and gang stalkers and drug dealers and secret services and secret societies and many more fraudulents and criminals from around the world, including sex trafficking, and this is why they want this information kept out the public and media and do not want the public to learn about the truth containing in their 

government personal files and classified documents and agreements and secrets along with private meetings and paid receipts and agreements and trust between themselves and government classified includes people and nations from across the globe. The stories written in the bible are based on real biblical prophecies and 

mankind greatest history who are bringing the stories and prophecies to life written here centuries ago in ancient times by holy men of God and the nations do not know what was written in this ancient book, was written about people and nations here in this time what will become of them here and these whole nations here in the future 

and if people knew what was written, they would not be online playing damn video games and making videos and recipes and foods and talking about their damn pets and life simple pleasure and can't see the government is their fu*king enemy there to destroy them and these whole nations.

Monday, February 10, 2025

Nations Must Be On An ALert They Will Come Under A Huge Attack At Any Time By The Government*#!

The Nations Must Be On An Alert Right Now, The Government Are Planning To Attack All Nations And Tongues Here At Any Time!! And Donald Trump That Criminal Bitch Is One Step Behind His Fucking Game!!

They Think They Can Remove This Information Offline And Keep It From The Public And Do Not Want Them Warn About This And Time Is Up For Those Mother Fuckers And Might As Well Stop Perpetrating Playing Fucking World Leaders And Bring Their Ass Out Their Hiding And Their Government Secret Files, They Do Not Want The Public To Know About Contains Personal 

Information Written About People And Nations Here In This Time And The Future, Including Their Plans And Attacks Made On These Nations And Countries From Across The Globe And Have Set Nations Up From Across The Globe, People Who Are Being Use By Demons Are Working For Them Here To Gather Information Including China And Russia And Many More Nations Containing In 

Their Government Secret Files And Documents And The Public Do Not Know The Fuck What Is Going On Here Having No Idea They Are Fucked By Government World Leaders Misleading Them Thinking What They Were Told Here Was The Truth, And Their Descendants Are Living Here In This Time Is Aware Of This Plot And Scandal By Government World Leaders And Churches From Across 

The Globe And Have Kept This Information A Secret From The Public And Think What Those Dogs Are Doing In The White House Is A Secret And They Have Been Working With Demons Aliens Living Here In This Time In Celestial Bodies For Centuries And Have Misled The Public Thinking They Were Told The Truth About UFO's And Demons Are Living Here In This Time In Celestial Bodies 

From Across The Globe, Including China And Russia And Germany And Many More Nations From Across The Globe, Hiding Themselves Here, Thinking No One Doesn't Know About Them Here And Where They Came From Here Long Time Ago And They Have Been Living And Working Here For Many Generation And Years Attacking The Nations Sent From The Devil To Destroy The Nations        

And This Is Why They Do Not Want The Public To Know What Is Written And Think No One Here In This Time Have Witness What Their Plans Are Here In This Time And What They Have Plan Here In The Future Has Been Written And They Have Misled These Whole Nations Thinking What They Were Told Here Was The Truth, Was A Lie They Covered Up And Have Hidden The Truth From The 

Public For Many Generations And Years, Until Now Someone In This Time Have Witness The Truth And Is One Step Ahead Of Those Mother Fuckers Game And They Know The Nations Do Not Know What Was Written In This Ancient Book, Was Written About People And Nations Here In This Time What Will Become Of Them Here And These Whole Nations In The Future And If People Knew 

What Was Written, They Would Not Be Online Playing Damn Video Games And Making Videos And Recipes And Foods And Talking About Their Damn Pets And Life Simple Pleasure And Can't See The Government Is Their Fucking Enemy There To Destroy Them And These Whole Nations. Donald Trump Might As Well Bring His Alien Ass Out His Hiding And What They Are Planning Here In This 

Time And The Future, I Am A Witness What Their Plans Are Here In This Time And The Future And What Are They Waiting For, Their Fucking Game Is No Secret Here, Playing Government World Leaders And Church Pastors, I Know About Them And Their Fucking Attacks And Plans Here On These Nations, And Government World Leaders And That Bitch Trump Are Paying Money To Criminal 

Organizations To Attacked These Nations And Is Supporting Ices And Gang Stalkers And Drug Dealers And Many More Crooks And Fraudulents From Around The World, Including Sex Trafficking, This Is Why They Have Kept This Information A Secret From The Public, Secret Files They Do Not Want The Public And Others Here In This Time Know Were Written In Their Private Personal 

Files And Agreements And Secrets Along With Private Meetings And Paid Receipts And Agreements And Trust Between Themselves And Government Classified Includes People And Nations From Across The Globe. Donald Trump And Government World Leaders And Churches Global Are Descendants Of Satan Seed Demons In Celestial Bodies Here To Destroy The Nations, Are Planning A 

Huge Attack On All Nations And Tongues Include China And Russia And Germany And Nations From Across The Globe Worldwide Are Coming Under An Attack Here By Government World Leaders And Their Descendants Living Here In This Time At Any Time And This Beast Is An Enemy And Are Not Real-World Leaders And Churches Here In This Time And They Have Other Allies From Around 

The World Working For Them Here In This Time And From Across The Globe Planning An Attack On The Nations Including Allies In China And Russia And India And Many Other Nations From Across The Globe. Is Time For Action Be Done On Those Mother Fuckers And Those Bitch Aliens Be Dealt With And They Already Have A Plan Intacted To Attack These Whole Nations Here At Any Time And 

Nations Must Be On Alert, They Will Be Coming Under A Huge Attack By Government World Leaders And Donald Trump Are Demons Living Here In Celestian Bodies And Nations Are Under Attacked And Must Be On Alert, They Are Planning To Destroy All Half The Nations Here At Any Time And They Think No One Does Not Know About This Plot And Scandal And They Are Also Using 

Covid-19 and Poison Vaccines To Slowly Destroy The Nations Causing Deaths, And They Already Know Billions And Thousands Of People Are Still Infected Worldwide With Covid-19 And Will Get Sick And Die Here Very Soon And Have Been Poisoned With Contaminated Vaccine, Containing Bacterial And Viruses And Everyone Of Them Are Lying Mother Fuckers And You Cannot 

Believe And Trust What They Tell You And They Have Not A Damn Thing To Tell The Nations And This Is Fucking War.

Donald Trump A*s Needs To Be Correct And Told His Wrong And Put In His Da*m Place, A Fraudulent Pretending To Be A Leader Fighting For Rights Of People And There To Protect And Serve The Nations With Justice And Wants Respect And Honor And Are Responsible For Causing This Whole World To Become A Slut And Great Whore Just Like Himself And This Thing Is No Leader But A Dame Slut Trying To Make Himself Look Important Before The Public Because He Is a Ugly Old Demon Wearing A Mask!

Monday, February 3, 2025

They Just Keep Lying Until They Go To Hell'' I'm Sure They Know How Serious This Is Thinking They Can Un Estimate People They Will Never Know The Truth They Are The Ones Who Are Bringing The Stories And Prophecies To Life Written Here Centuries Ago In Ancient Times By Holy Men Of God And If People Find Out The Truth About Them Here And They Are Responsible For Billions And Thousands Of Innocence People And Children's Deaths Here In This Time, People Will Come For Their Heads And War Will Break Out And What Is Done, Is Done, Cannot Be Unwritten.

Government world leaders are the ones who Initiate these attacks on the nations and are funding money to support criminal organizations from around the world and are having people being arrested and are framing people for murder here in this time, setting them up, accusing them of crimes and false accusations to set the 

stage up for one world order. And how can they go to bed at night, and this does not come as a surprise and has it occurred to them, they are the ones who are bringing the stories and prophecies to life written here centuries ago in ancient times by holy men of God and descendants of this evil creature living here in this time, are no 

secret here and they act like if the bible were written just to tell stories, are based on real prophecies. Government world leaders are funding money to support criminal organizations and churches from around the world teaching false doctrine and they think the world does not know the truth written about them here in this time and 

every one of them are a murderer and are responsible for billions and thousands of innocence people and children's deaths here in this time and they are responsible for shedding tons of innocence blood on these nations and crimes they have committed are no secret and they know the prophecies written in the bible are 

based on real prophecies people in this time and the future are bringing to pass and if people find out the truth about them here and they are responsible for billions and thousands of innocence people and children's deaths here in this time, people will come for their heads and war will break out and they cannot change the future 

and what was written, because what is done, is done, cannot be unwritten, enough blood has been spilled on these nations and according to the book of Revelation more blood, sweat and tears will be spilled on these nations. I'm sure they know how serious this is thinking they can Un estimate people they will never know the 

truth they are the ones who are bringing the stories and prophecies to life written here centuries ago in ancient times by holy men of God and if people find out the truth about them here and they are responsible for billions and thousands of 

innocence people and children's deaths here in this time, people will come for their heads and war will break out and what is done, is done, cannot be unwritten.

I'm Sure Donald Trump Knows How Serious This Is And People Want Him Destroyed And The Government Knows The Whole World Is Setting On A Ticking Time Bomb Waiting To Go Off And Is Setting On Thin Ice About To Perish!

This Post And Video Was Created To Witness Before The Public And The Government Of The United Nations'' Please Do Not Reject This Important Message It May Save Your Life!

Trump cannot bind an oath to God because the truth is not in him, and he is a demon anti-Christ, because if he bonded an oath to God, would be saying God is not a spirit of truth, because Donald Trump is a demon, and a demon will not deny himself and divide against his own kingdom and this is why he could not put his 

dirty hands on the bible and bind an oath to God when he took office, is because God is a spirit of truth. The bible is an ancient book written about people in this time and the pass and future and prophecies they are bringing to pass and the commandments of God. The prophecies written in the bible are written about 

people in this time and the pass and future and the commandments of God. The watchmen11 were recorded and written to witness before the government of the United States and the public are based on years of research and studying ancient knowledge of the bible written about people in this time and the pass and future 

and the commandments of God and for many years the government and churches global nationwide kept this information a secret from the public, until a recent discovery was discovered here in this time written about mankind and no one in this time for many years was aware of this ancient discovery and was kept secret 

from the public for generation by the government and churches here in this time global nationwide and the stories written in the bible are based on real biblical prophecies written about people in this time and the pass and future and the commandments of God. The government know the real gospel were discovered here 

in this time written about mankind and they know the public is not aware the bible was written based on real prophecies written about people in this time have already come to pass here and is coming to pass here in the future and the public has no idea what was written is coming to pass here and the whole world is about to be 

destroyed, and people and nations will die. The government is aware of this and fail to warn the public. And the government know all half the nations and people and tongues, and the population will perish here in this time were written based on prophecies. Government world leaders and churches global are descendants of 

Lucifer here to destroy the nations and what people and the government did here in this time is not a secret, were written.

And The World Have No Idea Donald Trump Is Their Enemy There To Destroy Them And He Is Not There To Serve And Protect The Nations, And Lied Under False Oath And Is A Chosen Demon In A Celestial Body Being Used By God To Destroy The Nations. 

Trump cannot bind an oath to God because the truth is not in him, and he is a demon anti-Christ, because if he bonded an oath to God, would be saying God is not a spirit of truth, because Donald Trump  is a demon, and a demon will not deny himself and divide against his own kingdom and this is why he could not put his 

dirty hands on the bible and bind an oath to God when he took office, is because God is a spirit of truth and Donald Trump may be fronting in media putting on a fake act, I'm sure he knows how serious this is and people want him destroyed, is because he knows he were chosen and was given power to this dirty job destroying 

the nations and his body language and character describe this in his actions how he thinks. The government knows the whole world is setting on a ticking time bomb waiting to go off. Please check out my social pages for complete details and the whole world is setting on thin ice, about to perish and why did God allow people 

to come back here in this time for, if they think they can cover this sh*t up from the public, knowing this is a life and death situation what was written and people are too busy being distracted, playing and making videos of themselves and their families and friends, not knowing what is about to happen here and the government 

will not be warning the public about this, and this video and post was created to witness before the public and the government of the United Nations and Donald Trump is a demon, not a real president and he knows what is about to happen here involves people and nations here in this time.

Please Do Not Reject This Very Important Message It May Save Your Life, And The Existing Of Mankind Is In Great Danger, And This Is Not A Phreak Are Public Broadcast, I Am Risking Everything Just To Warn The Nations And They Are Here Now Watching, And They Will Make Sure This Message Be Deleted First To Prevent Anyone From Hearing This And Written And Recorded In My Social Pages!!

What is about to happen here, involves families and friends and people from different nations, will perish and Donald Trump know he is a demon and if they can call this a threat what was written about the truth, then why did they lied about the truth and is framing God for a lair all this time, just like themselves and they are the

ones who lied to people and these whole nations and have not one damn thing to say and are dishonest lairs who needs executed and condemned and people have the fucking right to protect the life of their children and themselves from those dangerous impostors claiming to be world leaders and church pastors, protecting

and serving these nations and because of their lies and paranoid acts, they have put the life of these whole nations in great danger.

The World Have No Idea Donald Trump Is Their Enemy There To Destroy Them And He Is Not There To Serve And Protect The Nations, And Lied Under False Oath And Is A Chosen Demon In A Celestial Body Being Used By God To Destroy The Nations!

Check the watchmen11 social page and this video will be available on my Instagram, social page

Discord invite link:

Discord server links:

Sunday, January 26, 2025

I'm Sure Donald Trump Knows How Serious This Is And People Want Him Destroyed And The Government Knows The Whole World Is Setting On A Ticking Time Bomb Waiting To Go Off And Is Setting On Thin Ice About To Perish!

This Post And Video Was Created To Witness Before The Public And The Government Of The United Nations'' Please Do Not Reject This Important Message It May Save Your Life!

Trump cannot bind an oath to God because the truth is not in him, and he is a demon anti-Christ, because if he bonded an oath to God, would be saying God is not a spirit of truth, because Donald Trump is a demon, and a demon will not deny himself and divide against his own kingdom and this is why he could not put his dirty hands on the bible and bind an oath to God when he took office, is because God is a spirit of truth.



The bible is an ancient book written about people in this time and the pass and future and prophecies they are bringing to pass and the commandments of God. The prophecies written in the bible are written about people in this time and the pass and future and the commandments of God. 

The watchmen11 were recorded and written to witness before the government of the United States and the public are based on years of research and studying ancient knowledge of the bible written about people in this time and the pass and future and the 

commandments of God and for many years the government and churches global nationwide kept this information a secret from the public, until a recent discovery was 

discovered here in this time written about mankind and no one in this time for many years was aware of this ancient discovery and was kept secret from the public for generation

by the government and churches here in this time global nationwide and the stories written in the bible are based on real biblical prophecies written about people in this time and the pass and future and the commandments of God. The government know the real gospel were discovered here in this time written about mankind and they know

the public is not aware the bible was written based on real prophecies written about people in this time have already come to pass here and is coming to pass here in the future

and the public has no idea what was written is coming to pass here and the whole world is about to be destroyed, and people and nations will die. The government is aware of this and fail to warn the public.   

And the government know all half the nations and people and tongues, and the population will perish here in this time were written based on prophecies.

Government world leaders and churches global are descendants of Lucifer here to destroy the nations and what people and the government did here in this time is not a secret, were written.

And The World Have No Idea Donald Trump Is Their Enemy There To Destroy Them And He Is Not There To Serve And Protect The Nations, And Lied Under False Oath And Is A Chosen Demon In A Celestial Body Being Used By God To Destroy The Nations. 

Trump cannot bind an oath to God because the truth is not in him, and he is a demon anti-Christ, because if he bonded an oath to God, would be saying God is not a spirit of truth, because Donald Trump  is a demon, and a demon will not deny himself and divide against his own kingdom and this is why he could not put his 

dirty hands on the bible and bind an oath to God when he took office, is because God is a spirit of truth and Donald Trump may be fronting in media putting on a fake act, I'm sure he knows how serious this is and people want him destroyed, is because he knows he were chosen and was given power to this dirty job destroying the nations and his body language and character describe this in his actions how he thinks.

The government knows the whole world is setting on a ticking time bomb waiting to go off. Please check out my social pages for complete details and the whole world is setting on thin ice, about to perish and why did God allowed people to come back here in this time 

for, if they think they can cover this sh*t up from the public, knowing this is a life and death situation what was written and people are too busy being distracted, playing and making videos of themselves and their families and friends, not knowing what is about to 

happen here and the government will not be warning the public about this, and this video and post was created to witness before the public and the government of the United Nations and Donald Trump is a demon, not a real president and he knows what is about to happen here involves people and nations here in this time.

Please Do Not Reject This Very Important Message It May Save Your Life, And The Existing Of Mankind Is In Great Danger, And This Is Not A Phreak Are Public Broadcast, I Am Risking Everything Just To Warn The Nations And They Are Here Now Watching, And They Will Make Sure This Message Be Deleted First To Prevent Anyone From Hearing This And Written And Recorded In My Social Pages!!

What is about to happen here, involves families and friends and people from different nations, will perish and Donald Trump know he is a demon and if they can call this a threat what was written about the truth, then why did they lied about the truth and is framing God for a lair all this time, just like themselves and they are the

ones who lied to people and these whole nations and have not one damn thing to say and are dishonest lairs who needs executed and condemned and people have the fucking right to protect the life of their children and themselves from those dangerous impostors claiming to be world leaders and church pastors, protecting

and serving these nations and because of their lies and paranoid acts, they have put the life of these whole nations in great danger.

The World Have No Idea Donald Trump Is Their Enemy There To Destroy Them And He Is Not There To Serve And Protect The Nations, And Lied Under False Oath And Is A Chosen Demon In A Celestial Body Being Used By God To Destroy The Nations!

Check the watchmen11 social page and this video will be available on my Instagram, social page

Discord invite link:

Discord server links:

Friday, January 24, 2025

Please Do Not Reject This Very Important Message It May Save Your Life, And The Existing Of Mankind Is In Great Danger, And This Is Not A Phreak Are Public Broadcast, I Am Risking Everything Just To Warn The Nations And They Are Here Now Watching, And They Will Make Sure This Message Be Deleted First To Prevent Anyone From Hearing This And Written And Recorded In My Social Pages

The watchmen11 studio was created to bring to people attention what is happening here in the real world are based on years of research and studying ancient knowledge of the bible and biblical histories and ancient prophecies and civilization and leaders written about people in this time and the pass and present and future 

and the commandments of God. This is the most important history written about mankind and my understanding and knowledge is not based on my opinion and it is not my desire to change what other people believe and think and feel, but hope to encourage and to bring to people attention what is happening here in the real world 

and each person would have to be the one to come and understand if they want to reserve and research the information themselves, if they want to have understanding what is being presented to them and not just what the person is telling them and please do not take this the wrong way, but most people have the 

wrong understanding and think because you are sharing information with them, they are trying to change what the person believes and think and what a person believes and think in their mind cannot change what was written in the bible and the bible were not written based on a person's opinion and people are wrong 

thinking they can base the bible on their opinion it is nothing important, the world would not be in the shape it is today, destroying itself and suffering and is dying and feeling miserable and tormented by demons and is sick and depress and angry and rage and out of control and each person is entitled to their own opinion, but 

when it comes down to the truth it does not matter because what a person is thinking in their mind, no person are evil spirit can control what is written in the bible and coming to pass here, because the information written in the bible about people in this time and the pass and future does not come from man, but God.

The world should have already recognized by now they are facing a serious problem here concerning the whole world and the existence of mankind and words mean nothing what a person are someone speak out their mouth if it has no meaning to it and anyone can say they are righteous and are respectful and respects laws and are 

a Christian and what is truth and what are words itself if the person are someone do not have the truth in them, their words are meaningless and have no meaning are purpose to it and a person are anyone can speak a thousand words, it doesn't mean nothing and the whole world is not facing a problem just to be facing it, the reason 

the whole world is facing a serious problem, is because the whole world is living here with no meaning and are being control by evil spirits and it is something terribly wrong why isn't the whole world recognizing it is facing a serious problem, is because they do not have a mind of their own to know they are facing a problem, 

then how do you explain life and the purpose of its existence, and this is why the whole world can not recognize they are facing a serious problem here is because they do not have a mind of their own and are being control by evil spirits and how can people live in a world and serve a purpose if they cannot recognize the whole 

world is facing a problem and the whole world doesn't know they are facing a serious problem is because they do not have a mind of their own to recognize they are facing a problem and what purpose are people here for then if they do not have a mind of their own to serve a purpose having meaning, it is just like you are looking 

at a pre-recorded world being control by evil spirits repeatedly and how can the truth exist and what is truth if people do not have a mind of their own, because nothing can exist of itself without having meaning and purpose and the truth cannot exist of itself, if people do not have a mind of their own, because the person 

are the one who have to put it into action having the truth within themselves having meaning and purpose and if the truth is not within the person themselves, is meaningless and no world or kingdom can exist without having meaning and purpose, without having a foundation to build on and how can life exist if the whole 

world is being control by evil spirits, because I do not believe the whole world would just condemn themselves and this is not normal and there is no such thing the whole world would just condemn themselves, like that, because no normal person in their right mind would just condemn themselves, like that and is not concern about 

their world is facing problems, and no kingdom are world cannot exist serving a purpose without meaning, because there is no life in darkness and how can they have life with no meaning and live forever and what is life without meaning and nothing evil filled with hate can serve a purpose without meaning and how can 

something mean and ugly and out of control and filled with evil and hate serve a purpose having no meaning and evil has to do with being dumb and not responsible and those dumb mother fu*kers living here in this time thinks they can control the whole world and serve a purpose having pleasure in filth and lust and corruption 

and temptation having pleasure in filth and how can the truth exist if those corrupt bastards think they can control the whole world with lust and corruption and temptation, like if they are their own gods and are responsible for this life being here and how can the truth exist, if people do not have a mind of their own and are 

being control by devils and how can a righteous God exist if they are controlling the whole world with evil and lust and corruption and temptation having pleasure in filth and those unrighteous dumb mother fu*kers thinks they can serve a purpose having pleasure in filth controlling the world, is just sick and why would the world 

just condemn themselves for the sake of sick evil and why is the whole world being inhabitant and control by demons having no meaning to them and there is only one thing those nasty fuckers have in mind, is having pleasure in filth and every one of those nasty mother fu*kers here thinks the same way having a dirty corrupt mind 

and how can people set their mind and heart on being righteous if they are being control by evil and they are controlling this whole world to think just like themselves, lying and stealing and cheating and killing and corrupt and out of control and every one of them have the same fu*ked up perverse mind and the 

whole world is living here like pigs in a pen and mankind came here into existence to serve a purpose to do either, good are evil and this is why the whole world do not care nor gives a damn, having no respect are meaning and thinks just like them, a no good looser with a perverse corrupt double mind and if nothing is here in this 

world to do good, then what purpose are the world here for, and the world do not have a mind of their own and do not give a damn and thinks dirty just like those dumb worthless fools having a corrupt mind and if the world had a mind of their own, they would not just condemn themselves for a worthless piece of shit having 

no meaning to it, and they do not have a brain to know they are dumb having no meaning and are a dumb stupid whore and are just sick twisted shit in a body, just because it looks human and no human in their right mind would do sick sh*t like that to people and how can people live in a world with crazy sh*t because it looks 

human and I have been watching those imposters living here in this time and there is something about them here and it is something going on here not right and from the way and how they have been living here in this time, and how they are thinking in their mind and character says a lot about a person are someone body language 

and how they think and what I have seen so far and the way they are living here in this time and there is something going on with their behavior, every one of them here and what is going on with their behavior and body language, is how their mind thinks, and they are in no position and would have no business acting with great 

authority judging and controlling this earth, if they are not the head one in charge and they are acting here as their own god with authority and the way and how they are judging and controlling this earth here, knowing they are wicked themselves with a corrupt mind and out of control and in their action like if they are their own 

gods representing themselves as God, demons personating as god as the head one in charge acting with great authority, controlling and judging this earth and if they are here to control and judge this earth for an evil purpose, how can the truth exist and these demons would have no such authority are business to do this themselves, if 

they are not the head one in charge, not unless this was coming from God himself, and using this earth for filthy pleasure and the people they are using here is already destroyed and do not have a mind of their own and they have done terrible evil shit to people here in this time are a secret among themselves here thinking no one else 

doesn't know what is happening here in this time, was written and they are living here in different parts of this whole earth and are using people and children and their bodies here for filthy pleasure, like if they are a fagget pip, running a prostitution, and this is supposed to be a secret, the dirt and sh*t they did here to 

people here in this time and themselves, were written in history and no one is supposed to know what they did here in this time involves people and nations and themselves here and they are the real murderers and perpetrators working from behind the scenes manipulating the whole world and themselves here in this time 

and the whole world is being control by demons and they are the ones working from behind the scenes controlling and manipulating the whole world using their powers and demons and spells and curses and occult and witchcraft and lust and temptation and life simple pleasures and manipulation to control the world and 

they sit right there with a straight face like the stupid they are, and they are damn sure know what they are doing here in this time and neither one of the bastards ain't shit and are the ones you see and hear in the media and television and social media and public controlling and manipulating the whole world using their powers 

and charms and social media and temptation and lust and alcohol and drugs and leisure and commercials and beauty ads and wealth and power to tempt the world, knowing the whole nations are cursed because of sin and evil spirits are controlling people here in this time using their bodies for cargos to destroy and kill and steal 

and commit murder and neither one of those sick bastards aren't shit and every one of those sick twisted bastards need to be burned on a cross and sent back to hell, because it is crazy dangerous out of control sick sh*t here on this earth like that, just because the sh*t looks like people and anyone know this is some sick sh*t and 

people should already be on into this mess what is happening here in this time and the whole world is in a state of emergency being destroyed and people are being controlled and seduce by demons on social media from around the world tempting them and I find this hard to believe and anyone know this is crazy sh*t and something this serious concerning the whole world the public should be aware of this.

The whole world is facing the same enemy and meet the real ugly enemies and they are living here in this time in different parts of this whole earth working together deceiving the nations to destroy themselves and ancient civilization written in biblical history late centuries ago in ancient times and no one in this time for many 

years was aware of this ancient discovery written about mankind and the pass, present and future and ancient biblical prophecies of the bible and the commandments of God and travel back in time to ancient civilization and discover a whole new journal of the ancient world and ancient knowledge of the bible and 

explore the fascinating world of ancient history, where timeless relics and echoes of the past reveal the stories of civilizations long gone. Uncover the mysteries and truth and marvel at the achievements of our ancestors and explore the fascinating world of ancient history, uncovering the mysteries and marvels of civilizations long 

gone. From monumental architecture to everyday artifacts, journal into the stories that shaped our past and continue to influence our present and the world of ancient history, uncovering the stories, artifacts, and cultures that have shaped our world. 

Journal into the mysteries of civilizations long gone and learn about their enduring legacies and discover the ancient past. 

The biggest scandal and cover up in history no one have ever seen before in history and no one in this time for many years was aware of this scandal and cover up by the government and church leaders and their organization from around the globe and for many years no one in this time was aware of this ancient discovery written 

about people in this time and the pass and future and the commandments of God and people were lied to all this time about the real truth having no idea what were written about them here in this time, is coming to pass here and people of different nations from around the world will die here because of it and the real gospel were 

written based on prophecies, written about people from the past and present and future and people were manipulated to believe and think they were told the truth with the real gospel and were deceive with false doctrine and the reason the whole world is in the shape it is today is because it is coming from the dead evil rotten 

inside of celestial species and terrestrials from the spiritual realm living here in this time manipulating the whole world creating problems and confusing and the whole world have been poisoned and manipulated and brainwashed with lies and their minds have been infiltrated and manipulated and brainwashed and demonized and 

hypnotized, using drugs and occult and witchcraft and other form of methods and hypnosis and implants and money is being funded worldwide by the government here in this time to different organization and programs they created to have people brainwashed and control through hypnosis and demons.

For more details and info, please visit my social pages for complete details.

Donald Trump Does Not Have Power Of His Own God Is Using This Murderer And Whoremonger As His Dirty Laundry Man For Temporary 

Based On The Book Of Revelation Prophecy One Man Will Be Given Power To Rule Over All Nations And Tongues As One World Government Here In the Future Were Written Based On The Book Of Revelation Prophecy.

This prophecy has not come to pass yet but is coming and the government and the ones who are chosen already knows about this prophecy will be coming to pass here and are setting this whole thing up here, framing people and themselves here in this time and this information will not be release to the public by the government and is 

kept classified and before this chosen man can receive power here in the future as one world government based on the book of Revelation, half of the world population will die including other government world leaders who were not chosen

and the public does not know what were written according to the real gospel, is coming to pass here and people of different nations from around the world will die here because of it.

The Public Have No Idea The Government Are About To Murder All Half The World Population, Including Other Government World Leaders And Is Prepared To Initiate An Attack On The Nations At Any Time And Have Been Planning This Huge Project For Some Time To Destroy Half The World Population And Other

Government World Leaders For Them To Have Power As One World Government Were Written Based On The Book Of Revelation Prophecy.

For more information based on ancient biblical prophecies written about people in this time and the pass and future and the book of Revelation prophecy, please visit my social pages for complete details.

The Government Is Prepared To Initiate An Attack On The Nations At Any Time And Have Been Planning This For Some Time To Destroy Half The World Population And Other Government World Leaders For Them To Have Power As One World Government Were Written Based On The Book Of Revelation Prophecy,

The Public Have No Idea The Government Are About To Murder All Half The World Population And Government Leaders And Will Be Given Power To Rule Over Every Nations And Tongues As One World Government Were Written Based On The Book Of Revelation Prophecy: Post reading

They come from a long bloodline and are descendants of Satan cursed with his seed, living and working here in communities from around the globe and they are the real monsters and murderers and under dogs and enemies here in this time manipulating the whole world, attacking them here and the world have no idea and 

cannot see how this beast and his descendants here in this time is manipulating their minds here in this time and what they created here, they used to distract the world, to keep people from seeing the truth and they are not here to be your friend and people are being seduced by spirits and doctrine of devils on social 

media nationwide pretending they are there to be the person's best friend and they care about helping people and pretending they are talking to the person about God and the person may not realize and think they are there in their life because they care about them and are their best friend and the person not realizing the devil 

comes in many different disguises and the person not realizing they are there in their life to mean them harm and people do not realize the devil comes in many different disguises, and they are the ones who are setting the nations up here in this time and framing people and themselves here and there are no real churches here 

in this time were sent from God, people are being deceived by seducing spirits in celestial bodies and body terrestrials, pretending they are Christian men and women talking about God and this can be very dangerous, and people may not realize they are in relationships and have born children, with spirits in celestial 

bodies here in this time pretending to be their husbands and wives and boy and girlfriend and a person will have to perceive with caution who they trust here in this time and people you call friends and even co-workers and neighbors and even family and day care providers and government world leaders and church pastors 

and their organization and law enforcements and doctors and lawyers and teachers and nurses just to name a few, because spirits in celestial bodies and terrestrials are living here in this time in different parts of this whole world working and living in communities to deceive the whole world and parents must protect themselves and 

their children and babies here at all causes because based on the book of Revelation prophecy this man child will be born here in the future and will have power to rule over all nations and tongues and will go at battle here in the future with the son of perdition into a place call the Armageddon and the son of perdition and his army 

will be defeated and no one can be trusted because every man is for himself and there are very dangerous people living here in this time being used by evil spirits, wants their life and soul destroyed and the government know the real gospel were discovered here in this time and think they can keep themselves from being 

discovered and already know what is about to go down, the whole world will be effect by it, and they fail to warn the public and they are preparing for this when this hits the show and do they think God would have allow all this to happen just to save their necks and just let the whole world die, and do they think they have a 

secret between them and God, no one doesn't know what is happening here in this time and the future were written and what kind of selfish leaders would just let the whole population die and only cares about having power and wealth and control and saving their own necks and they are being dishonest with these whole nations 

here right now, setting these nations up framing them to execute anyone who is a threat for speaking the truth and they are murdering people here is for nothing cannot change the pass and present and future what was written is based on ancient prophecies written about people in this time and the pass and future, it looks to me 

someone was paying attention and is a witness to the truth written according to the gospel of Christ, and what can these impostors do alone against the truth, if God be for you, who can be against you and this message is to point out to Trump and government leaders and churches from around the globe, and enemies of Christ will 

reap what they sow for the evil they have done to these whole nations and the government are using the power of devils to control these whole nations here right now, along with drugs and lust and wealth and life simple pleasures and witchcraft and occult and people are being control and possessed by evil spirits keeping them 

from receiving the truth, I know they are watching, and this fight is far from over and is a battle for mankind's soul, and stay tuned for the next watchmen11 podcast, see schedule for details and schedule details may change from time to time.

Friday, December 20, 2024

Is Just The Same As An Investigation And This Was How They Judged And Condemned New York's CEO And This Whole World And New York's CEO And This Whole World Was Judged And Condemned By Demons And This Was An Act Of Evil Described In Their Actions And Character And This Was How Donald Trump Was Chosen Over The Others The Second Time, Is Not Only Because He Is This Biggest Lair And Ass Hole, He Is Committed And Good At Keeping Information And Secrets Hidden From Other Demons And The Public And His Action Indicates Along With Other Government World Leaders, They Have Kept And Hidden Personal Information And Secrets Involving People And Demons From Other Demons And The Public And Are The Ones Who Is Setting This Whole Thing Up Here, Framing Other People And Themselves Here

A person are entity's character can tell you so much about the person are entity's character and what is on the inside of their heart and how they think, and a person are entity's character and behavior and action, is like they are their own written diary, and a person are entity's character and action is made up of words and their body language, can describe words about the person are entity's and how they think 

and a person are entity's action can speak louder than words and the words a person are entity's action is speaking can tell you about the person are entity's character and how they think, and a person are entity's action and character can also tell you whether if the person are entity's is telling the truth. And how they judged and condemned this whole world and New York's CEO, is all the same, their demons, 

but which ones and the demons who were involved with this and is involved with this, is keeping this information a secret from other demons and public involving New York's CEO murder and other classified information and documents they have hidden involving the public and other demons and justice need to be served because what gave them the right and authority to judge and condemn this 

world and New York's CEO for the same evil they have committed here on this earth and how can a murderer judge and condemn another murderer and how can a devil judge and condemn another devil, and what gives them the right and authority to judge and condemn this earth, for the same crimes and evil and filth they have committed here and how can a lair condemn and judge another lair just like 

themselves and cannot be trusted and is dishonest, just like the same way how they judged and condemned this whole world and New York's CEO and is only right the perpetrators receive the same judgement back on themselves, and on what grounds and authority do wicked spirits have to judge and condemn people on this earth for the same evil and crimes they have committed knowing they are 

wicked and corrupted themselves and have committed the same crimes and think they have the right to execute judgement on this earth, and what gives them the right to think they can execute judgement on this earth knowing they are wicked and dishonest and have committed the same crimes and the only way a demon are person thinks itself have the right to execute judgement on this earth, they would have 

to be in a position having great power and authority for them to think they can take advantage of this whole world and people and what would a regular and average demon be doing having this kind of higher powers and authority, be allowed to cause the whole earth to corrupt itself and why would a wicked and dishonest demon be trusted having this kind of power and authority to cause the whole 

earth to corrupt itself and how can a ridiculous and dishonest spirits rule a nation, when it is all the same, is corrupted and out of control and on what grounds do they have the right to judge this earth knowing they are the same themselves, corrupted and wicked and this was how Donald Trump was chosen over the others the second time, is not only because he is this biggest lair and ass hole, but 

he is also committed and good at keeping information and secrets hidden from other demons and the public and his action indicates along with other government world leaders, they have kept and hidden private information and secrets from other demons and the public. And how can the truth exist at the same time if this demon, Donald Trump is in position having great power and authority over these 

nations, be allowed to cause this whole earth to corrupt itself, how can justice be served and not only him, but other dishonest world leaders nationwide having power and authority, for them to take advantage of this whole world and execute judgement on these nations and they are the ones who is setting this whole thing up, framing other people and themselves here and what make them think no 

one has the right to execute judgement on them and when they are not the law and is dishonest and the whole world is corrupted and wicked and out of control.   

Donald Trump Does Not Have Power Of His Own God Is Using This Murderer And Whoremonger As His Dirty Laundry Man For Temporary

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Donald Trump Does Not Have Power Of His Own God Is Using This Murderer And Whoremonger As His Dirty Laundry Man For Temporary

Meet the real no-good monsters and murderers and rapes who are leading and attacking these nations and countries and every one of them have shredded tons of innocence blood on these whole nations and states and have a criminal background and bad reputation and are child molesters and whoremongers and murderers and backstabbers and perpetrators and hypocrites and fraudulent and adulteress and lairs 

and serves the devil as their god working as government world leaders and other shit here in this time and they think it is a secret, God is using them temporary, and those two-faced hypocrites are not telling the nations and public why God is using them here temporary leading these nations and God will be using the son of perdition here in the future to punish the nations based on the book of Revelation 

prophecy and God are using these under dogs and criminals here in this time temporary as government world leaders, for now to punish the nations because of their disobedience and have rejected his word, just like their forefathers and wicket government leaders think this is a secret between them 

and God and they are preparing here now for another huge attack on these whole nations here soon, for more details visit page links for complete details. 

They think the world cannot see this and this is why the whole world is having so many problems here and the reason the whole world is in the shape it is today, and as far as the world concern, the whole world will just keep going in circles after circles, not until the world can come to see and understand where the main

problems are coming from the whole world is facing here now and the reason the whole world is in the shape it is today, is because it is coming from the dead evil rotten inside of celestial species and terrestrials from the spiritual rim living here in this time and this is the reason the whole world is in the shape it is today, because it

is coming from what is on the inside of these celestials and terrestrials species living here manipulating the whole world and people, creating problems and confusing, is because, is what the world do not understand about them and how they think and the contagious evil inside of them, it is like a disease, unpure and unholy evil and

their Un controlling evil is like cancer a disease, and their character and behavior, is psychology, psychosis contagious out of control evil, and the reason the whole world is in the shape it is today, angry and mad and confused and out of control and is filled with violence and hate and suffering and starvation and war and diseases

and filled with bitterness and in content with jealousness and rage and hate and depression and sickness and psychology mental illness and murderers and the list just go on, because it is coming from the contagious evil inside of them, celestials and terrestrials species living here in this time manipulating people and the whole

world creating, drama and social unrest in the whole world, creating confusing and madness and social unrest and rage and violence and suffering and pain and sickness and the list just go on and the whole world do not understand, the whole world have been poisoned and manipulated and brainwashed with lies, because

what they do not understand and there is an old saying, keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer and now the time have come to know who the real enemies are living here in this time among us, wolves hiding in sheep's clothing, and they are the real monsters and church and government world leaders and

people you trust and call friends and doctors and lawyers and neighbors and law enforcements and militaries and care takers and nurses and public figures and husbands and wives and sons and daughters and the list just go on, who is manipulating this whole world creating social unrest and drama and confusing and

madness and violence and rage and anger and pain and suffering and hate, and they are here for a purpose, is to manipulate the whole world, to destroy itself and their existence and like it is said, do not judge a book by its cover and the world cannot see they are here for a purpose to manipulate the whole world, creating this you see,

confusing and conflict and social unrest and hate and violence and a person cannot judge a book by its cover, because the devil comes in many different disguises, personating himself, pretending to be the person's boy are girlfriend are best friend are husband and wife or co-worker and neighbors and friends are any one, just to

name a few and this may be hard for some people to understand this right now, is because people were never told the real truth with the real gospel what purpose they are here for, and their minds have been infiltrated and manipulated and brainwashed and demonized and hypnotized, using drugs and other form of

methods and hypnosis and implants and money is being funded worldwide by the government here in this time to different organization and programs they created to have people brainwashed and control through hypnosis and demons and people have no idea the purpose for these different programs and groups and drugs and

social media and 5 G cell phones and lust and money and TV game shows and vacations and occult and witchcraft books and jewelries and clothes and music and games and movies and leisure and pagan holidays and beer and alcohol and lotteries and cigarettes and cocaine and marijuana and dangerous drugs and

medication and poison chemical toxic foods and drinking supplies and the list just goes on, they created here, is to brainwash and destroy their minds and their existence and the purpose of this post were not written, based on my opinion and what I have seen here in the world, but was to testify of the truth what was written

in the real gospel about the pass, present and future and God's law and they are the real monsters and murderers and under dogs and enemies here in this time manipulating the whole world, attacking them here and the world have no idea and cannot see how this beast and his descendants here in this time is manipulating

their minds here in this time and what they created here, they used to distract the world, to keep people from seeing the truth and the gospel were not written based on a person's opinion because what a person believe are don't believe in their mind, will not change what was written in the real gospel and people did not come here

into this world because it was their choice how they choose to live here without God laws, people were manipulated to believe and think they were told the truth with the real gospel and were deceived with false doctrine and people think they are living here in this world because it is their choice how they choose to live here and

people will have to be the one who want to realize the truth now and walk through the door, whether if a person believes this is the truth or not, will not change what was written in the real gospel and coming to pass and the gospel were not written based on a person opinion and what the person thinks are believe and people do not

understand the real gospel were not written based no one's opinion, whether a person believes this is the truth or not, will not change what was written and coming to pass here and sometimes people will have to experience bad things in their life before they can see and understand the truth and some people may have a

hard time excepting the truth and this may be hard for some people and may not be easy for some people and no one is alone in this and every person living here on this earth will have to come to realize the truth sooner are later including myself, even if it hurts a person and whether if a person wants to realize the truth are not will not

change what was written and coming here to pass and sometimes the worse has to happen for a person's own good before they can see the truth and what people do not understand this is about their life and soul and their existence and there are very dangerous people living here in this time being used by evil spirits, wants their

life and soul destroyed and they are not here to be your friend and people are being seduced by spirits and doctrine of devils on social media nationwide pretending they are there to be the person's best friend and they care about helping people and pretending they are talking to the person about God and the person may not realize

and think they are there in their life because they care about them and are their best friend and the person not realizing the devil comes in many different disguises and the person not realizing they are there in their life to mean them harm and people do not realize the devil comes in many different disguises and the real gospel were

written about people in this time and the pass and future and the commandments of God and there are no real church pastors here in this time were send from God, people are being deceived by seducing spirits in celestial bodies and body terrestrials, pretending they are Christian men and women talking about God, here

to destroy the nations and this can be very dangerous and people may not realize they are in relationships and have born children, with spirits in celestial bodies here in this time pretending to be their husbands and wives and boy and girlfriend and a person will have to perceive with caution who they trust here in this time and

people you call friends and even co-workers and neighbors and even family and day care providers and government world leaders and church pastors and their organization and law enforcements and doctors and lawyers and teachers and nurses just to name a few, because spirits in celestial bodies and terrestrials are

living here in this time in different parts of this whole world working and living in communities to deceive the whole world and parents must protect themselves and their children and babies here at all causes because based on the book of Revelation prophecy this man child will be born here in the future and will power to rule over

all nations and tongues and will go at battle here in the future with the son of perdition into a place call the Armageddon and the son of perdition and his army will be defeated, and no one can be trusted because every man is for himself.

The Government Is Prepared To Initiate An Attack On The Nations At Any Time And Have Been Planning This For Some Time To Destroy Half The World Population And Other Government World Leaders For Them To Have Power As One World Government Were Written Based On The Book Of Revelation Prophecy,

Friday, December 6, 2024

Donald Trump And Joe Biden, Their Stinky Ass Are Fake Ignorant World Leaders And Impostor's!

If they don't know the reason for this message and where it is coming from, this message is to bring before their attention and the world, they are fake impostors playing world leaders and demons in celestial bodies and they are here to destroy these whole nations, and it is a reason I am a witness and know the truth about

them and their pass and what their plans are here in this time and the future, and I will fulfill that purpose and mission, what they did not want the world to see, and I will show the whole world what they did not want the world to see and play time is over, Donald Trump and every government world leaders and every church pastors

and their organization are demons in celestial bodies, here to destroy these nations, and I do not give a damn what they are stupid demons, I challenge those mother fuckers, to show yourself and stop pretending this is a game and what the fuck are they here for, they know they are not here to serve and protect these nations, I know

all about them and their descendants here in this time and what they did here in the pass and the coming future, it is all been documented and written in posts and audios, what their plans are here, they just think the rest of the world is stupid and do not know shit and they know this is not a game, they are dangerous demons

pretending they are world leaders and the reason for this message is to bring before their ugly faces, this is for real and I know who they are and what was written, stupid demons in celestial bodies playing world leaders, there is no need they pretending this is not for real, and this message is to witness before their ugly faces,

stop playing fucking world leaders and they act like this shit is a game and I am tired of this shit and their games here and they know the nations are not living here as a nation and there are dangerous spirits living here in people and the whole world, attacking these whole nations and government world are being used by

demons, protecting their descendants here in this time, known as aliens in celestial bodies and people have already seen many of those ugly mother fuckers here playing the dead and ghosts from the other side and I am here to warn the nation, and the whole nations are in great danger and will be destroyed by these dogs and

their evil alien descendants here in this time playing world leaders and law enforcements and militaries and Nasa and house republican and democracies and husbands and wives and neighbors and friends and nurses and doctors and care takers and public figures and many more and the world can trust no one here in

this time, because demons are using them here to destroy the world, and this fight is not about just power and control, it is about destroying the whole world and human mankind existence, and they already know what this is about and think they

can play games with the world, and no one can be trusted, and this shit here and their kind is coming to an end.

Moment From The Truth The World Have Been Waiting For And Who The Real Perpetrators Are And Have Been Staring The Devil Right In The Face All This Time, Starting With This Fake Ignorant Impostor, Donald Trump And Joe Biden!

What is it they do not want to admit about themselves and are afraid of and think no one have them figure out and their damn character and what this really is about and there is something going on deep down inside of those creatures head and their character because this is where the real answer resides inside of them and the truth what this really is about, and they are here for a reason having a large

population and what is it they are afraid to admit and don't want the world and people to know and they know if people have them figure out will know real the truth what purpose everything is really here for and their fucken character and behavior tells you they are hiding something every one of them here and this comes down to the truth and will tell you something about their character and they might as 

well come out and say it and admit the truth, is this really about the truth are is this about mother fucking sleazy ignorant creatures and what in the hell creatures in celestial bodies want with people bodies and mating with people and what in the world a damn ignorant beast would be doing interested mating with people for and abusing people at the same time and what in is right mind and evil would 

abuse people and involve itself with people sexually, would have the character of a wild animal and evil beast and their fucken character tells you so much about them, that they are ignorant out of control evil creatures and no evil spirit can pretend itself is righteous and corrupted at the same time and is their sick ignorant character is telling you about themselves and is this why they are still manipulating this 

whole world for so damn long with the same problems keep repeating itself over and over again, something they have been doing for some time and in the pass and why would they still be manipulating the whole world this long believing lies for the truth, if the truth is supposed to exist and then condemning and judging the world at the same time and there is something about their lies and 

why do they have to work so hard just to cover this up from the public, manipulating and lying using fake church leaders and governments and laws, if the truth supposed to exist, is it perhaps because the world is not supposed to know the real truth and is this what those lying ignorant mother fuckers are afraid to admit, is it perhaps because is not about the truth, then what the fuck does it has to do with 

then, you tell me and what these lies are really all about and if people did not come here into this world to sin, then what the fuck is this, you tell me, and they cannot blame and threaten people and the world playing their blame games framing the world because of their ignorant violent out of control behavior they created themselves and what purpose did people come here into the world for and have 

been living here in sin for so long and generation and the whole world is corrupted and out of control, if they are not supposed to know the truth and think people cannot get the picture and who and what is it they really do not want people to know and are afraid to admit and why can't they just come out and tell people the truth and if people did not come here into this world to know the truth, then what purpose 

are people here for living with dangerous demons in their body, attacking people and abusing people using them to commit crimes and violence and demons are doing the fuck they want with people bodies involving themselves with people sexually mating with them and there is no excuse for shit like this and the reason the whole world is living here corrupted and ignorant and fucked up, is 

because of them and what in its right mind would lie to people like that and creating this shit, no wonder this whole world is screwed and fucked up and I'm sure those ignorant mother fuckers already knows that, the world cannot exist here with evil and shit come from them they create and this is why the whole world is so fucking cold and isolated and dead and is filled with evil and hate and 

violence, is because of their sick ignorance and evil and think they can cover themselves up hiding behind a mask and are just a bunch of fake ignorant pretenders and phonies who think they can justify themselves as innocence, playing saints and Christians and government leaders and every one of them are nasty out of control mother fuckers who represents ignorance and ignorance is their name, and 

I have never seen anything this crazy like this before and how can something that ignorant and stupid exist among themselves being ignorant and so much for people, but how can they exist among them stupid selves because of their evil and will be destroyed eventually because of their own evil and ignorance and talks violent and likes to hurt people for the hell of it and how can something that 

ignorant and evil continue existing among themselves when it is evil, being unpure and corrupted and will be destroyed eventually and they are the ones who is manipulating the whole world with their stupid shit and evil, but yet they are the perpetrators, who likes to talk running their big mouths about people being destroyed and they do not seem to get the picture, the reason the whole world is so 

corrupted and is out of control in the first place is because of their wicket shit here is coming from the lies they created along with their corruption and evil sick shit they created here and this is why the whole world seem like it is dead with no life here in it, and when they are the ones encouraging people to corrupted themselves, but yet they think they have the right to judge and condemn and frame and 

accuse this whole world because of the evil shit they created and why are they pretending they are living here as a nation like normal citizens knowing they are ignorant and dangerous out of control perverts, who likes molesting people and children and how could people live in a world with cruel shit like that, raping and beating on people and murdering them in cold blood and their action indicates the 

truth does not exist and if the world was aware of themselves and in their right mind, they would want nothing to do with them here either and why in the world would people be living here with dangerous spirits, raping and attacking and murdering people here and how can people are supposed to know the truth and what was written in the bible are supposed to be the truth, if they are manipulating 

the whole world keeping secrets from the public knowing the whole world is living here in sin and is corrupted and out of control and is fill with violence and how can people are supposed to know the truth they are living here in sin without the truth and people don't know they are being manipulated and were  brainwash to believe a false delusion in their mind, anybody knows this mess here does not make 

any sense and there is no excuse for shit and cruelty like this and how in the hell can people supposed to know they are living here in sin without the truth and who are these ignorant fuckers think they are here, think they can do what they want with people bodies having no respect and if they can judge and condemn and accuse this world for the same crimes and evil they have done here, then on what 

grounds are people being punish for, if they can justify themselves and their own stinky dog vomit is innocence and how can the truth exist if this kind of dangerous sick behavior are being tolerated here on the earth and this is why no kingdom will stand are exist because of it, and so much for people being destroyed, which includes their ass, as well will eventually be destroyed sooner are later because 

of their ignorance and evil and how can something that ignorant and stupid exist and how can they judge and condemn the world, if they are fucking ignorant themselves and corrupted and a dog and wild animal have no problem with their own vomit and stink and corruption and a person can see how they manipulates and brainwash this world using occult and the media and public tempting the world 

with lust having no shame are respect, making people think man can live by bread alone having the world and what in is right fucking mind encourage people to corrupt themselves and men being with men in relationships with the same sex and women with women and men and women changing their natural form into another sex agenda and people are in relationships shacking up not legally 

married, is wicket shit and on what grounds do they have the right to accuse and condemn and judge this world, like if they are their own God judging this world knowing they are wicket and corrupted and perverse with a double mind having no meaning to them and is out of control and how can something sick judge and condemn the world and lead a nation.                                   

Sunday, December 1, 2024

All Eyes Must Watch What They Didn't Want The World To See HD Movie

The Public Have No Idea The Government Are About To Murder All Half The World Population And Government Leaders And Will Be Given Power To Rule Over Every Nations And Tongues As One World Government Were Written Based On The Book Of Revelation Prophecy 

All Eyes Must Watch What They Didn't Want The World To See HD Movie, where to watch!

This prophecy has not come to pass yet, but is coming and the government and the ones who are chosen already know one man will be given power to rule over these entire nations and tongues here in the future as one world government, were written based on the book of Revelation prophecy and they are setting the stage up 

here right now preparing for the coming of the son of perdition who will be given power as one world government based on the book of Revelation prophecy and before they can receive power as one world government, all half the world population and government leaders, who is not chosen will be destroyed, and 

Donald Trump could be the one who is going into perdition based on the book of Revelation prophecy and think they can murder people to get what they want, power and control. 

Donald Trump and Joe Biden and names of other government world leaders, the president of the United Nations is being confronted for blackmail and murder and bribery and fraud and scandal and treason and other names of list crimes they have hidden from the public and media, please visit page links for complete details   

Will broadcast live on the air host by the watchmen11 podcast see below for more details.

The Public Have No Idea The Government Are About To Murder All Half The World Population And Government Leaders And Will Be Given Power To Rule Over Every Nations And Tongues As One World Government Were Written Based On The Book Of Revelation Prophecy 

November 30-2024 at 12:30 am 

November 30-2024 at 9:30 pm

The Public Have No Idea The Government Are About To Murder All Half The World Population And Government Leaders And Will Be Given Power To Rule Over Every Nations And Tongues As One World Government Were Written Based On The Book Of Revelation Prophecy: Post reading 

The Government Is Prepared To Initiate An Attack On The Nations At Any Time And Have Been Planning This For Some Time To Destroy Half The World Population And Other Government World Leaders For Them To Have Power As One World Government Were Written Based On The Book Of Revelation Prophecy,